True Martial World

Chapter 473: a sword that has never been known

In this magnificent hall, the dark-skinned teenager is like a ghost, watching someone at the place.

By his side, the light was slightly distorted, making his figure hidden silently.

The dark boy, the original rating is just not influx, no one knows how he got the recognition of the female emperor's secret in such a short period of time.

The dark-eyed boy’s eyes swept through the two gray-robes teenagers who had won the title of “Zong” and looked at Lin Xinyi. Finally, his eyes stayed on Yiyun for a long time.

When he stared at other people, they didn't respond, but when he looked at Yi Yun and his mouth was a little silly smile, Yi Yun suddenly turned his head.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xinyi saw Yi Yun turn his head and asked some doubts.

In this light door, apart from the Panlongzhu and the altar, there is nothing in the air. Is there anything else that Yi Yun has?

Yi Yun looked into the corner not far away, there was nothing but nothing.

Yi Yun slightly frowned, he is very sensitive to the existence of energy, and there is an invisible source of energy in the original place.

Is it a person?

Yi Yun’s heart glimpsed and immediately turned his head. He didn’t look at it anymore. He didn’t know who the other person was, but he stood here. Shen Tu Nan Tian could not find it. The strength of the other side is undoubtedly far above him.

This kind of existence, he intentionally hides, I do not know what the purpose, but in any case, Yi Yun does not want to continue to peep at him, otherwise it will be discovered by the other party.

"He found out?"

The dark boy looked at Yi Yun with a slight surprise. He didn't know whether it was a coincidence that Yi Yun looked back at it. He didn't think that Yi Yun, who was a junior, could discover his existence.

At this time, Shen Tu Nantian and others have already begun to pick the market.

One by one, the array is triggered, which morphs into a variety of scenes.

Not every battlefield has recorded the confrontation between the master and the wild beast. There are also some arrays that record the mystery of the law, or the scene of the ancient emperor's cultivation and battle.

These ancient emperors are also very powerful, but they are still much worse than the previous black armor.

The most obvious point is that many testers, while watching these arrays, felt the pressure, but the pressure was not as strong as before.

The pressure is small, the rules are not as profound as before, and they are still barely able to understand a little something.

This has made many people happy.

At this moment, the emotionless voice of the female emperor suddenly sounded: "Everyone has half an hour, choose two arrays, and after the selection, the altar will be sealed by the formation."

"Well? Can you only choose two?"

People are slightly stunned, but after entering Baoshan, they can’t be fully loaded. It’s really a pity.

And only choose two, how to choose?

There are a lot of battles, and I am not afraid of being picked up by myself, but the time of half an hour is very short.

This choice is crucial. It is not only about the chances of their gains, but also about the results of this trial. If the election is not good, their female emperor’s secret trip will be over.

Such as Gong Sunhong, Shen Tu Nantian and others are cautious and hesitate.

Shen Tu Nantian saw the first time the black armored warriors took a picture and watched it again. After the appearance of the giant warrior and the black warrior, the horrible pressure made it difficult for Shentu Nantian to bear, even if he barely endured After a few moments, the mystery of the black warrior moves, he also can not understand, the gap is too big.

This array...

Shen Tu Nantian looked at the black armored warrior's face, and his face showed unwillingness. This array was of great value, but it was too difficult. He chose it rashly, but he couldn't fully understand it. It wasted once. Choose an opportunity.

After repeated measurement in the heart, Shen Tu Nantian finally gave up this battle.

Many people are similar to Shen Tu Nantian's plan. Many of the battlefields on the altar are too high. If you spend too much energy on it, maybe you can't get anything.

Choosing those weaker positions and a little understanding of something is enough to make them useful.

This trial has been repeated several times, and the strangeness and metamorphosis of the female emperor's secrets have already made these people retreat.

Not greedy, but ask for it.

This is true.

At this time, Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi are also choosing the market.

Yi Yun repeatedly observed the scene of the black armor and the giant scorpion, and it was really murderous.

In the end, however, Yi Yun also chose to give up this battle.

Seeing Yi Yun knowing the difficulty and retreating, Shen Tu Nan Tian chuckled: "How? You were rated as "Zong" by the female emperor's secret, but did not dare to choose this battle?"

Shen Tu Nan Tian said.

Yi Yun looked coldly at Shen Tu Nan Tian. At this time, Lin Xinyi said in Yi Yun’s ear: "Shen Tu Nan Tian is stimulating you, don't bother."

"Nothing." Yi Yun shook his head. "This is good, but it is not for me."

The black armor in the front is a spear, and Yi Yun’s weapon is a sword. Of course he will not choose.

Yi Yun will trigger the array on the altar, and all kinds of images will make Yi Yun shake his head.

Until he triggered a certain battle, he once again saw that he would not cross the sea.

In the absence of the sea, the black warrior reappeared on a black nightmare.

He held a spear and the horse ran in the air with a flame. He seemed to break the sky and rush into another world.

Seeing the black armor, Yi Yun also trembled in his heart and held his breath.

At this time, above the sea, a figure suddenly appeared, slowly coming from the waves.

The figure was dressed in Tsing Yi, carrying a gourd in one hand and a green sword with a length of five feet in one hand.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing the black warrior, this person laughed, his laughter was unfolding and unscrupulous.

The black armor stopped the war horse and looked at the Tsing Yi.

Next, there is no words - hehe! !

The Tsing Yi people suddenly shot, the long sword whistling, the same way through the sky, the blue lightning, straight to the black armor!

"This sword trick!"

When I saw this sword coming out, Yi Yun took a step back and consciously crossed an electric light in his mind.

This sword method, actually...liked to know each other! !

Jianguang swallowed and smashed the world.

All the trials present at the scene felt that their hair was erected uncontrollably at this moment, and a strong sense of life and death came into being.

At the moment when the sword was stabbed, they felt that their entire body was locked, and the heartbeat was completely stagnation, forced by the sword, such as an electric shock!

Different from other people's reaction, Yi Yun was shocked at this time. Everything disappeared in his eyes, and only this blue lightning was left, which became the only one between heaven and earth.

This sword light is like breaking through time and space, coming from the ancient world of nothingness.

Pure Yang Jiangong! !

What appeared in Yi Yun’s mind was that he saw the sword that separated the broken world from the gate of the Pure Yang Jian Palace, and there were all kinds of swords like this sword!

It’s just that the sword of Chunyang’s sword palace is more terrible and more grand, as if it is already the law of the universe...

Just when Yi Yun realized this, it was very slight, and the space ring on his finger trembled.

A mysterious and ancient sharp sense of the sound, along the fingers of Yi Yun, with a trace of coolness, was introduced into the blood of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun knows that this is the sword!

And this sword meaning comes from the broken sword in his space ring!

Yi Yun entered the pure Yang Jiangong and got the rusty sword of this handle. It was suspected to be left by the owner of Chunyang Jiangong.

Yi Yun has always believed that the pure Yang Jiangong had never been opened before him. Then why... The Tsing Yi people in the foreground of the eye, among his swords, contain a hint of charm in the sword of the owner of Chunyang Sword Palace. What?

Not always, this Tsing Yi is the apprentice of the owner of Chunyang Sword Palace!

Yi Yun shook his head, this is simply impossible. The owner of Chunyang Jiangong is not a person in Tianyuan. He is from another world, and his realm is too high. How can he come to Tianyuan to accept an apprentice?

In the end, why is this Tsing Yi swordsman aware of the swordsmanship of the owner of Chunyang Sword Palace?

Who is this Tsing Yi Swordsman? In history, in the era of keeping up with the ancient female emperor, Yi Yun seems to remember the record of this Tsing Yi swordsman.


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