True Martial World

Chapter 562: Blood of destruction

"Heart, what do you think is the cheap medicine that can extend life?"

Yi Yun asked Lin Xinyi, Yan Shoudan this kind of medicinal medicine, is extremely important, has Yanshou Dan, the martial arts alliance has a great voice in the Tianyuan world, can command many great forces in the Tianyuan world, it is difficult for someone to defy them. {<[网

Lin Xinyi thought for a moment, and said: "I never knew such an medicinal herb, but for the 12th Emperor Tian, ​​the emperor of Tianyuanjie is also not allowed. If there are some medicinal herbs, it can cut off the martial arts future. At the cost of excavating the life potential of low-ranking warriors and extending their longevity, it is not surprising that in the 12th Emperor's Day, few people may use these Yanshou Dan, but in Tianyuanjie, those older generations of warriors, but I don't care about this, their martial arts future is just over."

Lin Xinyi's analysis, Yi Yun nodded slightly.

There are Yanshou Dan in hand, coupled with the organization of the martial arts tea party, leading many major forces to explore the secrets, which makes the martial arts alliance's accumulation, constantly increasing, this is not good news.

Yi Yun looked at the man surnamed Zhou and asked: "Is there any other big thing? For example, the abandon... You can hear what happened to them?"

Between the deserted and the Terran, before Qingyang Jun came to Tianyuan, it was already a deadly enemy.

Later, the abandoned family and the **** moon, they rushed into the heavenly world, and the blood flowed into the river!

Qingyang Jun should be handed over to the abandonment of the mission of the abandonment, so that they can guard the burial of the gods, and try to avoid the birth of the ancient demon in the burial.

However, after tens of millions of years, this mission can be continued by the abandonment, but it is hard to say.

And even if it continues, the role that the aristocracy can play in this chaotic world is not too optimistic.

"Abandoned? These barbarians are not idle. They have not been small in these years. Maybe it will take a long time to invade the heavenly world, but it does not matter. Under the leadership of the martial arts alliance, these barbarians do not come. Come, it will definitely make them come back!"

When the abandoning of the abandonment came, the man who was surnamed Zhou was very excited. Obviously, the hatred of the Terran to the abandonment has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Yi Yun sighed with a sigh, he understood that this is inevitable.

Not to mention that the abandoned people and the Terran have not been in the same place. Especially in the past tens of millions of years, the truth of history has already been annihilated in the dust. After the blood moon gradually controls the human race, history is not made up by people who are allowed to run the blood.

This also makes Yi Yun understand why, after the death of the ancient female emperor, there are few records about the ancient female emperor that can be found in the classics, so that Lin Xinyi did not know how the ancient female emperor continued to be born with a natural pulse.

This is an incredible thing for a peerless great man of great strength.

Until the Shentu family had a hidden female emperor's secret, the ancient female emperor was only known by a few people. At this time, the hidden blood moon, but also could not bear, used the mysterious characters in the organization to plot the gods. tower.

Even the ruined eyes of the sleeping sacred sacredness were shocked!

It seems that the record of the ancient female emperor in history should be that the **** month is intentionally erased.

And the battle of tens of millions of years ago, no one knows, even Qingyangjun, the whole disappeared in the long history, no classics of Zongmen can be found.

Tens of millions of years ago, history is more detailed than now, and the martial arts civilization is more splendid. However, after the battle to destroy the land, I do not know how many martial arts inheritance, and the intentional manipulation of the blood moon, the martial civilization of this world. Instead, it is slowly declining...

Yi Yun wants to understand all of these, and the questions in his heart have also been answered.

"Several people know that the first-class forces in the Tianyuan world have been hit hard?"

Yi Yun asked this question, naturally want to ask the situation of Lin Jia!

Lin Xin’s pupils shrank slightly, and the ten fingers subconsciously clenched. Even if Lin’s childhood was in Lin Xin’s childhood, he did not leave any good memories for Lin Xinyi. She did not want her family to suffer because of her.

“No.” Zhou’s man shook his head. “In the past few years, Tianyuan’s world has been calm. There is no change in the major forces, but the future...but it’s not sure...”

"Well? What happened?" Yi Yun just breathed a sigh of relief and frowned.

"This is the case... I also heard about it..." The man surnamed Zhou lowered his voice. "Predecessors may not know. I heard that in the past few years, there have been several top-level forces in the Tianyuan world to jointly explore the funeral spirits. In the vicinity of this funeral sacred place, there is a secret that is unacceptable. I heard that it is the tomb of a peerless female emperor, but halfway to explore, guess what?"

The man surnamed Zhou seems to be seeing that Yi Yun will not kill him. At the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, he began to sell off his head. "It is said that in the funeral sacredness, a huge eye appeared! The whole burial was occupied. Shenyuan, the emperor took a look, they all felt that the soul of the sea collapsed, that's okay!"

"This eye is called the Eye of Destruction by the people of Tianyuan, and then, this matter is not finished... In the next few years, the storm of the burial of the gods became extremely horrible, no one dared to approach, even if The ancestors of the big families didn't work either. Later... they flew out of the funeral gods!"

The man surnamed Zhou said that Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi are both in a tight heart.

"What is flying out of the funeral, what is it?"

"I don't know the specifics. I heard that it is full of murderousness, but it contains a huge chance. Some people say... it is the blood that comes out of the eyes of destruction..."


Yi Yun lived, the ancient demon, bleeding?

"Who knows, when I heard that the eye of destruction came out, there was a huge pagoda that smashed down and wounded the eye of destruction. If the eye of destruction was severely damaged, it would not be strange to have blood flowing out."

Zhou’s man said this, Yi Yun’s face sank slightly.

The Eye of Destruction was wounded by the tower of the gods?

Yi Yun feels that this is unlikely. According to common sense, the ancient female emperor and Qingyang Jun stayed in the back of the tower, even if it is even more powerful, it can not hurt the mysterious ancient demon.

However, Yi Yun is not sure tens of millions of years ago, at the end of that big battle, Qingyang Jun and the ancient female emperor sacrificed their lives, which gave the destruction of the eye.

Undoubtedly, the current eye of destruction must be very weak, otherwise it will have been broken out of the enchantment, and will not be repelled by the last power left by the ancient female emperor and Qingyangjun.

What does it mean by the blood flowing out of the Eye of Destruction?

Seeing that Yi Yun seems to be interested in this, the man surnamed Zhou said again: "Predecessors probably don't know, this blood of destruction can't be! It is said that the eye of destruction has become a god, the blood of the gods, you think, Who doesn't want it!"

"But the two previous bloods of destruction have fallen into the hands of the martial arts alliance, and no one has dared to **** it."

"But the ally of the martial arts alliance said that the blood of destruction may still be born, but their martial arts alliance should not fight again, avoiding anger, if this is the case... I don’t know how many big forces are involved, Tianyuanjie, I’m afraid Set off a **** storm!"

... (to be continued.) 8

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