
I don’t know how long it took,

Only then did Zhou Shuyi feel a little conscious and return to her heavy body!

The screen before the live broadcast room was the same as a black screen.

Finally a glimmer of light shines through!

"Damn it, Sister Zhou is awake?"

"Sister Zhou, turn on the camera!"

"You didn't really faint, did you?"

"Jijiji, I am the King of Jiji"

"It's so exciting from the beginning. This game is not easy!"

"Su Chen, the old thief really has you!"


Zhou Shuyi's side,

I never thought that the most advanced VR suit on my body,

It actually simulates the feeling of coma and dying so realistically!

Weak current stimulation, for VR helmets that directly contact the head,

It is also enough to put the user into a state where they think they are comatose.

This technology was originally intended for clinical use in medicine.

It has even become popular as a replacement for anesthetics to a certain extent.

But when it comes to games, no designer has ever dared to use this feature!

"It hurts..."

Zhou Shuyi finally opened her eyes.

Waves of pain like falling apart suddenly appeared all over the body!

"This is……"

A strong feeling of dizziness came over!

The world is spinning!

After the originally blurry vision slowly became clearer,

Only then did Zhou Shuyi realize that it was as if the sky and the earth were upside down!

I tried moving my hands and feet, but there was no response!

"Damn it, Sister Zhou was paralyzed in a car accident?"

"No...it seems like his head hit the ground!"

"Damn it, I know it's overturned!"

"David is stuck and can't move! That's why Sister Zhou doesn't react no matter how much she moves!"

Sporadic barrages reached Zhou Shuyi's ears from a distance,

My mind suddenly understood!

The scenes before coma flooded into my head like seawater pouring in!


Zhou Shuyi was horrified to find that a red-haired woman was lying unconscious in front of her!

"Fuck no!"

Struggle to death! But not moving at all!

The whole car turned over, and David let himself control,

I can barely move!

Not to mention going to Gloria!

The blazing fire ahead made the sky turn red!

Broken limbs and broken arms, blood everywhere!

"Gloria! Gloria!"


"Wake up! Wake up!"

Although they didn't get along for long, Gloria was also the first person he met in Night City!

Zhou Shuyi's desperate cry for help even became hoarse!

"This is the trauma team! This is the trauma team!"

"All irrelevant personnel please stay out of the way!"

A heavily armored aerial vehicle passed directly in front of Zhou Shuyi at high speed!

Several heavily armed white team members,

Dong Dong Dong got out of the car and rushed towards Gloria!

A line of system prompts pops up:

[Trauma Team International: A well-known company specializing in rapid emergency medical services in the 21st century]

[Equipment supply is provided by Kangtao Company, which has an in-depth cooperative relationship with Delama Rental Company. 】

[Company philosophy: Save a life in seven minutes, or refund]

Zhou Shuyi was stunned for an instant!

The audience in the live broadcast room looked stupid:

"Holy shit, this is Night City's emergency service?!"

“It feels so reliable!”

"It turned out to be a false alarm!"

"David's mother is saved!"

"I'm just saying, my mother is gone when I come up. This is too hellish."

"There is still true love in Night City!"

"The trauma team, a reliable group!"

Zhou Shuyi also reacted quickly and breathed a sigh of relief!

The white-armed trauma team member took out a tablet and quickly scanned Gloria lying on the ground.

"The target is not insurance contract customers, give up."

“Keep searching for emergency clients!”

The cold, emotionless voices of the trauma team,

From what Zhou Shuyi heard,

Like a ruthless death sentence!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The audience in the live broadcast room just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the anger didn't even reach their throats.

Swallowed it back alive again!

"Fuck, isn't it?"

"Just save me! Can't you pay for it later?"

"What kind of insurance does it say? This trauma team only serves customers who pay insurance first, right?!"

"What the hell, this kind of operation is still possible?!"

"Is this horse riding the City of Night?"


Zhou Shuyi could only watch helplessly, David's mother's only hope,

The trauma team goes further and further away!

The last glimmer of hope was completely extinguished!

At this time, more and more viewers came into the live broadcast room!

The popularity is also rising rapidly!

"I just clicked in. Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

"Why does Sister Zhou seem to be crying?"

"Is it so effective as soon as you come in?"

"Is this...mom is gone?!"

"What the hell?!"

The VR jumpsuit on my body still gives off simulated pain from time to time.

But now Zhou Shuyi has no time to care about these trivial matters!

My mind is completely blank!

What I'm holding in my hand,

It's a death notice.

[Gloria suffered excessive blood loss, all organ failure, rescue efforts failed, and is in a state of biological death]

In front of the simplest "regular" emergency clinic in Night City,

Zhou Shuyi could only feel that ten thousand trauma team float vehicles were buzzing in her head!

Standing blankly,

My body feels like it's frozen!

Emergency clinic doctors are used to seeing countless such tragedies:

"By the way, here's the medical bill."

“Do you need us to provide any more funeral services?”

"I see that your financial situation is not very good. Here is a cost-effective funeral plan."

"The cheapest option is that we can help you cremate your relatives. Then you can go directly to the express locker to collect the ashes."

“Save money and worry!”

Zhou Shuyi instantly felt cold all over!

Cold from feet to head!

The audience in the live broadcast room felt a chill in their hearts!

"So this is Night City"

"More ruthless than I thought!"

"Weren't you still rescuing me just now?"

"Why did you send it now?"

"Although David's mother is a bit fierce, she is still very kind to David!"

"Hey, how long has it been since the game started? It's so uncomfortable!"

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