True Martial World

Chapter 472: Kunpeng

"Is this a wild animal? A wild animal that does not cross the sea?"

People are very surprised when they look at each other. It is very mysterious for people not to cross the sea. The great emperor can't go deep into it. There is nothing in the depths of the sea. No one knows.

What is the level of the giant Kunpeng that people are now in front of, is it too ancient and true?

People can't tell, in their knowledge, the ancient and the true spirits are already the highest level of wild animals, and there is still no more, they don't know.

Just after the appearance of this Peng Peng, on the sky, suddenly crossed a light, this light, opened the space.

A black armor, armed with a bronzed ancient spear, rushed out of the crack in space.

Strong murderousness, formed a boulevard in the sky, this black armor, riding a black horse, the horses are blood red, the four hooves are entwined with thunder and flames, like the legendary nightmare.

The war horse grows up, stepping on the murderous avenue, rushing through the volley, the black armor, a spear in his hand, rushing toward Peng Peng.

This is a battle!

When people saw this scene, they were all shaken. A black armor warrior, a spear and a horse, fighting this unknown ancient monster?

Although the black knight is burly, the spear is also the eight-pointed spear. However, for the giant beast of the body, it is like a burr.

How can I hurt Peng Peng with such a weapon?

People just had this idea, the black armored soldier shot, he rode the horse, the faster the faster, he is like a meteor, rushing to the back of Kuangpeng.

The spear in his hand suddenly stabbed, just a spear, piercing the void, strong qi, so that the sea bream did not cross the sea, the sea was sunken, forming a canyon of the ocean, this blow will separate the sea. !

The huge Kun Peng, which was originally lurking in the sea, also showed its true body.


The spear of the black armor pierced the body of Kuangpeng. At that moment, the heavens and the earth lost their voices. On the back of Kuangpeng, there was a huge blood hole. A **** arrow was like a volcano erupting, and the blood was directly shining into the clouds!

Many of the people present, when they saw this scene, they felt that the hair of the whole body was uncontrollably erected, and a strong sense of life and death came into being.

That spear is obviously a thorn to Kun Peng, but everyone feels that it is stabbing themselves.

Can't hide, even the body is locked by the air machine, and the movement can't move! The blood flow and heartbeat in their bodies are affected by this horrible attack.

Everything in the eye disappeared, leaving only the spear attacking trajectory that runs through the heavens and the earth, like a black lightning, all over the sky, making people feel as if they are in the thunder and can't breathe.

The sea surface, which has been dyed into a scarlet by the blood of Kun Peng, looks shocking.


The leopard snorted and stepped back a few steps. This retreat, she suddenly got out of the immersive feeling.

Her face was pale and her body was still shaking slightly involuntarily.

The black armor does not know what level it is. He should not be the great emperor, or that he is far from being comparable to the Emperor of Shen Tu.

Being able to watch this level of battle is of great help to them in understanding martial arts. This is indeed a big chance.

However, the rules and moods contained in this move are too strong. They are still weak in their strengths. In fact, they do not see any mystery. Now, even if they are only the film of the market, they can still make them unbearable.

After the leopard woman, many other people, who were sweating, retreated.

Among them, Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​Shen Tu Nantian to bear this kind of pressure, it is easier, but he did not understand much.

This level of combat is beyond his realm.

"Awful people, terrible wild animals, what identity and existence are they?"

The black armor warrior is obviously not an ancient female emperor. Why did he leave a shadow in the secret of the female emperor?

According to the records of the classics, there are very few great peers in the history of Tianyuan, and there is at most one in the same era. Most of the time in history, there is no peerless emperor.

So... what level is the black armor? Is he still not enough to be the title of the Great Emperor?

"A terrible person, a terrible blow, not to mention the black armor, even if it is his horse, we are far from an opponent."

In the eyes of Shen Tu Nantian, there is still a shock that has just been stagnant.

Not to mention that these juniors, even the elders of the family, will be shocked when they look at such attacks!

If you can get a star and a half from this sword, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds!

However... it seems too difficult.

In the picture just now, Shen Tu Nan Tian only saw the shock, and the others did not see much.

"Well? Lin Xinyu..."

Shen Tu Nantian looked at Lin Xinyi. She was white and wins snow. It seems that she is still immersed in the projection of the array. Her hand clenched the hilt and her body was tight.

After the two interest rates, Lin Xinyi had to close her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes shone with wisdom and a thoughtful look.

It seems that she has already realized it.

"This woman..." Shen Tu Nan Tian brows slightly, with this kind of enchanting, he has a sense of urgency all the time, he does not know, Lin Xinyi is really realizing what, this unknown, give He is under a lot of pressure.

"There are other markets!"

There are a lot of arrays on the altar. At this time, Shen Tu Nantian is not polite. He wants to take the lead in picking the best one for him.

Seeing Shen Tu Nantian hurriedly walked to the altar, others were also rushing to find the right one, at least the same weapon.

"Yi Yun, don't you choose one?" Lin Xinyi asked.

Yi Yun touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Lin girl, don't you wonder who the black armor is? He may live in an era similar to that of a female emperor. Why is there no record of his history? ”

"He is a friend of the ancient emperor? Apprentice? Master? Or is it... enemy?"

Yi Yun feels that this female emperor's secret not only retains the inheritance of the ancient female emperor, but also records the secrets of the ancient female emperor.

That may be... the secret history of the ancient times.

Huge incomparable, inhabiting the non-crossing sea, Peng Peng, riding a dream beast, holding a black spear warrior, these exist, what role played in the ancient times?

Yi Yun thought this way, and at this time, in the corner of the crowd, where no one noticed, the dark teenager looked at these pictures, and the eyes flashed a splendid...


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