True Martial World

Chapter 454: magic weapon

Chapter 654 Chapter Magic

After killing this ancient wild animal, Yi Yun saw a shining point in the swaying light rain.

That is another fallen ancient relic!

In the secret of the female emperor, there are only these powerful wild animals, and the energy core in the body is this ancient relic, which contains enormous energy.

Yi Yun's figure flashed, the body shuttled through the air, and the ancient relic was caught in his hand.

Of course, he will not let go of such benefits.


When people saw it, they all saw Yi Yun taking the storm to get something.

"What about treasures?"

People are amazed, is this treasure fallen from the ancient wild animals? They had not found this before.

"what exactly is it?"

Looking at Yi Yun's hand on the ring, the thing disappeared, and people's hearts were full of curiosity.

The treasures of the female emperor’s secrets must not be of a small value, and these people are all aware of it and have never discovered it at first.

"This ancient wild animal was killed, and treasures fell out. Before that, the wild beast should have treasures, and it must have been taken away by Yi Yun."

People think of it. When the first ancient wild beast was killed, Yi Yun did fly out of a few dozen feet. At that time, they still didn't know what Yi Yun had done.

Now they know that two treasures have been obtained by Yi Yun.

When I think of it, these people are embarrassed and helpless.

Although in the heart of the treasures, but in front of Yi Yun, where they dare to show, a terrible guy who can kill two ancient wild animals in a row, no matter what means he used, they are not able to deal with it.

Many people look at Yi Yun's eyes and have already had a bit of fear.

At this time, above the sky, a shrine pierced the storm and shone on Yi Yun.

This light, condensed in Yi Yun's arm, formed a purple line, it is a stamp of the emperor!

"The imprint of the emperor, got it again!"

Seeing the lines appearing on Yi Yun's arm, people don't know what it is.

Fortunately, this time, Yi Yun’s arm is marked with only one seal. If there are thirty-six more, I am afraid that there will be many young Junjies who will be attacked to give up the trial of the female emperor.

"It’s only a stamp of the emperor. It seems that the secrets of the female emperor are very strict. Otherwise, as long as we find the weakness of this ancient wild animal and kill enough ancient wild animals, the energy source will continue to receive the imprint of the emperor. Come, trials have lost meaning."

Yi Yun guessed that the female emperor examined all aspects of the trials.

Finding enemy weaknesses alone is only a test of the insight and judgment of the tester. It is only a test and will not give too many rewards.

Now, Yi Yun has already had thirty-seven imprints of the emperor. He is among the ranks and suddenly becomes a transcendental existence.

When many people look at Yiyun, their faces are not very good. Just two hours before, these people are still discussing **** Yi Yun to receive the reward, but now they have to pray not to fall in the hands of Yi Yun.

"This metamorphosis..." The imperial prince with his pockets bit his teeth and voiced the leopard woman. "Don't you say that he is a ridiculous apprentice, and it is still from the land of Dongyi. How strong is it?"

The imperial beast found that not only is the strength better than Yiyun, but the chances obtained here are more than Yiyun. Finally, Yiyun is only a martial art. In the field of absurdity, Yiyun is equally talented.

People are more masculine than people.

The leopard woman shook her head and didn't want to pay attention to Yi Yun anymore. The more she paid attention to Yi Yun, the more she was hit.

"Gongsun Hong, this scum, don't let him fall into my hands!"

The leopard said, she transferred the hatred to Gong Sunhong. Just now Gongsun Hong originally cited the ancient wild beast to attack Yiyun. The result was that Yi Yun cut off the flame whip, and Gongsun Hong changed direction. The leopard woman was smashed and pond fish. It is.

If Lin Xiaodie was also rolled in, Yi Yun was afraid that she would not shoot so quickly, then she was in danger.

Looking around, Gong Sunhong seems to have evaporated from the human world. Since he has used illusion to hide, he has no plans to come out again. In fact, Gong Sunhong has no face.

He was smashed by the ancient wild animals, and used the secret method and the despicable means of the disaster to escape. As a result, such a powerful wild animal was easily killed by Yi Yun.

With the pride of Gong Sunhong, how can I accept it?


"Yi Yunxiao younger brother, thank you!"

When the team began to move forward, Lin Xiaodie said to Yi Yun.

Yi Yun took a step and looked at Lin Xiaodie. He said faintly: "If I don't shoot, you should be able to avoid the pursuit of the ancient wild beast."

"Can be, but it is very troublesome." Lin Xiaodie licked his long hair and chuckled: "Maybe it will force me to use some secret methods, then it will not be worth the loss."

After the ancient wilderness storm, people became interested in killing the wild animals and taking the imprint of the Emperor.

They killed and killed the wild beasts, but the killings were only low-lying wild beasts, and Yi Yun shot a super wild animal with an arrow. This gap is really frustrating.

The storm whispers, people concentrate on dealing with the wild beasts in the storm. Under normal circumstances, they can dodge and dodge, they can't do it, only to kill.

In this way, everyone went for an hour.

The storm became smaller and smaller, and people looked up. Not far away, the huge tower of the towering tower, like the black Optimus Prime, was straight into the sky, and its large tower base occupied almost the entire horizon.

A ruined world full of storms, in the middle of it, stands like such a huge tower of gods. These scenes are really shocking.

At this time, people also saw that there are many faint silk lines around the tower of the gods, such as the spider silk, radiating in all directions, hidden in the storm.

When you see these scenes, people are taking a breath.

They found that the countless silk thread is actually a trestle!

And the trestle they came over was a few insignificant in countless trestles.

Perhaps, each trestle is connected to a space entrance, and even these space entrances have corresponding trials.

When I think of it, people are amazed at the vastness of the female emperor.

In front of this ancient emperor, they are too small.

"This tower of descending gods may be the magic weapon used by the ancient female emperor during his lifetime."

Lin Fengyue looked at the tower of the gods and suddenly said that when people listened, they all saw it in their hearts.

magic weapon?

Such a huge and magnificent tower of God will be the magic weapon of the ancient emperor?

This sounds incredible, but if you think about it, it is really possible!

... (to be continued.)

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