True Martial World

Chapter 859: See the Purple Princess

Everyone heard a word, Yi Yun naturally heard it.

He glanced at the snowsuit and put down the cup in a quiet manner.

Yi Yun is not a soft persimmon. He is not so silent when he is in the Luoqing Palace. He will not be silent.

"Hey, let's just ask for humility, don't know what lessons the young son has prepared for?"

Yi Yun suddenly spoke, and the young Junjie was there to listen to it. He suddenly looked at the snowsuit and looked at how to answer.

冉 冉 衣 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡""

冉 冉 衣 一 一 , , , , 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 冉 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻 年轻The lesson is that within the rules, will Yi Yun be abolished?

A lesson, so painful, but in the mouth of the snow, it seems as if it is not the case.

Looking at the temperament of the snowsuit, he was mad at all, but the words he spoke were really mad.

"Oh? So, you are trying to abolish me, Xueyi is very good, I Yiyun will not retaliate against anyone, but also pay attention to a debt to pay back, killing people paying for it, who wants to scrap me, then I If he returns, he may be scrapped."

Yi Yun said this, full of enthusiasm, resounding the audience!

Everyone listened a little stupid. This is a snowy madness. This Yiyun is actually more mad. He used the snowsuit to say the same words and hit the snowsuit back and forth.

冉 衣 在 随意 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在The background is too hard, he said such words, no one dares to say anything.

But this Yi Yun, he dared to say so.

He is just a human race. There is no foundation in the Rock family. Is he going to work with the snowsuit? What is he based on?

Said Yi Yun talent high, Qi Xueyi is also a talent against the sky, with Daiyu is not a level at all, Yi Yun can not be more than talent in the snow, or two.

As for the other aspects, let alone the Yiyun side, they have been seen by Xue Xueyi.

冉 衣 衣 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑

"What I just said is, whoever wants to scrap me, I may also abolish him!"

Yi Yun doesn't care to repeat it again. The words he spoke are the norms of the martial arts world. If you put them in peacetime, no one will pick out a problem.

However, at this time, the young Junjie changed to the position of Yi Yun, but no one had the courage to say it.

Qi Xueyi suddenly laughed. "Long time no peers dare to say this to me, Yi Yun, you probably thought that you got a few points in the training, got the appreciation of Xuanhou Empress, and can come After attending this Luoqingchi banquet, I have already stepped into the top of the Luos family. I feel that I am a vain, and there is nothing remarkable about it. It is naive."

The snowy clothes are unrelentingly ironic, and he naturally knows that Yi Yun is the man of the mysterious queen.

Xuan Hou Niangniang can successfully climb the throne for the purple princess, and draw a group of geniuses, but said how high the identity of these geniuses is, it is a joke, and it is hard to hear, they are just pieces.

"A training session took the first place, or the scope of several small states in the district. This is mad and there is no side. I don't know if you think that you are the first trial of the Luo Shen Temple! And even if you are in Luoshen How can I get the first few in the trial of the temple? The trial of the Temple of Loth, once in a squad, is a thousand times in 60,000 years. Is it very good? It’s really sitting on the ground!”

The snowsuit was drinking, and he shook his head disdainfully. He still had nothing to say, but everyone understood the meaning of the snowsuit.

An ancient family like Xuan Shuiyu has existed for hundreds of millions of years!

For over 100 million years, Rock's super family has not changed.

And those young Junjies don’t know how much they have been born, how much they have grown up, and how many have died!

In the long history of history, it has not been counted, not to mention that Yi Yun is still not a genius at that level.

It’s a joke compared to the huge moon that has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

At this time, Yu Xueyi has no plans to compete with Yi Yun.

What position does he have to fight with Yi Yun will only humiliate his identity.

"Donglin brother, we drink, don't care about this monk."

冉 冉 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性 性

He really came to drink with Dong Linyu.

For a time, people looked at Yi Yun and talked about it.

Before, Yi Yun was amazing in the training of Lushan, but when he arrived at the Rocky Emperor, there were not many people who knew Yiyun.

The Rock family is too big, and every family has amazing people. Yi Yun is not worthy of attention at all, but today they all know this young man.

A human being, repairing it as a temporary one, is in conflict with the chief son of the virtual water, which is a bit of a slap in the face.

"This Yiyun comes from the lower bounds. He should not know the horror of the Wanxue Emperor Tianda family. If he is low-educated and has no background, he will dare to make such a statement, and he will suffer shortly."

"The background is too important. This time, Yi Yun is barely able to climb the big ship of Xuan Hou. Maybe it is lucky, I can get some appreciation..."

People communicated privately in the air. They are not talking about Yi Yun's talent, but Yi Yun's way of doing things. If he is not yet up, he will be so arrogant. He does not know how to hold low-key, which is not desirable in the martial arts world.

at this time……

Suddenly a high-pitched phoenix reverberated over the Luoqing Peak. People looked up and saw a giant bird with a body length of several thousand feet flying long.

This **** bird looks exactly the same as the legendary phoenix. Its body feathers are burning with flames, shining the colorful auspicious light.

A huge breath of the ancient monsters, even if they are all in the history of Rock's Junjie, suddenly felt the ancient demon from the sky, I feel a little breathless.

"It's a phoenix bird! My Rock's top mount, a beast that can travel through the space storm of the returning market!"

The phoenix bird has the blood of the ancient phoenix, and the blood is very rich, almost can be said to be a living ancient demon.

The entire Rockwell, there are only two phoenix birds, all of them in the royal family.

This phoenix bird was given to the purple spirit princess as a mount by the royal emperor, and it was enough to show the love of the royal emperor to the purple princess.

"It is the purple spirit princess coming!"

Young Junjie, who stood up all of a sudden, stood up, including Yu Xueyi and Dong Linyu. Although they are the four sons of the Emperor, they are not comparable to Ziling Princess, regardless of their identity, status, and talent. They passed through the transmission array to Luoqing Palace, which is already higher than the average person, but the purple spirit princess, but directly from his own palace, flew by the phoenix bird to the Luo Yingfeng, which was originally banned from flying.

The phoenix bird hovered in the air, a colorful rainbow hangs from the back of the phoenix bird, and the purple spirit princess wears a phoenix crown, descending from the sky with the accompanying twelve maids.

A noble spirit belonging to the emperor will be released.

"See Princess Purple Ling!"

In the presence of Junjie, they are saluting and respectful.

The Purple Princess is not allowed. She does not say that she is one of the heirs of the throne. She retired 10,000 steps and said that even if she missed the emperor, she also had a brilliant future.

Although the mysterious loss is inevitable, but the purple spirit princess himself is excellent, and with the old Luohuang to protect her, she will not be too difficult to achieve the honor in the future.

A Sayādaw, whether it is Luo or not, is a detached person in the Rock family.

When people are saluting, Yi Yun is a bit stunned.

He looked at the purple princess who descended from the sky, even if he had prepared in his heart, but he really saw the lack of roots in the brain, and even the little girl who had once walked in front of him, turned into a famous family of Rocks, and was billions of dollars. The admired princess, Yi Yun still feels a little changed.

This is really a little different in style.

Seeing that Luo Huoer's casual wave of hands, let these Junjie be excused, she looks dignified, elegant manners, really princess temperament, this ... Is this really the same person?

"Get up," Luo Huoer said faintly. At this time, Xue Xueyi had come up with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, it is more and more beautiful."

Luo Huoer as the arrogant woman of the first day of the entire Rocky Emperor, Qi Xueyi naturally expects to be able to kiss a Fangze, even if it can be close to a little better.

Of course, he still maintains the most standard number of monarchs, which makes people not resentful.

But at this time, the snowsuit that had been brought over slowly slowly stopped. He found that her goddess, who had always been noble and elegant in her mind, did not pay attention to herself. At this time, her beautiful eyes have always been Looking at a corner of the hall, the eyes are full of incredible colors.

冉 Snow clothes stunned, what is the princess watching?

He couldn't help but look back and look at the eyes of Princess Ziling, so... He saw Yi Yun in the corner of the main hall, Yi Yun just put down the tea cup, and the purple spirit princess came, others had already greeted him. However, he was obviously slower than half a beat.

And there is no respectful look on his face. The general Tianjiao, seeing the purple spirit princess, are bowed their heads and respectfully, this is the ceremony of the monarch.

Even if he was wearing a snowsuit, he did not dare to look directly at Luo Huoer, and this Yi Yun, he was staring at Luo Huoer’s face, and the most irritating thing was that Yi Yun’s face was all quirky. It seems that they have the same strange place in the first princess of Rockwell.

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