True Martial World

Chapter 624: Soul

For the **** month, "Blackrock Trial" is an important step in their plan.

After getting the memory of the yin of the corpse of Shen Tu Nantian, even if Yi Yun does not look at the specific process of this plan, he can guess that in fact, Xueyue formed the Tiandao League, in order to concentrate a group of geniuses, such as raising pigs. Train them the same and make them the body that fits the haze.

The genius of Tianyuanjie enters Tiandao League, which is a tragedy in itself.

Now, the so-called "millennial once" and "unprecedented" blackstone trials of the **** month are to send these geniuses that have been cultivated almost to the land of the yin, waiting for the sullen sorrow of the yin to come.

And because of the signing of the soul contract, the souls of these geniuses have been planted with the curse of heaven, and they want to resist.

In the land of yin, of course, there is no chance. The so-called "danger and opportunity coexist" in Fengming's mouth, and the "task" concerning "the survival of mankind and the security of the heavenly world" are actually being condemned.

This month, Blood Moon is going to take all the geniuses together, so that it naturally has to tear the face with the entire Tianyuan world.

However, the blood month does not care, this field spans thousands of years of layout, and now, has reached the final stage of ending.

The full power of the blood month to accumulate in the land of the yin will be all in one day!

However, the blood moon is not without an opponent, its biggest opponent is the abandon!

The barren and the **** moon have been fighting for a long time, but the **** moon is hidden in the dark, and hidden in the depths of the heavenly world. The wilderness cannot destroy the **** moon.

What's more, the real core of the **** moon, where it sleeps a lot of haze to the yin, the blood moon called the "soul."

The soul is an independent space. For the **** moon, the soul is too important. If the soul is destroyed, all the sleeping haze of the blood moon will be scattered, which is an unbearable blow to the blood.

The soul is a weakness of the **** month.

You must know that the shadows of sleep in the soul, they have basically no fighting power before they win the body. If there is a wilderness, such as a shepherd boy, into the soul, there is almost no bloodmoon. The possibility of resistance.

For millions of years, Blood Moon has used various methods to protect the safety of the soul. They hide the location of the soul and let the world not know the location of this place.

Unfortunately, there are no impenetrable walls in the world. The location of the soul, for a while, can not be a lifetime, this is tens of millions of years, the infiltration of the aristocracy to the human race, the tracking of the haze, the reasoning of the location of the world to the yin, search and calculation ... The abandon finally found the soul.

However, Blood Moon has a large number of backhands in the soul.

The **** moon is arranged around the soul and inside, and there are countless large arrays. These large arrays are stacked like a labyrinth. Even if there are many masters in the abandonment, it is extremely difficult to crack these large arrays.

In particular, these large arrays include an ancient pattern from the Twelve Emperor's Day. This pattern is not uncommon in the Twelve Emperor's Day. It is used in some secret places where great powers remain. Its role is to limit bone age.

After the death of the twelve Emperor's peerless figures, it is natural to hope that they will inherit the young people who have great potential and carry forward the inheritance and become their successors.

I don't want some old guys who have lived for tens of millions of years, even their opponents, to take away the exercises and treasures they have accumulated in their lives.

At this time, the definition of bone age is extremely useful.

The soul, that is, the use of this pattern, use it as a defensive array, this ancient pattern, used in the soul here, is just right.

Once the ancient pattern is only limited to the bone age, the haze is the soul body, even the flesh is not, naturally there will be no "bone age", so there is no restriction, freedom of entry and exit.

In addition, in the soul, sometimes you have to send some arrogance, used as a hazy body.

Because these arrogances are usually the oldest in their thirties, they are not affected by the ancient formations of the limited bone age and are free to enter.

However, the power of the abandon, such as the shepherd boy, can not enter the soul.

The abandoned people can't break this ancient figure from the twelve emperors. The abandon wants to send people into the soul, only to send a younger generation.

However, there are also large arrays within the soul, all kinds of traps, killings, and illusions.

All kinds of ghosts and ghosts that breed in the land of evil.

These things are not something that the aristocratic juniors can deal with.

Under this circumstance, even if the abandonment of the wilderness breaks through many of the arrays around the soul, the younger generations will be sent in. These juniors will also be dead for a lifetime. They may be killed by ghosts and may be trapped in the big battle. In the end, it turned into a haze of blood food, or when the oil was dry, it was directly concealed by the haze!

This defines the ancient pattern of bone age. For the **** moon, it can be described as a magical pen. It not only ensures the safety of the soul, but also allows the soul to continue to function. It will not isolate the flesh used to win the house.

In this case, even if the abandonment knows the exact location of the soul, there are no ways for the abandon to take the soul for millions of years.

Can only look at the members of the **** month, the soul as a base camp, a steady stream of new haze, the world.

"It turned out that the **** moon was hidden too far, beyond my original imagination."

Yi Yun muttered to himself. Through the memory of the haze, he finally knew how this organization existed. It was strange that Yi Yun’s heart was so strange. Why is such a powerful organization able to hide so well that it is unknown now? .

Now he understands.

Understand the many hidden secrets of the blood moon, Yi Yun naturally will not watch the "Black Rock Trial" go on.

He intends to destroy this trial and give a **** blow!

In this regard, Yi Yun has already had a plan in mind.

In fact, he took over the shadow of Nantian, and he was the commander of the "Blackstone Trial".

Including Feng Minggong, and three other reincarnations, they are also one of the conductors.

After the reincarnation of the reincarnation, their flesh is reborn, and the physical age of the body will be recalculated. The young reincarnation can also pass the antiquity of the soul.

The power of the reincarnation is undoubted. Under the co-chairmanship of the reincarnation and the haze, together with the genius of these Heavenly Leagues, they all signed the soul contract. Blood Moon does not think that there is any accident in this Blackstone trial. may.

However, they are countless, and they are not considered to exist. After all, in the **** high-level view, even if Yi Yun got the inheritance of the female emperor, he is not a strong one. He can only be a good-natured junior, and it is far from threatening the deep-rooted bloodmoon.


(To be continued.)

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