True Martial World

Chapter 681: Ten dead bodies

The blood of the clouds over the Sword Mountain continued for a day and night. It was not until the twilight of the next day that it slowly dissipated.

At this time, several people flew from a distance, and the one headed by him was the Dark King.

The night king looked far away at this towering mountain, and the mountain was silent, and no sound came.

I don’t have to go to see it. He knows that the whole mountain has become a dead place. The disciples left behind on the Sword Mountain are all dead!

The square on the top of the mountain was completely cracked, and there were bloods everywhere, but the body of Shen Tu's ancestors and others was not found.

The bodies of young juniors are everywhere, and the bodies of those who are famous have disappeared.

Beside some bloodstains, you can also see the wreckage of some weapons and magic weapons.

The night king saw a broken long gun. Next to the long gun, it was a broken jade scattered in the ground. It was a crumpled sound jade.

The night king squatted down and picked up the broken rifle. Shen Tu's ancestors were the characters of the Tianyuan community. The rifles he used were not the best ones in Tianyuan, but they were almost the same.

In particular, after the blood moon was eliminated, the blood moon treasure was obtained. Shen Tu’s ancestors were assigned a material named Xuan Yunjing from the treasure house. Shen Tu’s ancestors spent two years, slowly melting the Xuan Yunjing into Among his rifles, he made the quality of his rifle a new level.

It was such a gun that was broken by a hard one.

At the gap where the pistol breaks, there is no trace of the sharp edge of the blade. It is completely unscrewed by hand. How much strength does it take?

In fact, when Shen Tu's ancestors were killed, he had shattered the sound of jade, he did not have time to pass the message, but the night king heard the sound of their war.

The whole battle broke out very suddenly, but the duration was very short. In such a short period of time, Shen Tu's ancestors and other famous stays in the Sword Mountain, a total of six people, all the troops were wiped out, one did not escape!

The six players could not compete with each other, but they could not escape even if they escaped separately. The strength of the opponent was so simple that it was shocking.

"What is the killing of the Shentu?"

An old man frowned, and throughout the Tianyuan world, he could not think of anyone who could have such strength.

The night king took a deep breath and his face was extremely ugly.

If the murderer is Yi Yun, it is impossible. Excluding Yi Yun, there is only one thought of the night king, that is, the blood moon!

Thinking of the **** month, the night of the king’s heart suddenly broke out, how about the ten bodies?

He hurriedly took out the sound jade Jane and sent it to the owner of Weizhou Island.

The night king worried that the ten bodies had a corpse change. In that case, the couples on the island of Weizhou Island were also in danger.

Although in the heart of the dark night king, he always refused to let the two couples on Weizhou Island die, so that no one can threaten themselves, but now, the enemy is currently, all the warriors in Tianyuan are in a boat, if the ship sinks They are all finished.

The night king just had to crush the sound jade, suddenly turned his head and saw the dark sky, a black and white figure flew quickly.

These two people are very fast, and they are still in the sky. In the blink of an eye, they have already reached the eyes of the night king.

The two are the two couples on Weizhou Island.

The Great Sword Mountain has had such a big thing, and the two couples naturally got the news.

"How is the body?"

The night king asked him.

"Look at yourself!"

The surnamed man slammed his hands and ten souls smashed out of his space ring, lined up in the sky.


The coffins are open together.

Seeing the inside of the coffin, the night king sucked in a cold air.

It’s not that the ten bodies have disappeared, but they have changed a lot, not the signs of corpses, but... all decay!

Ten bodies have been rotted, giving off a stench. For example, the body of the original **** lord is still good, the speed of corruption is not fast, and some others have already rotted into bones.

Even if the mortal body is buried in the soil in a hot and humid environment, it will not rot so fast, let alone the body of the warrior can easily maintain the eternal life.

Now these ten bodies have become like this almost overnight!

The heart of the night king sank, the body rotted, the demon was born, and the two occurred at the same time, naturally it would not be a coincidence.

The man surnamed a long sigh and said: "Yi Yunxiao brothers said it well, we are too underestimated the blood moon, although I don't know what they are doing, but I have a hunch that the Tianyuan world may have a catastrophe. It’s like a catastrophe tens of millions of years ago."

Greatly shattered?

The catastrophe that occurred tens of millions of years ago, no one has ever experienced it, and even there is no record in the classics. For the disaster, people only feel illusory and far away. What is the real experience? No one knows. .

In the presence of the place, I felt that my heart was pressing a big stone, and my breathing was a lot dignified.

It is not surprising that a person can arbitrarily kill their existence and say that he can ruin the heavenly world.

"Now that these are meaningless, Yi Yun even expected another method of blood and moon, he can still destroy the terrible existence?" Yi Yun, the night king will frown, Yi Yun is his heart A jealousy.

"Yi Yun certainly can't be destroyed, but if he is given him for hundreds of years, or even a thousand years, let him approach the realm of the ancient female emperor, he may be able to do it..."

"Hundreds of years? Thousands of years?" The night king snorted. "At that time, we were afraid that we were all killed. What is the use of his terrible existence?"

"Of course it is useful." The surnamed man looked up at the sky, his eyes smashed the entire starry sky into it... "After the millennium, you and I may have been killed by the monster, but the Tianyuan world is boundless, and there are always people who can live." Down, unless that existence has the ability to completely destroy this big world..."

"As long as someone survives, the Terran will continue to exist. After a few years, it will prosper again. After the ruin, it will be like a reincarnation."

The man surnamed Yu said here, looking down at the night king, he said: "Tianyuanjie, not only us."

The night king stunned, and he did not expect the man surnamed to give such a set of rhetoric.

Warrior I, when the world, in charge of the reincarnation, in the world will be with the sun and the moon, longevity in the heavens and the earth, after the death, which tube floods the sky.


In the famous place of Tianyuan, when the chaos was suddenly made, in the secret of the female emperor, Yi Yun in the retreat suddenly opened his eyes.

He took out a stone from his arms, and a small crack appeared on the stone. Seeing this situation, Yi Yun frowned. He knew that it was coming. (To be continued.)

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