True Martial World

Chapter 678: Threat

"Feeling?" The surnamed man listened to Yi Yun’s words and smiled. It’s not very reliable to judge one thing by feeling. But for the warrior, sometimes it really can’t be ignored.

Many warriors have airlifts, sometimes because of the air transport, they will bless the soul and make the most correct choices at critical times.

"Easy brothers' worries are justified, but we are not completely unprotected. These ten bodies have been sealed up by the shackles, and the towns are bounded by stone. Even if they are capable, they will not live. Come over, and in a few days, if there is no fruit in the research, the corpses will be destroyed and the after-effects will be completely eliminated." The man surnamed the man collected the bodies of the ten people because he felt that things were embarrassing and wanted to start from the body. Understand why the **** ten people will die.

After listening to the man surnamed Yu, Yi Yun said slightly: "This is not so simple. If you do this, you should be careful and be self-sufficient."

Yi Yun also knows that in this case, it is not helpful, he directly quit.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyu left the team together, and the figure flew away in the blue sky.

After watching Yi Yun’s two people walk, the eyes of the dark night King’s eyes flashed. At this time, he was not considered a threat of blood moon, but a threat from Yi Yun.

How to see the blood moon has been greatly hurt, or even completely destroyed, and the threat of Yi Yun is real, but at most ten years, he will have the ability to dominate the Tianyuan world.

The fate of all of them will be in the hands of Yi Yun.

At this time, the ancestors of Shen Tu, who had been infected with blood, flew into the crowd. Before Yi Yun was there, he had no face because of humiliation. Now Yi Yun left, he could not stand it.

"The old man is insulting today, you can laugh at it, but the old man wants to remind me that the rise of Yi Yun's son is already unstoppable. Those who have had old grievances with him, don't hold any luck, just now everyone has seen it, I am with He contested, his last sword, clearly wants to put me to death, if it is not the night king to save, the old man has no life, they are two!"

Shen Tu ancestors hated the voice, everyone listened, they were all silent, Yi Yun's last sword murder, they certainly feel that, it is a shot without leaving hands.

Shen Tu's ancestors swept through them one by one, and Sen Ran said: "Don't you think that this child only has a killing heart for the old man. There is no idea for you. There are many of you who have offended the Lin family. In this year, in order to avenge my unsuccessful descendant Shen Tu Nantian, hiding his identity in front of Nantian, and forbearing the hatred of hatred, he did not reveal the slightest, showing his heart. After that, he was far less powerful than Nantian’s strength, step by step. Nantian is not a good thing, Lin family will be Nantian into the dungeon, is also his masterpiece, and finally in the secret of the female emperor, this son finally killed Nantian! Such a person, you are not timid? This child is not doing anything to you now. After that, hey, it’s hard to say."

Shen Tu ancestors knew that he had completely offended and died of Yi Yun. If he thinks about it, if he is Yi Yun, he must eradicate his troubles and kill himself.

This is human nature!

But those who are not deeply hated by Yi Yun, at this time, still want to protect themselves, and even please Yi Yun, Shen Tu ancestors will not wait for Yi Yun to kill themselves.

After listening to the words of Shen Tu's ancestors, many people have revealed their taboo look. Yi Yun has dealt with the process of Shen Tu Nan Tian. They all know a little bit, and it is really chilling.

When Shen Tian Nantian was going to die in Yizhou in Chuzhou City, Yi Yun was like a ant-like ant for Shen Tu Nantian. Who knows that a few years later, Shen Tu Nan Tian died step by step in Yi Yun.

For such an easy cloud, just to please him, can not be assured. The best way, of course, is to kill him. However, Yi Yun’s strength is too strong, Shen Tu’s ancestors almost died under his command, and the night king also failed to please.

They want to kill Yi Yun, I am afraid that they must arrange a large array in advance and gather the power of many elders to stay in Yiyun. Even so, it may not be successful, and once the failure of killing Yi Yun, the consequences are unimaginable.

When Shen Tu’s ancestors couldn’t know what they were thinking, he sneered and said: “You all think about Mingzhe’s protection, and when it’s time to be broken, you’ll regret it!”

After that, Shen Tu's ancestors went away, and he was not prepared to leave the Jiujian Mountain, so as not to be retaliated by Yi Yun, he was going to retreat here. Yi Yun is arrogant and can't kill the Sword Mountain. Otherwise, it is really provoking the entire Tianyuan Presbyterian Church.

As for the elders, he does not believe that they will remain stable. Yi Yun has been growing, and the threat to them is getting bigger and bigger. They will always be unable to hold back.

After listening to the words of Shen Tu's ancestors, some elders exchanged a look and said: "After some time, we will gather again."

They all need time to think about it. Yi Yun’s threat is big, but it’s too risky to tear it off with Yi Yun. If Yi Yun really starts to retaliate against some of these families, it is not too late for them to make decisions.

And those families that are likely to be retaliated, such as the Totem secret family, they can really not sit still.

"Shentu's ancestors are right, they must solve Yiyun as soon as possible. Yiyun refused to sign a soul agreement this time, and has already exposed the wolf ambition." These families who are worried about their revenge have decided to privately convince their families to make good friends. It is. Instead of sitting and waiting to die, it is better to unite some elders now, and it is possible to kill Yi Yun, and when Yi Yun can't beat it completely, they can only let it be slaughtered.

On the Sword Mountain, the elders of these families have left and are thinking.

And thousands of miles away.

"Yi Yun, what do you think is the blood month?" Lin Xinyi asked.

"I don't know." Yi Yun shook his head, and his heart was puzzled.

Lin Xin said: "No matter what the blood month is doing, we must hurry to improve our own strength. In addition to the **** month, we must beware of those families. These people are the most capricious, even with your strength. They shocked them, but for them, you and I are too threatening to remove us, I am afraid they are not at ease."

"These people can't afford any wind and waves." Yi Yun said without hesitation. Such as Shen Tu ancestors, he is not in the eyes, if they unite, although some fighting power, but Yi Yun will not give them the opportunity to join forces to kill themselves.

And these people are full of ghosts, how can they really cooperate fully.

"Yi Yun, let's go back to the tower, continue to practice." Lin Xinyi smiled, she and Yi Yun holding hands, from Yi Yun's palm, came a warmth.

The two of them joined hands and flew all the way to the sea.

... (to be continued.)

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