Chapter 107: A Visit to Gaul!!

Mikhail believed that in this time and space, once the Tsarist Empire and the Eastern Empire went to war, the Tsarist Imperial Army would have absolutely no problem.

Especially with the opening of the Trans-Siberian Railway, it was even more unlikely that the Easterners would defeat the Russian Empire on land.

After all, the Tsarist Imperial Army is no longer what it used to be, not only the firepower is more powerful, the combat quality of the soldiers has also been greatly improved, and the cannon fodder troops in another time and space are completely two extremes.

In another time and space, the Orientals defeated the Russian Empire at the cost of more than 200,000 casualties.

Then in this time and space, even if their casualties double, they will not want to defeat the Russian Empire.

The difficulties faced by the Russian Empire were mainly naval aspects. If the Imperial Navy of Tsarist Russia failed, or could not defeat the Imperial Navy of the Eastern Ocean.

Well, the Russian Empire remained invincible at best.

If you want to defeat the Eastern Empire, it is simply impossible.

From the point of view of the Oriental Empire, he is the same.

The Oriental Empire was originally a country made up of islands.

The navy is not only an important force for them, but also an important barrier to ensure the security of their homeland.

If the Toyo Empire does not defeat its navy, then their homeland is safe.

If you want to threaten the mainland of the Eastern Empire, you must defeat the Eastern Imperial Navy.

Therefore, in this time and space, if the Russian Empire wants to win the war, it must defeat every army of the Eastern Empire, and for the Russian Imperial Navy, the biggest problem is the fleet deployed in Europe, traveling thousands of miles to the Far East. Sailing at sea for a long time, crossing most of the world, will greatly reduce the performance of the warship. The Imperial Navy, on the other hand, waited for work.

Under such circumstances, the Oriental Imperial Navy undoubtedly took a great advantage.

It will undoubtedly be more difficult for the Russian Imperial Navy to defeat the Imperial Navy of the Eastern Ocean.

Mikhail believes that to solve this problem, it is necessary to let all warships be maintained and maintained before the decisive battle between the Russian Imperial Navy and the Eastern Imperial Navy, so that the combat power of the battleships can be restored to the peak state.

In this case, if the Eastern Imperial Navy wants to defeat the Tsarist Imperial Navy, it is simply impossible, but unfortunately, the Tsarist Russian Empire did not have colonies at all on the coast of the Tianzhu Ocean and in the Far East, except for the Far Eastern Coastal Region of the Tsarist Empire and the Lushun of the Qing Empire.

In the event of war, these areas would also be under the close surveillance of every vehicle of the Eastern Empire, so the Russian Empire could only think of other ways.

As an ally of the Russian Empire, Gaul had a large number of colonies around the Tianzhu Ocean and the South Sea region. There are also many excellent ports.

If they were willing to lease one or two ports to the Russian Empire for the construction of overseas military bases for the Russian Empire, so that the Russian Navy would have a place to supply, maintain and dock in the future.

Then the biggest problem restricting the Russian Empire can be solved.

Of course, Mikhail was also well aware that it was not so easy to get the Gallic state to lease the port to the Russian Empire.

“Your Majesty, if we can obtain ports and establish naval bases on the eastern coast of Africa and the Tianzhu Zhina colony of Gaul. Then, even if the sun does not set and people deliberately embarrass us, these problems are nothing! ”

Admiral Alexander said excitedly.

Mikhail nodded repeatedly: “So, gentlemen, do you think it is possible for the Gauls to lease the port to us?” ”

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid this will be very difficult. Over the years, the Gauls contracted their forces in order to concentrate on the rise of the Germanic Empire. This made the Gauls less and less invested in the various colonies. Their power in the colonies is also already weak. If the port is leased to us, I am afraid that the Gauls will be afraid that we will take their place and plot to seize their colony! ”

Foreign Minister Izvoursky said.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Although we and the Gauls are allies. But the Gauls are equally guarding us. ”

Prime Minister Pordobedoszav said.

“If the Gauls don’t want to, then we can only think of other ways.” For example, prepare more supply ships and carry as much material, fresh water and other supplies as possible for the fleet. ”

Mikhail was a little helpless.

In another time and space, the sand like my empire adopted such a force method.

But the last thing is that they still lost.

However, in this time and space, the Russian Imperial Navy will be more powerful.

But even so, after the fleet crossed most of the world, whether it could defeat the Toyons, Mikhail was equally uncertain.

After all, there are too many uncertainties in naval warfare.

The best way was to successfully lease one or two ports to Gaul so that the Russian Imperial Navy could be maintained and sufficiently rested before entering into a naval decisive battle with the Orientals.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the entire fleet can be fully exerted.

The Imperial Navy of Tsarist Russia can also establish an invincible position for many kings.

“Gentlemen, no matter what, I’m going to give it a try.

I plan to visit Gaul in the near future to meet with the Grand Commander and the Second Commander of Gaul, hoping to persuade them to lease one or two ports to the Empire! ”

Mikhail said.

“Your Majesty, visiting Gaul? Wouldn’t it be too sudden. In terms of safety, can it be guaranteed? ”

Prime Minister Bidobey Donoszav was a little worried.

Other ministers echoed suit, hoping that Mikhail would change his mind.

After all, Mikhail’s means of inheriting the tsar’s throne are not very honorable.

All along, there were henchmen loyal to Nicholas II and Grand Duke Nicholas active.

In addition, after Mikhail took the throne, he intensified the search and arrest of the party, which dealt a devastating blow to the party.

But this also drove some Bolbol elements into a corner, making them hate Mikhail even more.

When you are in the country, Mihai, your safety is naturally no problem.

But if you visit other countries, this is undoubtedly very difficult to say.

“If I was assassinated in Gaul, or if I was assassinated. Well, it will be a shame for the Gauls. I believe that with the strength of the Gallic state, it will be able to do a good job in security protection. Although the state of Gaul is weak, it is a world-class power after all! ”

Mikhail was resolute.

Under such circumstances, the ministers had to say nothing more.

We can only ask the intelligence and security services to make good preparations for the safety and security of His Majesty Sha Gan’s visit…

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