True Martial World

Chapter 623: Secret of blood moon

The memory of the haze makes Yi Yun understand the **** month.

The **** moon in the original Yiyun imagination is a hidden huge organization, but Yiyun can hardly imagine how such a large organization can hide so well that people do not know at all.

Now, Yi Yun understands.

First of all, the blood moon is not as big as Yi Yun originally imagined.

The real high-level of the **** month, only ten people, these ten people, the extraordinary strength, is the decision maker of the **** month and the most terrible fighting power.

Of the ten people, six are in charge of the martial arts alliance. These six include the current ally of the martial arts alliance and three elders.

For tens of millions of years, the martial arts alliance has sometimes been strong, sometimes fading, and has changed its name several times. Even in the middle of 15 million years, the martial arts alliance has disappeared from the world intermittently.

The martial arts alliance, not what they advertised, really lasted for tens of millions of years.

In fact, it is not easy to let a heritage exist for tens of millions of years. Many inheritances and family families often exist hundreds of thousands of years later, and suddenly they are severely severed and destroyed because of some accidents, especially in the Tianyuan world where the struggle is frequent. It has been an ancient family that has been inherited for millions of years.

But the blood month, but it can be passed down very smoothly, the blood month to do all this, relying on the haze and reincarnation Dafa!

The haze has abandoned the flesh and has a life expectancy far beyond that of ordinary warriors. When the haze is sleeping in the ground, the passage of life is almost stopped. A haze of deep cultivation can even sleep for hundreds of millions of years without dying.

Most of the **** moon, the members of the bloodmoon who really walked into the world, rarely.

Even in the middle of 15 million years, no bloodmoon members walked into the world.

More than 90% of the members of the **** month are haze. They sleep in a place to the place of yin to cold. They are not seen in the millions of years. With the suffocation in the chilly land, they can nourish the soul and live forever.

As long as there is a haze, every other period of time, wake up part of the haze, you can maintain the inheritance of the blood month.

Although the haze has such a long life, yet... they also have huge flaws.

That is, they themselves have only the soul, and they must rely on the choice to walk in the world.

The haze of the pure soul does not use the exercises, nor can it invoke the law. They can only have combat power after they have won the flesh.

The strength of the shackles after the shackles, depends on the yin itself, as well as the talent of the betrayed.

The better the talent is rejected, the higher the fit of his body and the strength of the heavens and the earth, the greater the power that the haze can call, and the stronger the power of the law.

As for the strength of the conquered themselves, as well as their understanding of the rules, the haze is not used, and the high is useless.

Because the haze itself is too dark and cold, it is full of dead air. After it wins a body, it will quickly overdraw the blood and blood of the body itself, so the haze will basically only lock the target of being a young person. So their body can be used for a longer time.

After completing the shackles after winning the house, they can't basically cultivate. Their strengths have been fixed after they have won the battle and will not be raised any more.

Only when they are sleeping as a haze, can they rely on the power of the heavens and the earth to elevate their strengths very slowly.

This is the biggest flaw of the haze, that is, they are not strong enough.

The majesty of such strength alone is not enough to support a powerful organization that can command the world.

So... Blood Moon has another kind of reincarnation.

The reincarnation is not the same as the yin, and the reincarnation has passed through many reincarnations, the understanding of the law, and the accumulation of the understanding of the exercises, which makes them invincible at the same level, and there is almost no bottleneck in cultivation, from sages, emperors, to The ancestors of the big forces, even many people, can surpass their ancestors.

The reincarnation is very powerful, and as long as they are present, they are the actual controllers of the **** month.

But the reincarnation is faced with another problem, that is, short life.

The "Tiandao Reincarnation Law" cultivated by the reincarnation is not a top secret law in the 12th Emperor's Day. There are too many side effects in the cultivation of "Tian Dao Reincarnation Dafa". Once reincarnation, their vitality will be burned. As a result, the cumulative life of these reincarnations is only a fraction of that of ordinary warriors in the same world.

However, because most of them, they are surpassing one ancestor, so they can accumulate and live for more than 100,000 years, and even a few can live for hundreds of thousands of years.

The time when these reincarnations lived became very precious.

When they reincarnate once, they usually go through a long period of time, during which they return to heaven and earth with a completely unconscious soul state, waiting for the reincarnation.

The whole **** month is almost composed of reincarnated people and haze. They cooperate with each other and perform their duties, ensuring that the **** month can continue in these tens of millions of years, and no one perceives the essence of this organization.

For so many years, the **** moon that people have been seeing is just the forces they have exposed on the bright side.

Nowadays, because of the full implementation of their actions, the reincarnations are concentrated.

The ten high-level leaders of the martial arts alliance have completed the reincarnation of the reincarnation for thousands of years, and even 10,000 years ago. Their strengths must each exceed the ancestors of the great school.

In addition to these ten people, there are more than 30 reincarnations who have not reincarnate for a long time. Because of the short time of cultivation, they are limited in realm and cannot be alone.

About ten of them, younger than 25 years old, these young reincarnations are gathered in the Tianxue League, such as Fengming Gongzi, which is one of them.

Because of their extraordinary strength, these reincarnated people have become the object of worship of the members of the Tianxue League. It is also because Fengming Gongzi and these people, more and more Tianjiao, chose to join the Tianxue League.

In addition to these reincarnations, there are still dozens of haze, they have completed the battle, and are also active in Tiandao League, Jijianshan and other places, each performing their duties.

Among them, "Shentu Nantian", dry and thin men, as well as the dark teenagers who appeared in the tower of the gods, are some of the more powerful ones in the haze.

These are almost all the core strengths of the **** month.

In other words, there are only one hundred members of the real blood moon.

Others are only members of the martial arts alliance. Although these people are selling for the **** month, they do not know that the martial arts alliance has been controlled by the **** moon, and they do not know the purpose of the bloodmoon.

However, the real power of the **** moon is far more than that.

There are still a lot of haze in the **** month, sleeping in a place to the place of yin to cold. These haze, even from tens of millions of years ago, after the ancient robbery, have been sleeping and never wake up.

These ancient horrible hazes, because they have been sleeping for too long, have been accepting the evil spirits of the place to the yin. Now the body is already very strong, and it is much more powerful than the shackles of "Shentu Nantian".

And this place to the place of yin and cold is the destination of the "Black Rock Trial" of Tiandao League!

(To be continued.)

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