Chapter 106: Allies of the Empire!!

Tsarist Empire, Moske, Gram Palace.

Imperial Tsar Mikhail convened the top officials of the cabinet and the military to discuss the current development of the Russian Empire and the situation it faced.

Because of the successful expansion of the Russian Empire in the Balkans, the top echelons of the empire and the military had a smile on their faces.

Everyone seems to be very satisfied with the performance of the Russian Empire in this battle.

“Gentlemen, the successful expansion of the empire in the Balkans this time is indispensable to everyone. Of course, we should not only stay in the past, but also look to the future. This time, though, we have reaped huge benefits. But in the same way, we also offend people who do not set the sun. Between the Empire and the Sun Never Sets, it has almost reached the point where it is about to turn its face. Therefore, the Empire must be careful to keep guard! ”

Mihai you mention the head of the stars.

“Your Majesty, although the people of the sun do not set are very strong, we are not afraid of them. Although the Imperial Navy is not an opponent of the sun never sets. However, the Empire also has a powerful army in 05! ”

Prime Minister Pinbetsu Donoszav said.

The other ministers nodded repeatedly.

As the world hegemon, the navy is their main combat strength, and it is also their advantage.

The Russian Empire in this respect simply cannot be compared with the Empire where the sun never sets.

However, the advantages of the Tsarist Empire were also obvious, which made the Russian Empire not afraid of the empire where the sun never sets.

Mikhail shook his head: “According to the information obtained so far, the people of the sun never set have begun to calculate us.” They have already increased their support for the Eastern Empire. Obviously, the sun does not set because they want to arm the orientals and let the orientals deal with the empire. ”

“Toyoto? Do they really have the strength to deal with us? Even if they defeated the Qing Empire a few years ago. However, the Qing Empire was already decaying. Defeating such a country does not show how big they are! ”

Finance Minister Ivan Goremekin said.

And this is probably the voice of many high-ranking people of the Tsarist Russian Empire, who did not put the Oriental Empire in their eyes at all.

“Gentlemen, the overall strength of the Eastern Empire is indeed incomparable to that of the Empire. However, everyone must not be able to depict this country. The will to fight of the Oriental people is no worse than that of the Imperial Army, or even stronger. When they went to war, they were even more fierce and not afraid of death. In addition, the strong support of the people who never set will greatly enhance the military strength of the Eastern Empire. Plus the Far East is too far from the hinterland of the empire. The military strength of the empire is difficult to project to the Far East. Once the war starts, it can be said that it will be beyond the reach of the long term. Under such circumstances, the Empire was only able to use part of its forces against the Orientals. The Toyos, on the other hand, are able to go all out. So, can the Empire still ensure that it can win? ”

Mikhail asked rhetorically.

The expressions of the high-ranking officials of the cabinet and military of the Tsarist Empire became serious.

None of them are fools, and naturally they know that it will be a ten-thing situation.

“So His Majesty’s decision to speed up the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway is to prepare for a future war with the Orientals?”

Foreign Minister Izvolsky asked Mikhail nodded: “This is only one aspect.” Another reason is to strengthen control over Siberia and the Far East, as well as to develop resources along the railway. Of course, for the time being, defeating the Orientals and removing their threat to the empire is undoubtedly the most important. ”

“Your Majesty, we have accelerated the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The main project is expected to be completed in three years. At that time, the railway will be completed and opened to traffic. And the double-track plan will also start construction,” reported Transport Minister Saitkov.

“Very good, the Trans-Siberian Railway must be completed with quality and quantity. Once war broke out, the railway would become the lifeline of the Empire’s support for the war. As long as the railway can pass, then the army and war materials can be continuously transported to the Far East. At that time, if the Orientals want to defeat the empire on the land battlefield, it will undoubtedly be delusional! ”

Mikhail said.

In this time and space, the combat strength of the Tsarist Imperial Army has increased a lot, but unlike another time and space, the main force is a cannon fodder unit composed of serfs. Then, if the Orientals wanted to defeat the Russian Imperial Army again, it would be impossible.

Moreover, the casualties of the Orientals on the battlefield will also be even greater.

And this is undoubtedly what Mikhail is happy to see.

“Your Majesty, the Imperial Army has no problem defeating the Orientals on land. But what about the Imperial Navy? The sun never sets on the construction of warships for the Toyos. The Imperial Navy although strengthened the Pacific Fleet. However, many of the ships of the Pacific Fleet did not perform very well. I’m afraid, not an opponent of the Orientals at all. It would be equally difficult for the Imperial Navy to send warships from Europe to reinforce the Far East. After all, Europe is far from the Far East. ”

Admiral Alexander frowned.

“Indeed, this is a very serious problem. If you rely only on the Pacific Fleet, you are not an opponent of the Orientals at all. And if we want to draw fleet reinforcements from European states, we also face big problems. It is certain that the sun does not set will inevitably refuse the Empire’s fleet to pass through the Suez Canal. 303 Therefore, the fleet of the empire can only travel thousands of miles around the Cape of Good Hope, and then cross the Tianzhu Ocean and enter the Far East. ”

Mikhail said.

“O God! After such a long voyage, how much combat power will be left of the fleet? At that time, how will it be possible to defeat the Toyos? ”

General Alexander exclaimed.

He had realized how dangerous the situation would be.

“I’ve already thought that to solve this problem, we have to count on our allies!”

Mikhail said.

“Gauls? Will they help us? Although they are allies of the empire. However, they will try to avoid getting involved in the war! ”

Foreign Minister Izvorsky shook his head repeatedly.

As the Germans grew stronger, the Gauls’ attention was already on Europe, and they would do their best to avoid other sides being involved in the wars of occupation.

“It is true that the Empire cannot count on the Gauls to help us, it is still on our own. However, the Gauls had colonies in Africa and the South Seas. If the Gauls agreed to give one or two ports to the Empire as naval bases. Then everything can be solved. ”

Mikhail continued.

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