Try Out Edgewalker, Sister Zhou Becomes A Cyberpsycho

Chapter 10: Sister Zhou Is About To Die? One Shot Into The Soul!

The second day in the game.

"Where are we going now?"

Zhou Shuyi sat on the Gloria car, crossing her legs wildly,

Looking at the extremely wild overtaking cars next to me,

Another sentence blurted out:

"Our car is too slow!"


As soon as these words are spoken,

Zhou Shuyi immediately regretted it!

Gloria, David's mother's head,

A line of words floated by:


"That's the Lake Lady's Sword! Only the richest and most powerful people in Night City can afford it!"

"What about you? You're always going to get into trouble! You can only eat vegetarian burritos tonight!"

Gloria finished speaking rapidly,

Zhou Shuyi rolled her eyes and muttered:

"Forget it! I've gotten into so much trouble anyway..."

A sharp gaze as sharp as needles shot through Gloria's eyes immediately!


"What's wrong with you kid lately!"

"It's not enough trouble!"

"I work so hard outside just to have you at Arasaka Academy..."

"As a result, you almost got kicked out of school today!!!"

When Zhou Shuyi heard this, her head was pounding!

He immediately became hesitant!


Even the audience in the live broadcast room felt the same way!

"David's mother is right!"

"MD Sister Zhou is so worried!"

"I understand this game is a genuine educational film!"

"That's right! Who told you, Sister Zhou, to use pirated software in Arasaka Academy classes!"

"There is a saying that Arasaka Academy is full of aristocratic young men."

"How did David get in from such a poor family?"

"Mom works hard to make money!"

"The hope is all on David, right?"

"I didn't expect to be as careless as Sister Zhou!"

"Sister Zhou is really annoying!"

"I almost got kicked out of school! If David's mother hadn't spent all her last savings, I don't know what I would have done?"

"Bring your filial daughter Zhou Shuyi!"

The praise barrage reached Zhou Shuyi’s ears one by one,

This time, Sister Zhou finally couldn't bear it anymore!

"Shut up!!!"

As a result, I was so excited that I forgot that David also uttered this sentence after himself in the game!

Zhou Shuyi was scared to death this time!

This will definitely piss off David’s mother!

Just as Zhou Shuyi was trembling and quietly looking at the driver's seat,

Gloria's eyes also swept over!

The two looked at each other!

But what Zhou Shuyi didn't expect was that not only did Gloria have no blame in her eyes,

Instead, it was all panic!


Bang bang——!

A round of large-caliber kinetic energy bullets suddenly passed between the two driver's seats!

Take David's shabby pickup truck from back to front,

A tight pair!

The windshield in front of the car shattered into countless sharp fragments on the spot!

And Zhou Shuyi saw this situation for the first time in VR!

Don't know how to react at all!

"Get down!"

"Don't get up!"

In an instant, a big hand stretched out from Gloria's side,

In one fell swoop, Zhou Shuyi was pushed down on her head!

Even so, it’s still half a beat too late!

A few scattered fragments,

He still cut Zhou Shuyi on the face!

VR jumpsuit and helmet goggles,

Perfectly simulates the traumatic feeling of being cut by glass shards!


It even simulates a hint of rust and blood smell!


Zhou Shuyi looked aside in panic, and Gloria stretched out her arm to protect her.

His hands were covered in blood after being cut by the fragments!

"David don't move!"


A heavily armed pickup truck passed David's car with a loud whoosh!

"Company suit dog! Today is the end of you!"

A roar that was louder than thunder almost shattered Zhou Shuyi's eardrums!

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded:

"What the hell is Cyber ​​Edge a game like this?"

"Isn't this too real?"

"This shrapnel! The physical effect of the broken glass! Damn it is so fucking amazing!"

"You guys are awesome! Aren't you scared when you see this?"

"Who says I'm not afraid! You scared me to death!"

"Who are these thugs?"

"Suit Company Dog? Are you talking about Arasaka Company?"

at this time,

Zhou Shuyi can no longer listen to the barrage discussion!

It was only at this moment that I realized,

This cyber world is so dangerous in a physical sense that it can explode!

The bullet that almost took me and David’s mother away,

The real goal is not yourself at all!

But what's that car in front of?

Sword of the Lake Lady!

And this makes Zhou Shuyi even more frightened!

The City of Night is not as beautiful as I imagined.

But human life is like grass!

He might die in the firefight of these chaotic gangs at any time!

Just when Zhou Shuyi watched the armed pickup truck slowly speeding away, she thought she could take a breath.

Suddenly a big prosthetic man appeared on the pickup truck!


Zhou Shuyi recognized it at a glance. This guy had a rocket launcher on his shoulder!

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded again!

"Damn, this is outrageous!"

"I understand, just ask everyone to carry a gun, so he won't mess up!"

"This damn thing is everyone's bazooka, so Night City won't be in chaos, right?!"

"Open the door to Libifu, you're so outrageous!"

"Isn't this the first shot to penetrate the soul!?"

"David is in danger!!!"

The audience in the live broadcast room, like Zhou Shuyi, saw the rocket launcher,

In an instant, my mind was at the edge of my throat!

The most helpless thing is,

David and Gloria,

There is absolutely no way!

If you slow down too much, you may be hit by the car behind you before you are hit by the bazooka wave!

"Goodbye company dog!"

"Three, two, one, leave you!"


The bazooka on the strong man's shoulder let out a terrifying death roar!

Boom boom boom——! ! !

Zhou Shuyi's heart rate instantly reached 200!

Time feels like it's stuck!

The violent explosion caused by the rocket launcher, in Zhou Shuyi's eyes,

It's like the bullet is attacking you in slow motion!

Countless fragments, exploding orange flames, flying broken limbs, and bright red blood.

From small to large, from far to near...


Finally, I put myself and Gloria,

Swallow them all!

The ear-piercing blast, the blinding explosion light,

There are also shock waves that are so strong that they are extremely real!

Zhou Shuyi suddenly felt like she had lost consciousness!

The most high-end VR full-body suit,

Simulates the most realistic sense of near-death!

Before my eyes, it was pitch black!

Since the book was opened, I have not asked for data, and everyone has seen a bunch of miserable data!

The young author is here to ask for a wave of flower reviews and monthly tickets. Readers who think it looks good can give it a big reward!

Without data, it’s really hard to stick to it!

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