True Martial World

Chapter 618: Knife

The seven people on Lingzhou have already felt this rich murder.

It is cold, sinister, and powerful, making people cold and cold.

They don't know who the attackers are, but they can have such a horrible atmosphere, and they can make a big squad and let them break into it without knowing it. The strength of this person is not at all a level with them!

The bald youth and the squatting guard are highly nervous and sweaty on their foreheads.

The two sisters, Chu Keer and Chu Qinger, are all small faces.

"Who is it? The top of the Tiandao League?"

The bald youth voice is trembled, so it contains a strong sense of killing, I am afraid it is not as simple as leaving them...

If they are really high-level leaders, how can they have the ability to resist? Isn't that still being slaughtered?

"Ginger brother!"

Chu Keer looked at Yi Yun, she did not expect, Yi Yun said, really fulfilled!

They didn't believe it. Until now, the enemy has already trapped them in a big battle. When they are murderous, they have to believe.

What surprised a few people most was that since Yi Yun had already expected this, he did not join the Tianxue League, but instead of leaving with them, he was very calm.

Until now, I have not seen any confusion.

Looking at Yi Yun now, he pressed the handle and felt the radiation in all directions. Although he was vigilant, he did not have any fear.

"You already know that they have to deal with us, but they still leave like this... You should not think that you can fight against the high level of Tiandao League?"

The bald youth asked Yi Yun unbelievably.

Yi Yun is not a fake, but to the top of the Tiandao League, it is ten deaths, not a level!

Yi Yun glanced at the bald youth who spoke. He said faintly: "Of course I can't deal with the high-level leaders of Tiandao, but I only shot a few of our juniors. Do you think that the high-level leaders of Tiandao League will not get together?"

Get together?

The bald youth swallowed a sip of water and used it together? It’s not enough to come!

at this time……


A loud explosion, everyone only felt a huge tearing force, and then a violent explosion, a valuable Ling Zhou, directly blown into the air in the debris!

The energy is turbulent, and the temperament is so horrible. Several people feel that the body is torn into pieces.

Their spirit boat was shattered by a huge force!


Chu Keer screamed, among the people, she was the weakest, only the peak of Yuan Jijing, she could not resist this kind of storm, let alone fight with others.

Just when she thought that her body was going to be shredded, a light curtain shrouded her and covered her.


Intensive sounds of blasting, violent temperament all hit the light curtain and smashed.

Chu Ke's flower is eclipsed, but finally escaped.

She was shocked and her chest was violently undulating.

She looked at Yi Yun, her face was pale.

"Thank you... Thank you, Brother Jiang..."

At this time, Chu Ke was really panicked, and the shock was too sudden. She grew up in a big family, not to mention the flowers in the greenhouse, but she did not experience life and death, and she could withstand such a scene.

A 16-year-old girl, in these circumstances, did not scare the six gods without a master.

"You manage yourself, I won't be able to take care of you."

Yi Yun also doesn't want to bring these people in, but if they don't bring them, they will only die even worse if they are targeted by the martial arts alliance.

They choose not to join the Tianxue League, it is a wise choice, but for this choice, they have to pay the price.

It’s strange to blame, they entered the Heavenly League.

At this time, in front of everyone, the space is distorted and twisted to form a dark space.

A series of four white figures walked out of the door of space.

These four white men wore empty robes, their bodies were thin and their faces were distorted and pale, like a ghost.

"Space Law!"

"White clothes!"

The bald youth and the late wife, almost simultaneously.

Bai Yiwei is the person responsible for executing the punishment within the martial arts league. It is cold and ruthless and has amazing strength.

But the white-clothes they usually see, it looks normal, far from the few people who are now so surprised!

These four people are not like living people. They seem to reveal a dead end, and they are creepy.

"No, it is the white Guardian who knows the law of space, and it seems that it is more powerful than the white Guardian we usually see. The law of space... is unpredictable, you can shuttle the void, open the door of space at will, we hope for a little escape. nothing!"

The bald youth is desperate, and the white-clothing guard is already terrible. There are space rules, what can I do?

"The law of space is not that terrible."

Yi Yun shook his head indifferently, and the law of time and space is indeed powerful, but among the three thousand avenues, it is the law of the second level.

The yin and yang rule is also the second level, there is not much difference.

However, in Tianyuanjie, the law of time and space was changed by people, but that is because the law of time and space in Tianyuanjie was almost cut off, so that the Tianyuan martial arts did not understand the law of time and space and did not know how to deal with it.

As a result, in the face of the opponents of the law of time and space, the Tianyuan warriors fought and were restrained everywhere.

The four white-clothed guards looked coldly at the seven people of Yi Yun, and the green scorpion sparkled with flames.

"You have married God, die!"

A white robes opened, and the voice was extremely hoarse and chilly. It was not like the sound that humans could make.

Chu Keer and Chu Qinger tightened their hands together, and the hair was full of sweat.

Yan Weiwei held a long gun and the tip of the gun shook slightly.

What God Lord, what? What are you talking about!

"You really are the martial arts alliance?"

The strange words and voices of the other party made Yu Weiwei doubt whether they were the people of the martial arts alliance.

"Don't bother, they are not living people, but... corpses!"

Yi Yun pulled out the ancient dust knife and the blade flickered cold.

As he was in contact with the **** month, he became more and more aware that a considerable part of the blood of the moon is not a living person.

They are haunts, corpses, and many other ghosts and bodies that are refined from the body.

The greatest advantage of these ghosts is that they can fall into a deep sleep for a long time, and wake up when they are needed.

There are so many benefits, one can accumulate strength and completely erupt in a certain period of time.

Secondly, organizations can exist more secretly, which is why blood and blood are passed down for thousands of years.

It is an organization composed of many haze and corpses that sleep in the ground and in the coffin.

And a small number of living people in the **** month, they infiltrated in the martial arts alliance, in the form of the martial arts alliance, most people in the martial arts alliance, they do not know that the martial arts alliance is controlled by the **** moon.

Only a very small number of high-level people know this.

Even until now, many of the leaders of Tiandao League did not know that what they were loyal to was not the martial arts alliance, but the **** moon.

Most of the contracts they signed were signed with the **** month!

These people, I am afraid, they really thought that they organized the Tiandao League to help the human race to survive the catastrophe.

"Not a living person?"

I am late.

In his impressions, things like haze and corpses are evil things. Only some evil forces will cultivate them.

Although the martial arts alliance is overbearing, it is a righteous force after all. How can it cultivate these evil spirits?

Yi Yun did not pay attention to Qi Weiwei, but looked at the space portal behind the four bodies and gently shook his head: "Since it came, but did not show up, only sent four bodies, it seems that you think, with I ruined your identity, so I wanted to subdue me with my body."

Yi Yun smiled gently, this is the confidence and pride of the top of the martial arts league.

In the eyes of these people, they are just a good-natured junior, and they really don't need to pay too much attention.


Four corpses, suddenly screaming.

Together they rushed to Yi Yun!

The wind is blowing, and the ghosts are crying. From the bodies of the four bodies, a lot of dead souls are flying, and the whole sky is dark!

These dead souls are the souls that were swallowed up by the corpses when refining the corpses, with huge unwillingness and resentment.

These resentments spread out and shocked the sea of ​​souls!

Six people, such as Qi Chiwei, only felt a splitting headache in this sinister storm, and they were unable to resist. They were desperate and almost waited.

And it is at this time.

Hey! !

A crisp knife, such as the sound of dragons and tigers, ringing the eardrum!

Six people, such as Qi Chiwei, only felt for a moment, as if hundreds of thousands of morning bells and drums rang in the ear, huge noises, shaking their hearts, let them wake up at once.

Then, they only saw a flash of cold, and in this dark sky, it was like a nine-day star river falling down the night sky!

A knife and a man, cut the world.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

The continuous explosion, the dead souls flying in the sky have burst into the essence, the knife is unstoppable, and the drive is straight.


Split a hole, split the void!

The four corpses were simply dodged and cut off by the sky!

The two most in the middle, completely blasted, and exploded into countless black corpses and white pieces.

The remaining two bodies were also smashed by the violent knife, and their bodies rolled over and flew out, causing a serious injury!


After Yi Yun’s knives, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the void, with surprise and surprise in the voice.

"You actually... hide so deep?"

The space is getting more and more violent, and a man in a black robe slowly steps out of the space door.

He stood in the sky, and the whole body exuded the horror of the atmosphere, as if he had come to the king of the night.

There is a dark golden mask on his face, and the mask is empty and indifferent!

Behind this person, he followed the man who was thin and thin, like a hay. He looked at Yi Yun like a prey, and his face showed a hint of evil smile, just like a snake watching its prey.

When I saw these two people, Yi Yun’s mouth swelled slightly and finally came out, but not one person, but two people.

... (to be continued.)

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