True Martial World

Chapter 562: Martyrdom

"The first two bloods of destruction fell into the hands of the martial arts alliance, and the martial arts alliance has already released words, no longer vying for it?"

When I heard the man of Zhou’s name, Yi Yun’s heart was a glimpse.

If we say that the martial arts alliance really has a relationship with the **** month, and even the martial arts alliance is controlled by the **** month, then why does the martial arts alliance look at the blood of destruction and fall into the realm of the world, and also say that it will no longer participate in the battle for the blood of destruction?

Unless you guessed it wrong, the martial arts alliance has nothing to do with the **** month, but that can't explain the story of Yanshoudan...

"Yi Yun, I feel that there may be a conspiracy in this matter."

Lin Xinyi suddenly said, Yi Yun nodded, he and Lin Xinyi returned to the Tianyuan world, facing the opponent's strength is unfathomable, they only have two people, the strength has not fully grown up, the only dependence is that The enemy is in the clear, but they are hiding in the dark.

"You can leave."

After asking all the questions, Yi Yun waved to indicate that the man surnamed Zhou could leave.

The man surnamed Zhou was relieved and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, the predecessors are relieved, the news of the predecessors' birth, Zhou never reveals half a word, and we will disappear."

The man surnamed Zhou said, he sacrificed a flying magic weapon, and with a dry Bailing disciple, he ran away like a flight.

Until the hundred miles away, these Bailingmen disciples grew a sigh of relief, and many people who were courageous were already sweating.

Faced with Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi, the pressure is too great.

"The two people, so detailed, do you want to fight for the blood of destruction?" a disciple asked curiously.

The man surnamed Zhou indulged a moment and said: "No matter whether it is, it is not something that people at our level can pay attention to. What happened today should not be leaked out! Have you heard it?"

"Yes!" The disciples of Bai Lingmen screamed and saw the peerless figures like Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi. They were very irritating to them. With such strength, they can be called a happy life...


Yuling Mountain, Lin’s home

At the entrance of Linjialing, there is a bamboo forest everywhere. From the sky, the buildings in the distance are looming, and a gust of wind blows through, and the bamboo sea is full of fascinating sounds.

The foggy sea is separated from the Lin family by tens of millions of miles. However, after the improvement, this distance is not a problem for Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi.

After receiving the news that Tianyuanjie is still calm, Lin Xinyi’s concerns about Lin’s family have been alleviated a lot, but I still want to see it with my own eyes and know exactly what Lin’s current situation is.

Now seven years have passed, and their looks have completely changed. With a little cautiousness, there is no need to worry about revealing their identity.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyu are hidden between the bamboo forests, overlooking the Lin family, and the family is calm.

Looking at the familiar buildings and peaks, Lin Xinyi seems to have remembered many past events, revealing a trace of fascination.

She sighed softly and said: "I don't know how the ancestor's body is. In these years, the pressure faced by the Lin family will certainly not be small... Speaking of it, we practice in the secrets of the female emperor, naturally it is safe, but Lin family, afraid It is bearing a lot."

"Well...but the strength of Lin’s family is not to be underestimated. Any force that wants to defeat Lin’s family will have to pay no small price. Without seeing the benefits, no one will do this.”

Yi Yun believes that as long as the world believes that he and Lin Xinyu are hiding in the secret of the female emperor, the Lin family is safe and worry-free.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi, hiding in the forest around the forest, flew over a few areas, just then, there was a sudden fluctuation in vitality.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyu were in a stagnation, and the figures of the two men disappeared between the jungles.

Not far away, there were a few young children dressed in Lin’s costumes. These people, probably just returned from the outside, looked like a servant.

One of the youngsters, with a small face on his face, said with awkwardness: "It’s really awkward, the scum of the Shentu family, the genius of the younger generation has died, but it also blends with the trial of Jishoushan. It’s really a place to go with us! If we are not careful enough, they will wait for an opportunity to make a shot!”

One of the young women who looked older said, "There is no way. Whoever asked the Shentu family not to know what to do, was supported by the martial arts alliance. Now we can only bear with it, try not to take the initiative. Conflict with other forces..."

"Qinger’s sister is right." Another teenager also echoed.

In addition to this Lin Qing, there are five or six young girls in this line.

If the warrior wants to grow up, he must go to the outside world to accept the test of all kinds of harsh environments. It is necessary to fight and kill the wild animals. However, since the female emperor’s secret test seven years ago, Lin’s children must be cautious when going out. Because the forest family has too many enemies!

The most incredible thing is that the Shentu family, which has the greatest feud with the Lin family, was valued by the senior officials of the martial arts alliance and gave many resources to the Shentu family, including several Yanshou Dan!

This allowed the Shentu family not only to slowly recover their vitality, but also faintly among the many powerful forces, with prestige.

Hearing the conversations of these Lin family's children, Lin Xinyi frowned slightly, even if the Lin family claimed to be separated from her and Yi Yun, it did not make much sense. Anyone knows that this is only the self-protection measure of the Lin family. Among them, those big losses that the powers eat will still anger to the Lin family.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi followed these young Lin’s young disciples. Several people soon walked to the door of Linjiashan.

Linjiashanmen, there are always Lin family disciples guarding. But this time, outside the mountain gate, in addition to the Lin family, there are other groups of people.

When Lin Qing and others approached the Linjiashan Gate, several figures appeared among the group, blocking Lin Qing and others.

Lin Qing brows slightly, she shows a disgusted look, and the footsteps stop.

"It's you!" Lin Qingke said, anger, cold voice said.

From those figures, out of a scholar dress, a man in his thirties, shaking a fan in his hand, smirked and said: "Yes, Miss Qing, I met again. No way, to the martial arts alliance When it’s bad, it’s too much, I’m so busy that I don’t have much time to cultivate!”

This scholar-like person is called Gongsun, who is a person from the fire, and is the brother of Gong Sunhong.

Although Gongsun’s mouth complained about being a bad martial arts league, there was no lack of ostentation between words.

Over the years, the martial arts alliance has become more and more prosperous, and more and more resources have been distributed. If you can enter the martial arts alliance, serve in the martial arts alliance, and receive high-level appreciation, then the future cultivation path must be a smooth road.

Lin Qing snorted and apparently did not want to talk to this person.

"Okay, a few, according to the rules, I have to ask you where you have gone. Of course, you should also check out your space ring and carry-on baggage." Gongsun said with a smile, as if to say that he was very polite. The same thing.

"Check our space ring and luggage? Gongsun, you don't want to go too far! When we left, you stopped us and asked Dong to ask the West, and now you have to take a shot!"

The former boy who was deeply troubled by his own experience, once again ignited the anger by the words of Gongsun, and stood up and asked.

"Gongsun Sun, this is the land of my Lin family after all, you should not be too much!"

Another girl is also very angry. In these years, Lin’s family suffered a lot of martyrdom.

"What do you say? Lin's site is not in the mountain gate. You haven't entered the mountain gate yet. How can you count the land of your Lin family? Search here, my grandson has given Lin Jia face, and then, I This is also a routine, which is what the martial arts alliance means."

"Miss Qinger, I am also thinking about it for you. You also know that many of the forces and sects of the female emperor must find Yi Yun and kill him for revenge for the family. Maybe through some methods, I have to be in contact with Yi Yun. In that case, I may be tired of you in the future..."

Gongsun also moved out of the martial arts alliance, the sword of Shangfang. In the words, there is quite a sense of relying on the pressure.

The martial arts alliance is indeed awesome. It is said that the martial arts alliance has mastered many treasures of heaven and earth, and there are things that Yan Shoudan has made many big families famous. The strength of the martial arts alliance itself is also extraordinary!

A few years ago, the Wudao Tea Party, the disciples and famous monks sent by the Wudao Alliance, all showed their talents at the Wudao Tea Party, and they tried their best to make the big forces lose their temper.

And the strength of the martial arts alliance lord itself, it must be even more unfathomable!

The martial arts alliance does have the capital to suppress people!

When I heard the martial arts alliance, Lin Qing said coldly: "The martial arts alliance? You think I don't know, it's not your ancestral gates together with the Shentu family. In the face of the martial arts alliance, you can turn right and wrong, turn black and white, and blind the elders of the martial arts alliance. Only to make restrictions and monitor my Lin family’s decision, let these little people win!!"

Lin Qing’s anger and resounding between the mountains and forests, Yi Yun and Lin Xinyu listened, silently speechless.

I am afraid that it is not the Shentu family and the ancestral gates that have been unlucky in the secrets of the female emperor, but the martial arts alliance itself has to target the Lin family, but only borrowed the scorpion of the Shentu family.

Under this circumstance, Lin family can only give in and give in appropriate. As long as they don't touch the bottom line of Lin's family, they don't want to cause conflicts with so many big forces at the same time.

"The martial arts alliance is very big... and slowly deep into the hearts of the people. Even the younger brothers of the martyrdom who are martyrdom think that the elders of the martial arts alliance are only blinded. In fact, the martial arts alliance is the power that most cares about the inheritance of the female emperor! If I and Your whereabouts leaked, the consequences are unimaginable!"

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi said the voice.

If the martial arts alliance is controlled by the **** moon, or even if it is part of the **** month, then it will naturally hate the ancient female emperor and Qingyangjun, and will surely kill the people who inherit their inheritance!

... (to be continued.)

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