True Martial World

Chapter 679: Devil in the dusk

In a twinkling of an eye, it has been several months since the gathering on the Sword Mountain.

In the meantime, Yi Yun refused to take the position of the elders on the Sword Mountain, refused to sign the soul contract, and defeated the ancestors of Shen Tu, has spread throughout the Tianyuan world.

The warriors who learned the matter, they still remember the original wanted order. Once upon a time, Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi were identified as traitors of the human race, and were referred to by thousands of people.

Many young warriors dreamed of finding clues to Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi, providing them to the martial arts alliance and making contributions.

However, I never imagined that in a blink of an eye, the martial arts alliance became a conspiracy lurking in the Tianyuan world, but Yi Yun became the hero of the blood-moon plan. Just a few days ago, he even fought against the ancestors and defeated them. This record is shocking!

For the same things as the ancient legends, many young geniuses have heard envy and even blood.

What is the pursuit of the martial arts people is not the life of Yi Yun.

In Tianyuanjie, I do not know how many young people regard Yiyun as a goal. Even if the elders of major forces deliberately downplay this matter and resist the propaganda of Yiyun, slowly, Yiyun has become the heart of the younger generation of Tianyuanjie. Idol, he is the embodiment of absolute strength.

Who does not want to be like Yi Yun, young and promising, to achieve a career!

Of course, in the face of such a situation, the most unrecognizable is naturally the Shentu family.

Shen Tu's ancestors were on the Sword Mountain, and even heard some people talking about Yi Yun. These contents were extremely harsh in his listening.

"Can't wait any longer, wait any longer, there is really no chance of alive, Yi Yun will kill me!"

Shen Tu's ancestors are very clear, Yi Yun is not the Virgin, he killed the fruit, how can he tolerate the potential threat?

In the life of a warrior, no one can guarantee that he will be smooth and always maintain his peak.

For example, Yi Yun, even if he is strong, he always suffers from serious injuries, retreats, and so on. Yi Yun naturally will not be able to stay with a viper that can bite himself at any time. The clever way is of course to eradicate.

Time goes by, slowly, Shen Tu's ancestors continue to contact other elders of the forces to the Sword Mountain, in the squad of the Sword Mountain, these people discuss the countermeasures together.

Shen Tu's ancestors sent a lot of confidants to those families who had old grievances with Yi Yun, constantly wooing allies and looking for helpers.

He has already planned to set up a large array in the Jijian Mountain to induce Yi Yun to fall into the trap.

In this matter, the night king also adopted a tacit attitude, and even he secretly provided a lot of convenience and help for this set of methods.

For the night king, the group of Shen Tu ancestors is like a knife in his hand. If a blow fails, the knife will be broken and he can stay out of it.

Soon, Shen Tu’s ancestors gathered ten elders from the heavens and the past, and their powers were all related to Yi Yun, but even these people have concerns, and there is no way to really make up their minds and fight with Yi Yun. .

In the final analysis, they are not too sure because of the success rate.

Ten elders of famous residences gathered in the Jumbo Mountain. This is a temporary safe place, at least not to be assassinated by Yi Yun.

The things have been dragging on for a long time, and it has been several months. Shen Tu’s ancestors know that Yiyun’s strength is growing every past month.

He is a little worried. But it seems that Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi have disappeared. They are not at the Lin family, and they don’t know where to go.

The longer the time drags, the less confident they are.

These days, Shen Tu's ancestors have been sitting on the needles and felts. He feels that he is staying at the Sword Mountain, just like being imprisoned in death, and he will die. He will wait to die.

Sooner or later, Yi Yun will have enough strength to despise all rules. When he commits suicide, he will kill him and take his life.

This time, definitely not more than ten years, knowing the taste of his own death, it is too uncomfortable.

Destroyed by death, Shen Tu's ancestors even thought about taking the initiative to attack the Lin family, angered Yi Yun, and attacked the Jianshan Mountain.

However, such a crazy idea, even if Shen Tu's ancestors feel feasible, others have no such courage, there is really a feeling of moths.

On this day, Shen Tu's ancestors meditated in the practice room, and he knew that if he had to fight with Yi Yun, he would lose more and lose more. Only by using some secret techniques of overdrafting his potential, could he make up for the gap in strength.

The ancient inheritance of the **** moon, there are many such secrets, often killing one thousand, self-destruction of eight hundred moves, and these are the snow in the present Shenzu ancestors.

When Shen Tu's ancestors closed their enlightenment secrets, it was very sudden that Shen Tu's ancestors' eyelids jumped, and then they became inexplicably flustered.

Everyone's eyelids jump, just because of muscle spasms. Of course, for warriors, there is no such thing.

Their eyelids jump, either to the soul or to the danger.

"what happened?"

Shen Tu’s ancestors suddenly stood up and quickly got out of the practice room.

At this time, on the Sword Mountain, there are several allies of Shen Tu's ancestors. Most of the other members of the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church have already returned to their own forces.

These people all felt the same, and they went to the square of the Presbyterian Tower.

Standing on the square, the wind is rising, the surrounding world and the vitality are all chaotic. In such a situation, let them all feel in the air, what happened?

At this time, the wind of the mountains of the Sword Mountain is not formed naturally, but the wind that the energy rises, blowing on the face like a knife, people can't help but support the vitality.

A faint suffocation, spreading in the air, Shen Tu ancestors gradually became dignified.

There is a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart!

Yi Yun? Is it that he came to kill himself! ?

Shen Tu ancestors did not believe that Yi Yun should not be so arrogant. Although he was strong, he has not yet grown up completely. At this time, he killed the Sword Mountain and blatantly attacked the members of the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church. For the enemy!

Yi Yun should not have the power to dominate the Tianyuan world. If he angers all the big forces and joins him at all costs, then he is afraid that there is no place for him.

"who is it!"

Shen Tu's ancestors armed with long guns and battled with other elders.

At this time, it was dusk, and the sun of the Western Heaven sprinkled the glory of pale gold, shining on the face of Shen Tu's ancestors, together with the rifle of Shen Tu's ancestors, was also coated with a layer of golden light.

Suddenly, Shen Tu’s ancestors discovered a **** color on the horizon, and he was sure that it was not the cloud that was red at sunset.

The blood color slowly opened up, and it continued to spread to the Sword Mountain. It became thicker and thicker and looked shocking.

From the blood, Shen Tu ancestors felt a strong suffocation, as if it was a **** sea that killed thousands of souls!

Shen Tu’s forehead has already sweated. This is not like Yi Yun. What is it?

"Transmission to the Dark King!"

Shen Tu's ancestors are getting more and more panicked. He never felt like this. Around him, several famous people felt that it was a big deal. They came up with a sound jade, and at this time, Shen Tu’s ancestors were like The cat that was stepped on the tail suddenly jumped forward and turned!

Just a moment ago, he felt the terrible murder behind him, as if suddenly there was a giant behemoth appearing behind him!

Other famous monks also turned around with Shen Tu's ancestors, and then they suddenly became stiff, and it was difficult to act because of the terrible breath and fear.

They saw that in the foothills of the Jumbo Mountain, they had just stepped out of the top of the tower, and a whole body was covered with black armor. I don’t know if it was a ghost monster that was on the spire. His eyes were red, and he was covered with a tattered cloak. He was drifting in the wind. His two arms, one foot long, had been dragged down and hung on the dome of the tower.

This monster, only one one-eyed, this one-eyed stare at them a few people, so that their heartbeat is almost stagnant!

In this monster, they feel the horrible atmosphere, it is not the pressure, not the momentum, and like the rabbit facing the heavenly goshawk, there is a kind of suppression from the level of life!

This suppression makes it difficult for their whole body blood and energy to flow.

What the **** is he... what! ? (To be continued.)

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