True Martial World

Chapter 680: Blood stained the sword mountain

Shen Tu ancestors and these famous places, they have not experienced this feeling for a long time. Even when they first came into contact with the martial arts and faced a wild beast that was a hundred times stronger than them, it didn't feel as strong as it is now.

The black armor stared at them silently. In his one-eyed eyes, there was no feeling, only indifference. He looked at them as if they were watching a group of ants.

The wind whistling, his black hair fluttering behind his head. The blood in the distance swept like a wave of water. In the presence of this monster, on the top of the mountain of the Sword Mountain, it seemed to form a huge vortex.

Shen Tu ancestors in the eyes of this monster, but they seem to see the destruction, see a **** cloud, but also a hundred times thicker, thousands of times of blood.


Like the violent drum-like heartbeat, in the ears of Shen Tu's ancestors and others, their hearts seemed to come out of the throat.

"who are you……"

The voice of Shen Tu's ancestors trembled, and his hand slowly broke the sound of jade. However, at this moment, his pupil suddenly shrank!

The monster, he disappeared from the top of the tower!

The empty tower top makes everyone feel the scalp numb!

These famous people, they immediately inspired the body!

The volatility of the vitality, the radiance of the body of the body has just turned on... Hey!

The blood was collapsing, and a hand like a spear suddenly came out of the chest of a famous guest. The elder of the heavenly environment, his mouth opened slightly, his eyes rounded, and he slowly lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest.

The hand, the claws were dark, and the fingertips were stained with minced meat and blood, and they were continually dripping down. His protective body, like paper paste, did not play any role at all.


The palms are pulled out, and the chest is bloody.

This name is like a rag sack, and it is generally smashed out and fell to the ground.

The rest of the celebrities looked pale at this monster, and the monster stood in front of them, more than a mile tall.

His appearance is human, but there is no human feeling at all.

He just shot, without any fluctuations in vitality, just random attacks, very primitive moves, which killed a famous place.

The monster slowly walked towards another famous place. The singer was sweating. He felt that the air and space around him seemed to be compressing, making him almost unable to move in place.

"Help me!" The name screamed, and at the same time he held a long sword, and he was full of violent anger, gathering at his sword.

A sword of incomparable horror, let the daylight turn into an instant night, and in the night, like a meteor falling, destroying the earth, this sword of survival, turned to the monster.

The monster did not dodge, seeing the sword stab to his chest.


Jianguang bombarded the monster's body, and his tall figure was instantly shrouded in Jianguang.

However, at this moment, a palm full of warm blood was stretched out of Jianguang, and he grabbed the throat of the monk.

when! The long sword in the hands of the famous family landed, his feet rose from the ground, and kept screaming.

Shen Tu ancestors and others looked at this scene in horror, watching the figure of this buddy in front of this monster like a baby with no resistance. Finally, with the five fingers of this monster gathered, it is numb The sound came.


A puff of blood, spurting out from the mouth of this bud, in this **** fog scattered, the head of the famous hang down at a strange angle, the body twitches.

His neck was pinched off!

The monster turned back indifferently and looked at other people.

"Spell with him!"

Shen Tu ancestors shouted. In front of this monster, you can't escape, you can only fight!

The energy of all colors came out, and even for Yi Yun, the unfinished big array was also launched by Shen Tu's ancestors.

In this earth-shattering general offensive, there is no volatility in the monster. He is like the cocking of the ants, using the simplest and most direct killing method.

The famous people fell down one by one, and their eyes were full of horror, unwillingness, and despair.

They practiced martial arts for tens of thousands of years, stood at the peak of the Tianyuan world, and swayed hundreds of millions of people, which is the existence that all warriors look up to.

However, in the face of this monster, they feel like ordinary warriors face themselves.

The gap is too big!

They did their best to attack, and there was no effect. The expression on the monster's face did not change.


A broken rifle fell to the ground, and it was broken by the monster. Beside the pike, there was a broken sound jade...

Shen Tu's ancestors opened their mouths, grabbed the broken chest, and stared at the monster with a pair of eyes.

He has a heavy armor, a broken cloak behind him, and a muscle that is as hard as a god. He has a scarlet one-eyed eye, and the eyeball in the other eye is like a stone. It seems to be awkward. His facial features are hidden in the shadow of the helmet, which is blurred and cannot be seen clearly.

At this moment, there was a shadow on the top of Shen Tu’s ancestors. A black big foot stepped down. Shen Tu’s ancestors were trampled by this foot like straw, and his body was trampled on the ground. The chest bones are shattered!

Hey! The entire square was cracked by the monster's foot, forming numerous cracks in the cobweb.

Shen Tu ancestors stared at the sky, staring at the sky, his pupil lost his focus, could not breathe, a pool of blood, slowly immersed from under the bare feet...


The vibration of the Sword Mountain, the turbulent vitality, and the fierce battle that broke out on the top of the mountain, alerted the disciples of the major forces stationed in the Sword Mountain.

They can't usually climb the top of the sword, but now, the protective array around the giant tower of the Sword Mountain has been crushed by the monster.

These disciples still don't know what happened, they flew up and looked at the top of the mountain.

The extremists gathered many elite children of the family, especially the Shentu family, from the fire sect, etc., because of fear of Yi Yun’s revenge, a large number of family geniuses stayed in the Jijian Mountain.

People looked up at the tower and looked at the blood cloud above.

They saw the figure under the blood cloud. He was like a savage, wearing heavy armor and ragged clothes.

The savage lowered his head and seemed to step on something under his feet.

When I really saw that he was stepping on the "things", the young Junjies present, especially the disciples of the Shentu family, felt shocked!

It was a person, his face was blood, the five senses were completely distorted, and the body was still twitching gently, but they still could recognize that the face belonged to Shen Tu ancestors!

A generation of ancestors, one of the top-ranking powerhouses in the Tianyuan world, was trampled by this savage?

A cold feeling rose from the soles of the feet, and at this time, the savage slowly raised his head, a ruthless one-eyed, looking at the group of young people...

At that moment, everyone only felt that their lives did not seem to belong to themselves in an instant!

(To be continued.)

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