True Martial World

Chapter 617: Murder

Seven people, including Yi Yun, left the platform plaza in the eyes of members of the martial arts alliance or contemptuous or pity.

"A group of cowards."

"These people are not worthy of martial arts at all. They are just a slightly dangerous secret. They are deserters. Although they are temporarily safe, but this time they will not retreat, they will probably form a demons in their hearts."

People talked about it and watched the seven people leave.

Those who stayed, continue to accept the points of several reincarnations on the stage, and make the final mobilization for their mission.

I think that the resources that can be obtained, and the inheritance that is distributed to everyone before the task begins, these people feel very hot.

Yi Yun returned to his place of residence and tidy up the things at random. In fact, there is nothing to clean up. His things are in the space ring, and the most important cards are sealed in the tower of the gods.

Just then, the knock on the door sounded.

Yan Chiwei, with the remaining five young people who decided to withdraw from the martial arts alliance, appeared at the door.

Six people are looking at Yi Yun, Yi Yun is the strongest among several people, these people are faintly headed by Yi Yun.

Yi Yun took a look at these six people. The first one was a bald young man. He was a strong figure and cultivated as the peak of the road. Behind him, he followed a pair of girls who looked quite similar. They were handsome, petite and cute. The sixteen or seven-year-old is a pair of twin sisters.

Many twins, martial arts talents are very similar, the growth environment is the same, the strength is very close.

The last two were tall and thin and silent.

"Ginger brother, what are you going to do?" asked Yu Chiwei.

"What can I do, first leave the Sword Mountain." Yi Yun said casually.

"Ginger brother, my family is nearby, or else, go to my family for a few days, then take a long-term plan?" A pleasant voice sounded, talking to the twin girls.

Yi Yun turned his head. The girl who just spoke was a little embarrassed. Her face was slightly red and she said: "I was born in Chu, my name is Chu Qinger. This is my sister, Chu Keer."

The Chu family is a new family located in the central part of the Tianyuan World. Although the general information is general, the recent development is also considered to be in full swing.

Yi Yun smiled and said: "We must first go to your home safely and safely. Let's talk about other things."


Yi Yun said this sentence, people are all awkward.

What does this mean?

"Ginger brother is saying that the martial arts alliance will not let us go?"

A few people looked at each other and didn't believe it. They had already decided to withdraw from the martial arts alliance. The martial arts alliance insisted on what they did. They would not imprison them or kill them.

Yi Yun did not answer, it is the default.

"Do you have to worry about Jiang Shixiong? In the past few years, the martial arts alliance has paid attention to the world, and they have done justice, distributed resources, and made a lot of profits in the secret exploration of the martial arts alliance. Why do they want to Is it not good for them to lose their morality and let us not be good for them..."

The bald young man touched his chin and said it with disbelief.

Chu Qinger and Chu Keer also turned the eyes of a pair of water spirits, strangely looking at Yi Yun.

"I just guessed, maybe guessed wrong, that's best."

Yi Yun did not explain that when Yu Chiwei proposed to withdraw from Tiandao League, he obviously felt a murder.

And this murder is exactly what the mask man exudes.

The murder is cold and concealed, hidden in the atmosphere of the mask person itself, and it is difficult for others to find out.

Obviously, the mask people will not let them leave, at least they will not let Yi Yun leave.

Perhaps, the martial arts alliance has reached the time to tear up the disguise and start implementing their plans...

"Ginger brother, although the martial arts alliance has been forcing us, it has given us a lot of resources for cultivation. Do they just want to use this resource because they can't bear this resource?"

Yan Chiwei frowned and said that he always believed in Yi Yun’s words, but he thought about it and could not think of the reason for the martial arts alliance.

"I don't know about this." Yi Yun just smiled lightly. "Maybe they just want to leave me, maybe I want to leave you all. If you follow me, you will be stronger, don't follow me, risk less, you yourself. Weigh it. But... If you follow me, I can't guarantee your safety."

Yi Yun said, it is necessary to go down the mountain after collecting things.

A few people were a little worried at the moment. "Not so exaggerated..."

"Ginger brother, wait for us."

The twin girls, of course, kept up with Yi Yun, they simply did not consider Yi Yun's choice for them.

Others have followed suit. They all think that Yi Yun thinks too dark. What is the motivation of the martial arts alliance to shoot them?

A few people unfolded their body and walked through the storm of the Sword Mountain, and came smoothly to the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the bald youth took out a spirit boat. "Let's get on the boat, take the boat and save a little effort."

"it is good!"

Seven people are young people, and they are squeezed out by the martial arts alliance. They also have the feeling of mutual sympathy. The relationship between them is invisible.

Lingzhou is flying fast, and the speed is extremely fast. It took no more than a long time to fly out tens of thousands of miles. At this distance, the towering Jiejian Mountain has disappeared into the sky and is completely invisible.

Everyone also let go of their hearts. The martial arts alliance will not stop them. Master Jiang really thinks too much.

"It seems safe." Chu Keer sighed and patted the chest that he had not fully developed, and his face was red.

"The seven of us are also considered to be in trouble. If we are going to worship as brothers and sisters?" Yan Chiwei’s eyes lit up and thought of this idea.

Others listened, and they all felt good. They were all outstanding people. Even if they all left the martial arts alliance, they will have a bright future and form an alliance, which is good for everyone.

Six people are looking at Yi Yun. If you really worship, Yi Yun is naturally the big brother and the most important one. If he doesn't nod, it doesn't make sense.

Yi Yun looked dull, as if he did not hear the proposal of Yu Chiwei. He looked at the porthole of the Ling Zhou and swept through the clouds.

At this moment, Yi Yun said: "Our ship has been in place for a long time."

Yi Yun said a word, let everyone be a glimpse, what?

Their ships have been going straight, and the speed is also very fast. They have already left the scope of the martial arts alliance. How can Yiyun say that they are in the same place?

"what happened?"

The bald youth, the first time to check the core array of Lingzhou, has no problem.

"Don't look at it, Ling Zhou is fine, just... we broke into a big array."

Yi Yun said lightly, holding down the dust knife handle.

"In the squad? Is it..."

A few people changed their faces. They didn't realize what into the formation. The bald youth just wanted to speak. At this moment, a very cold atmosphere fell from the sky and enveloped the entire boat.

The bald youth felt cold and cold, and his face changed greatly. Until then, he really realized what Yi Yun said, and the enemy had already killed it! (~^~)

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