Chapter 108: The Pride of the Gauls!!

The foreign affairs department of the Russian Empire immediately sent a note to Gaul, Tsar Mikhail II, hoping to pay a state visit to Gaul in the near future.

This is undoubtedly a big deal for the state of Gaul.

You know, although the current Gallic state is still a world-class power. However, as their national power declined.

In addition, the rising German Empire posed a great threat to the state of Gaul.

As a result, the state of Gaul has gradually lost its glory.

Gaul has also been glorious in history.

Especially during the reign of Napoleon the Great, it was called the whole of Europe.

However, when the First Gallic Empire was beaten by a group of European states and collapsed, it was as if the Gauls could not fight.

The Second Gallic Empire established by Napoleon III was even more defeated by the Prussians, and even the emperor was captured by the Prussians.

For the Gauls, there is no doubt that the lips are strange.

The more such a country, the more it tends to value face.

Now, the Russian Empire is undoubtedly the most prominent country in the world.

His Majesty the young Tsar’s first trip abroad was in Gaul.

This undoubtedly made the Gauls feel very faced.

François 637, the Grand Commander of Gaul, and Charles Floquet, the Second Commander, immediately gathered a group of high-ranking officials to discuss how to receive the visiting Tsar Majesty.

“Gentlemen, it is undoubtedly our honor for His Majesty the Tsar to visit our country.

Moreover, the Russian Empire was our most important ally. We must arrange this reception task well, and we must not have the slightest problem.

In addition, the security services should focus on those Bolgar elements, and absolutely not allow them to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.

Otherwise, it would be a shame for the entire Gallic state! ”

Françoisavre stressed.

“Yes, Your Excellency, Grand Commander!”

The head of the security department answered.

The Cloth Party elements in Tsarist Russia have basically been cleaned up. Either be labeled for the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II and hanged. Or they were sent to Siberia to dig potatoes.

Those who are alive have fled abroad.

Among them, the Germanic Empire and the Gallic states have quite a few.

“Although Mikhail II was young, he had a strong wrist. The Russian Empire was completely controlled by him in a short period of time. His visit to our country this time must have had some purpose. ”

Second Commander Charles Florkay said.

Françoisavre nodded: “No matter what the purpose of Mikhail II’s visit to our country is. However, they are our allies. The stronger the Russian Empire, the greater the pressure on the Germans. And we will be under less pressure. This is very beneficial to us! ”

Other high-ranking officials in Gaul also nodded repeatedly.

The Germanic Empire grew stronger and faster.

This also made the Gallic state feel a great threat.

Especially the two sides are feuds! People of insight in Gaul all believed that in the future, Gaul and the Germanic Empire would definitely not break out into a fierce war of occupation.

But the strength of the Germanic Empire was too strong, and even if the Gallic state contracted on a global scale, it used most of its power against the Germanic people.

However, it still seems that it is not enough!

In such a situation, the strength of the allies is very critical.

In particular, in the Balkan War, the Russian Empire defeated Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire with one enemy and two, and forced back the Empire that never sets, which greatly excited the Gauls.

Many people believe that it was a wise move to choose to ally with the Russian Empire.

In the event of a war with the Germanic Empire, the Russian Empire could attack the Germanic Empire from both the east and the west.

In this case, their chances of victory are undoubtedly much greater.

Of course, some Gauls believed that the Russian Empire was too powerful, which could pose a threat to the Gallic state.

However, this is only the voice of a small number of people, and it is very handsome and drowned out quickly.

For the vast majority of Gauls, defeating the old enemy of the Germanic Empire is undoubtedly the most important.

In 1799 AD, just after the New Year.

Tsar Mikhail II of the Tsarist Empire set off to leave the Russian Empire and prepare to go to Gaul for a state visit to Gaul.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, Izvorsky, the Minister of the Army, General Sukhkhomlinov, and the Minister of the Navy, General Alexander, accompanied Mikhail on a visit to Gaul.

This time, Mikhail went to Gaul by special train to Sevastopol.

Then take a warship of the Black Sea Fleet, cross the Black Sea, enter the Aegean Sea through the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles.

Then, cross the entire Mediterranean Sea to the southern port city of Marseille in Gaul.

In view of the fact that the strength of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Imperial Navy is not strong at present, the Moske-class heavy cruisers are still under construction.

As for the more powerful Mikhail I-class battleships, they are also still being prepared and have not yet started construction.

Thus, the fleet that Mikhail visited to Gaul consisted of three Rostov-class light cruisers and six A-class destroyers.

Fortunately, in this era, everyone still talks about rules.

Even if the countries of Europe fight again, they will not attack the monarchs of the countries.

Therefore, Mikhail’s security can still be guaranteed.

Otherwise, he would not have dared to go to Gaul in the Mediterranean.

Otherwise, the Mediterranean Fleet of the Royal Navy of the Empire, which controls the Mediterranean, can make him disappear if he has poop.

By the time Mikhail’s fleet arrived in the western Mediterranean, Gaul had sent a fleet of battleships, armored cruisers, and protective cruisers to meet it.

Of course, this is also the Gauls’ intention to show their great strength.

The current Gallic Navy is still the second largest navy in the world after the Royal Navy of the Empire.

Judging by the data on paper, it is much more powerful than the Tsarist Imperial Navy.

Even the Germanic Imperial Navy, which is gradually exerting its strength, cannot compare with it.

Mikhail knew that the Gauls were preserving their fragile pride and showing their allies the strength of the Gallic state.

Mikhail didn’t think there was anything to do with that.

On January 12, 1799, Mikhail arrived at Charles Flokai, the second commander of the Gaul state of Marseille in Gaul, and personally greeted him here, which can be regarded as giving Mikhail and the Russian Empire face…

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