True Martial World

Chapter 455: Enemy encounter

As people get closer to the tower of the gods, people can clearly feel that there is a strong momentum in the tower of the gods.

And as people are shrouded in this momentum, the terrible storm in this world has become weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

Before actually going to the tower of the gods, people looked up and saw that the top of the tower was like a pointed cone, piercing the black sky.

Seeing such a scene, people inexplicably felt a repressed atmosphere. It seems that this tower of gods exudes a magical character that makes people feel scared.

"The ancient female emperor, what kind of person is it..."

Yi Yun picked up his eyes and as he explored the secrets of the female emperor, he became more and more aware of the terribleness of the ancient female emperor.

Such a mysterious environment, such a grand layout, should have gone far beyond the strength of the people of Shen Tu's ancestors.

Shen Tu's ancestors and Lin Jiatai's elders were not worth mentioning in front of the ancient female emperor.

Such a character, the story left in history is extremely limited, people only know that she is a natural yin, and later continued to become a peerless emperor, the strength is unfathomable.

As for what she did in her life, it is the evil. Her final destination is whether she is dead, or murdered, or smashing the void and going to another world. All this is unclear.

The ancient female emperor is full of mystery and unknown.

Perhaps, in this tower of the gods, can you first glimpse the secret of this female emperor?

With such a feeling, Yi Yun walked down the long trestle and came to the small square in front of the tower.

This is a square made of black stone, set on the square, Yi Yun faintly has a feeling of boiling blood.

He subconsciously looked at Lin Fengyue and Lin Xiaodie and found that the two were also slightly different in expression, and obviously they also had the same feelings.

Yi Yun looked at the ground, and the black stone on the square was a stone that Yi Yun did not recognize. Even after a long period of time, the surface of the stone did not leave any traces of time.

The floor tiles are black and inky, with a dark red mysterious pattern. This pattern looks like a blood pattern solidified in the floor tiles.

Maybe it is really the blood of a certain creature.

Yi Yun feels that his feeling of boiling blood may come from these stones. These mysterious blood lines have caused resonance in his body.

"somebody is coming."

Lin Fengyue suddenly opened his mouth and Yi Yun’s heart moved. At this moment, he also felt some strong breath.

He looked up and saw that there were about eleven people who came out of the storm.

These people are obviously older, and they are all aged between 27 and 30.

And walking in front of everyone, is a person familiar with Yi Yun Shen Tu Nantian.

Yi Yun looked at Shen Tu Nantian, Shen Tu Nan Tian also looked at Yi Yun. After he saw Yi Yun, he was surprised and wrong. Then his face was gloomy and his eyes also contained murder.

"you are still alive?"

Shen Tu Nantian’s voice was cold, and his eyes passed over Yi Yun, and he was behind Yi Yun, where the teenager from the Shen Tu family was ugly.

Originally, Shen Tu Nantian handed him the task of killing Yi Yun. As a result, Yi Yun appeared well before the tower of the gods.


Shen Tu Nan Tian teeth squeezed these two words, the children of the Shen Tu family behind Yi Yun, his face bitter, he felt that he was not Yi Yun's opponent.

He is only a voice of Nono: "The son, we are all cheated by this kid, his real strength is terrible, but here he plays pigs and eats tigers, at that time..."

The youngster of the Shentu family, who originally expressed the performance of Yi Yun, added it to Shen Tiannan, and emphasized the fact that the ancient wild beast that almost killed Gongsun Hong was shot by Yi Yun.

However, after he said all this, Shen Tu Nan Tian just sneered: "You are a waste, but you do not believe, that Gong Sunhong is also an idiot!"


The teenager of the Shentu family stunned and did not know what it meant by Shen Tu Nantian.

At this time, Shen Tu Nantian had ignored the boy. He looked at Yi Yun and said: "You took the mark of thirty-seven emperors?"

The words of Shen Tu Nantian attracted everyone's attention. At this time, they just passed the previous trials and naturally knew the value of the Emperor's imprint. They also knew how exaggerated the concept of the thirty-seven emperors' imprints.


People are all a glimpse, and they are looking at Yi Yun with horror. He got the mark of thirty-seven emperors? Is it possible?

"You use the energy eye to find the weakness of the ancient wild beast, and then you will kill it! It looks easy. In fact, the angle and intensity of the attack are extremely particular. It is not how strong your strength is, but your ability is just right for The first test is over."

"It’s ridiculous that some idiots think that according to the gourd painting, they can attack the weakness of the ancient wild animal. As a result, they have suffered a big loss. If they don’t die, they are gone."

Shen Tu Nantian said that he turned to look at somewhere in the void, and said with a mocking tone: "Gongsun Hong, don't hide, come out!"

With the strength of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​Gong Sunhong’s illusion, how can he get his eyes?

There was a wave of volatility in the void. After listening to the words of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​Gong Sunhong only felt that the blood was pouring up and he was very upset.

His identity was turned into an idiot in public, but he could not refute it.

Energy eye? What it is?

Gong Sunhong did not know Yi Yun’s energy vision, but Shen Tu Nan Tian’s memory was too deep. He was planted in Yi Yun’s ability. Therefore, when the Shentu family said that Yi Yun passed the test, Shen Tu Nan Tian directly I thought of the energy vision of Yi Yun.

"Do you think that you can still have the opportunity to pass your energy eye through the trials in the back? You passed the first trial, so I can kill you personally!"

Shen Tu Nan Tianyin said, Yi Yun slightly frowning, there is such a wolf staring at himself behind, this feeling is of course uncomfortable.

On the beginning and end of Yi Yun’s first trial, Shen Tu Nan Tian completely guessed the reason. Relative to Gong Sunhong, Shen Tu Nan Tian is an enemy who knows himself very well, and the key is that Shen Tu Nan Tian Xiu is too high, Yi Yun Nothing can be the opponent of Shen Tu Nantian.

The gap between the two is enormous. This gap also makes Yi Yun must be vigilant at all times. Once Shen Tiannan seizes the opportunity, he will never be able to recover.

At this moment, Yi Yun felt a move in his heart and turned his head to look far away. He saw a white girl in the storm and walked slowly toward the square.

The storm that can tear the rocks, for this white girl, just boasted her clothes and long hair, her movements are like flowing water, easy to write.

The girl fell on the Blackrock Square and was not dusty.

Lin Xinyi!

Yi Yun mouth corner slightly curved a curve, will smile, at this time to see Lin Xinyi, let him have a feeling of inexplicable feelings.

... (to be continued.)

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