True Martial World

Chapter 677: Shock of strength

Seeing that this sword has no results, Yi Yun slightly frowned, he just did to kill the heart, if possible, he really wants a sword to the old guy.

However, the night king stalked from it and made Yi Yun a sword.

There is a night king who is here, and it is hard to kill the ancestors.

In the face of the night king, Yi Yun is not afraid, but if he shoots the night king, it is equal to all the famous places in the Tianyuan world. Those people will not look at Yi Yun’s members of the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church.

Yi Yun also did not want to kill himself with Lin Xinyi and so many people.

"Yi Yun, you are really amazing!"

The night king looked at Yi Yun, and his eyes flashed through a fine man. Just now, his big seal was in the sword of Yi Yun. Although it was only a very short-lived fight, the night king was shocked by the strength of Yi Yun.

Printing this kind of weapon, the original attack method is "town", "砸", smashing a sword light, in the eyes of the night king.

However, Yi Yun’s Jianguang, endless, seems to carry an immortal force, so that the night king feels his own blow, as if he is on a mountain of God.

The night king knows that there will be such a sturdy sword light, because of the sword meaning in the sword light.

The sword is too strong to be condensed and not scattered.

Yi Yun has such strength, such swordsmanship is really shocking.

Although the Dark King does not think that he is not as good as Yi Yun, but he does not have full confidence to leave Yi Yun.

It is totally different to defeat the other party and leave the other party, not to mention Lin Xinyi not far away.

I think that if you are both Shang Yiyun and Lin Xinyi, the night kings feel a headache, and some even dare not face them. These two people are already a Taoist, a pair of Taoists, how can there be no joint surgery?

In this way, it is impossible for them to force a group of people to force Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi to sign a soul contract.

Not only the Dark King, but everyone else is aware of this.

Yi Yun does not sign the soul contract, just like a tiger lying on their side, making them feel uneasy.

Now, it is unrealistic to put a shackle on the tiger. The only remaining method is to please the tiger and give the tiger a good flesh so that it won't start with itself.

For a time, many people have changed their minds, especially those who have already made good friends with Yi Yun. At this time, they have come up with joy.

They flew together into the sky, surrounded by Yiyun.

"Yi Gongzi is really a must! Kaiyuan warfare through the heavens, across a big realm, and so on after the Yigongzi has achieved Tongtian, that does not know what strength will be!" A middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Today's battle will soon be spread throughout the Yuan Dynasty." Next to the middle-aged, another old man followed.

"I don't know when Yigong has time. I have always wanted to visit Ye Family in Xueyushan. If Yizizi is free, I will let the disciples under the door be prepared and prepared."

A group of people have complimented, of course, how many real feelings are not known.

Yi Yun did not listen to these compliments in his heart. He knew very well that if he did not have strong strength to back it up today, then this group of people would have left the bones he had eaten, and the female emperor would inherit from them. I took it away from my body, and even these old guys might fight because of the competition of the female emperor.

Of course, Yi Yun is too lazy to listen to the contents of this group of people, but he is only perfunctory in responding to a few words. On the contrary, who is complimenting the most diligent, Yi Yun is more concerned about this person. This kind of person is most likely to fall into the rocks.

After dealing with a few sentences, Yi Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at the Weizhou Island couple not far away.

From Yi Yun to the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church, the couple on Weizhou Island did not say anything. They did not have too much enthusiasm for Yi Yun and did not have too much hostility.

For these two couples, Yi Yun feels good.

He arched his hand over the man of the surname: "The island owner, there are several questions underneath, want to ask the island owner."

"Oh?" The man surnamed Man was slightly surprised and smiled. "There is nothing to say to the Yi Brothers."

"It is like this. I want to ask, what are the bodies of the ten **** moons, where were the owners of the island?"

For these ten **** corpses, the man surnamed Man naturally has the greatest say.

The surnamed man said: "Wuzhou Island where you are located is in the depths of the sea. A certain **** feels the energy fluctuations in the distance, and even causes the vision of the heavens and the earth. It seems that there is a big law broken. I thought that if I had a secret treasure, I went to see it with my wife and I saw this scene of great destruction."

"The whole does not cross the sea, and the redness in the sea has disappeared, and it has become a blue. The air is full of energy turbulence and debris. This is probably because there was a big explosion before."

"If Zou did not misread, there should have been some sort of unpredictable method before, but unfortunately the formation failed for some reason, and it collapsed directly, causing changes in the rules of heaven and earth."

"Zhuou looked for the traces of the explosion nearby and found the bodies of ten people in the **** month. Some of the bodies were even crippled. They were suspected. These people were laid down and collectively reincarnate, but on some bodies, Zou also felt the traces of the soul's collapse, which is obviously not like a reincarnation."

"I am not sure if everyone has failed to reincarnate, but I am just convinced that most of them are really dead. I think this has already minimized the threat of **** moons."

"Big array explosion?"

Yi Yun slightly frowned, he could not believe this explanation.

In fact, I don’t say Yi Yun, many elders in Tianyuanjie, some people think that things are embarrassing, but now the facts are in front of them, it is indeed the death of ten reincarnations, saying that they are suspended, the bodies have been obtained by the Weizhou Island couple. Now, the Tianyuan Elders will build the top ten souls and seal the bodies completely. People don't believe they can resurrect in this situation.

Moreover, people also know that in the battle of the soul black stone trial, the core of the **** moon's strongest sinister army was completely destroyed, which is undoubtedly a major blow to the **** month.

Under the repeated blows, it is difficult to make a comeback.

"How, Yi Xiao brother feels that there is a problem?" The white woman in the two couples of Weizhou Island asked, she is a glamorous young woman, she is also smiling, and the voice is very sweet.

"Blood moon will not be so easy to destroy..." Yi Yun said.

"Oh? Why?"

"I don't know, just feel..." Yi Yun is more aware of the history of the **** moon than anyone else at the place. He also understands the tragic battle of the ancient war. He really has no evidence. Everything is just his feeling. (To be continued.)

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