True Martial World

Chapter 858: Four grandchildren

The Rocky Imperial City covers an extremely wide area. In the north of the Imperial City, there is a snow-capped mountain with a height of tens of thousands of feet. The top of the mountain is covered with blue ice, and there is a snowy sea. It is a fairyland on earth.

Among the snowy seas, there are countless beautiful jade-carved palaces. Each palace has a blessing of the law, leaving the outside world ice-cream, but the palace is surrounded by grass all year round, and the Qionghua Yushu is beautiful.

In the middle of the mountain, there is also a hot spring, the seasons are not frozen, the water temperature is pleasant, this hot spring, called Luoqingchi, Luoqingchi all year round water vapor, the pool water is Ganquan Yulu, full of aura, mortals can take a bite to be young Years old, drinking a pot of young ten years, mortals are not so strange, even if it is not a weak warrior, this Luo Qingchi is also very beneficial, this is rare.

Even in the Rocky Palace, where the spiritual place is everywhere, this Luoqing pool is also famous.

The entire Luoqing Pool was surrounded by a palace. The palace was named Luoqing Palace. Today, the banquet of the Luohuang Empress is in this Luoqing Palace.

The people who banquet are important figures in the Rock family.

There are Xuanhou Niangniang, Ziling Princess, there are several old ministers in the Rocky Dynasty, the Fengyun characters in the Rocky Imperial City, and the performance in this training is extremely outstanding, and it is expected to be a young hero in the trial of the Luo Shen Temple!

The criteria chosen by this young Junjie are very high. Some states, even one, have not been selected. For example, Huoyunzhou has only chosen Yiyun.

These selected young Junjies are very excited in their hearts. This banquet may be an important opportunity in their lives. Once they are lucky, they will be appreciated by the top management of Rockwell. In the future, it will definitely be smooth.

At this time, from the beginning of the banquet, there was another hour. Yi Yun took the invitation and came to Luoqing Palace, but saw Luo Tian who also held the invitation.

In Fengqizhou, Luo Tian was chosen to go to the banquet, but Luo Tian's seat in the large hall of the Louqing Palace outside the hall, that is to make up a number.

Sitting here, there is no chance to be appreciated, even the face of the queen behind the Luo can not see, the real important figure, but sitting inside.

After Luo Tian saw Yi Yun, he smiled awkwardly. Since Yi Yun broke through the heavens and had a ninety-nine-dollar tree, Luo Tian had no idea of ​​competing with Yi Yun, and he was not as good as Yi Yun.

Yi Yun simply nodded, lifted his legs and continued to walk into the inner hall. When he saw this scene, Luo Tian was very envious. This inner temple, he also wanted to enter, but unqualified.

In the inner hall, it is all the top figures. Even today, even the purple princess has come. If you enter the inner hall, you can also see the beauty of the purple princess.

This purple princess, but the whole pearl of the Rocky Emperor, what big family celebrities, the arrogant women of the big states, compared to the purple princess, it is not a level.

Not to mention the appearance, family history, this talent alone, the purple spirit princess body is full of horrible blood, the rumor that the purple spirit princess got the ancient blood of the ancient demon inheritance, ten years old will awaken the ancient demon blood, this even More than a large section of the Akasaka emperor!

It is also because the Purple Princess is too good, so Luo Huang was hesitant among the heirs. Otherwise, according to the tradition of the Rock family, the support of the Akasaka prince, regardless of the power of management, is far beyond the purple spirit. Princess, how can I get the throne?

For the purple spirit princess, even if Luo Tian knows that with his own talents and identities, he does not want to have any intersection with the purple spirit princess for a lifetime, but he only sees one side, he is very satisfied.

It is a pity... the status gap is too far, and there are two people in the world.

Yi Yun naturally didn't know that Luo Tian thought so much in this moment. In fact, even if Luo Tian said it, Yi Yun is hard to imagine. The problem girl who was in Taishen City at the beginning could have such an unattainable Identity.

Stepping into the inner palace of Luoqing Palace, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Just a few steps away, Yi Yun saw Luoqing Pool in the inner temple.

A Luoqing pool, a spring water raft, and a pavilion of jade carvings were built on the clear pool. On the pavilion, there were white girls dancing.

These young girls are carefully selected worldly things, their blood is the demon, and the appearance of the body is one of the best.

Can dance in Luoqing pool, it is not the average girl can have this opportunity.

At this time, in the Luoqing pool, there have been a lot of people gathered, looking at it, young and handsome, and those older people, there are not many.

Yi Yun didn't know anything at all. He just found a place to sit down and slowly drank tea.

Although Yiyun seems careless, what is happening around it is also in the perception of Yiyun.

He found that not far from the Luoqing pool, there was a small transmission array. This transmission array was directly located inside the Luoqing Palace.

At this moment, the transmission array suddenly lights up!

For a time, the people in this hall suddenly looked at this transmission array. You must know that Luoqing Peak, where Luoqing Palace is located, has a height of ten feet. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are hundreds of miles up the mountain, and unless it is a member of the royal family. Otherwise, no one is allowed to fly in Luoqing Peak. They can only walk up the mountain. Although the military is very fast, but can only go quickly, this road up the mountain has to go for a while.

Although there is a transmission array in Luoqing Palace, it is directly from the foot of the mountain to the palace, but people who do not have a certain identity cannot use it at all.

"There are people who are incredible, don't know who it is..."

People are talking about the transmission of the flash of light, two young people, and discharged into the current transmission array.

One of the left side, wearing a Tsing Yi, looks very plain, just like a talented scholar who is a mortal, and he does not feel any energy fluctuations.

The other person is just the opposite. His whole body is covered with jade belts. The silk threads of these brocades are all woven from the colorful silk spit out of the colorful silkworms. They are worthless. The pair of boots at his feet are also the leather of the top monsters. Clothes and boots add up, there are not many thousands of world stones can not buy, a lot of Junjie, although invited to the Luoqing Palace to feast, but their own family may not be rich, this is the clothes, it is more than some people It takes a lot of money to get a net worth.

When two people appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of all the Junjies present.

These two people, whether it is this young man in the brocade or the Tsing Yi show, all of them exude a natural and noble atmosphere, which is the embodiment of the ancient family of Rock's family.

"Dong Lin Yu! 冉 Xueyi! Two of the four sons of the Rocky Emperor!"

In the crowd, someone called out their identity, in the entire Rocky Emperor, qualified to be called the four sons, it is definitely the man of the storm!

The Donglin family, who was born in Donglin Yu, and the Xuanshi, who was born in Xue Xueyi, are the top ten families in Rockwell.

These two families, just the land, have ten Huozhou states!

The ancestors of the two families had once clashed with the first emperor of the Rocks, and set up a war in the north. After the establishment of the Rock family, they each sealed the king and continued to the present, as long as the Rock's royal family.

And regardless of Donglin's, or the virtual water, each generation will cultivate a large number of talents, in the Rock's Royal Capital, or assigned to the 196 states, to take charge of a state, become a big country.

Nowadays, Donglin Yu and Yu Xueyi are the two most outstanding of the two big family juniors. Such a big family, the young people who really cultivated, grew up in their own family. Compared with Daiyu, the status in the family is one day and one place, and there is no comparability at all.

"Oh, please."

The man in Tsing Yi, who looked like a show, reached out and he was Dong Linyu.

"Dong Lin brother please."

The Jinyi youth also spoke, and the snowsuit was luxurious, but it did not give people a sense of arrogance. His words and demeanor made people listen to the spring breeze, and the name of the four sons.

At this time, a strong and strong-faced brawny came up to lead the way for the young people.

When you see this brawny man with a green face, people are pumping their hearts.


The demon family of Wan Yao Di Tian, ​​the mixed blood of the demon and the devil, the number is very rare, the demon family has a long life, the physical strength is terrible, is a natural warrior.

If you can train the demon into a slain, it is the most precious protection power of the family. In front of this demon, it is obviously the sacred water, and it is the follower of the snowsuit.

The followers can take them to the Luoqing Palace for dinner, and they can also see the identity of Xue Xueyi.

Qi Xueyi sat down on the first table, not far from the position where Yi Yun was sitting. At this time, the demon was attached to the ear of Xue Xue and whispered a few words. Qi Xueyi was talking to Dong Linyu and heard the words of the demon and stopped.

Yan Xueyi turned his head slightly and his eyes fell on Yi Yun.

Yi Yun’s hand holding the cup was slightly stagnation, but after that, he still drank the tea.

冉 Snow clothes... Just listen to this name, Yi Yun also knows the identity of the other party.

"Oh brother, what happened to you recently, you have heard about it, saying that you are a disciple of the family, and you have been abolished."

The whisper of the demon did not take advantage of Dong Linyu. Dong Linyu knew that this person was Yi Yun.

A young disciple from Huoyunzhou, even if the training is first, Dong Linyu is not in the eye. If he is normal, he will not look at it.

But now, this fire Yunzhou disciple hit the face of the virtual water, such as the ancient demon family like the virtual water, it is taboo to be abolished by ancient blood, this little thing, spread very open.

So, Yi Yun, who dared to make a move on the old age, Dong Linyu also paid attention to it.

This kind of person, most of them are a bit of a sloppy potential, do not know the heights of the earth, do not understand the terrible of the ancient family, screaming that they have a little talent, deliberately, will sooner or later suffer big losses.

"Let Donglin brother laughed, there is such a thing for a while, and it was a disciple of my imaginary waters. I have been taken care of by the four elders of the imaginary water, and left him within the rules. A lesson will be fine."

Qi Xueyi said in an understatement, and did not deliberately use the sound, so that many people around him heard it.

They secretly screamed, this snowsuit, really did not put Yi Yun in the eyes, this kind of thing, did not care to say it, do not know the so-called "leave a lesson", to what extent?

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