Chapter 129: The Pressure of the Overlord!!

The sun never sets in the empire, the fog capital.

After entering the winter, the weather in the foggy capital is very bad, and the whole city seems to be shrouded in thick fog.

Of course, this makes the people of the sun not set very proud, believing that this is a manifestation of industrial development.

However, when it was soon discovered that countless people were seriously ill and many people died. They will know that all this is by no means as beautiful as it seems~, the current sun does not set, and they are still enjoying the treatment of the people of the world’s most powerful country.

All over the world, they can hold their heads up, and no one dares to embarrass them.

And this also makes the people of the sun never set proud of their own country.

In the Prime Minister’s Office in Downing Street, Arthur Balfort, the new Prime Minister of the Empire who never sets, is discussing the current situation with cabinet ministers.

Although, the prime minister changed.

However, it is still the Conservative Party in power.

Therefore, almost all the policies of the Empire where the sun never sets can continue.

For the Sun Never Sets Empire, the most difficult task is undoubtedly to ensure the hegemony of the Sun Never Sets Empire, curb the development of other countries, and prevent them from posing a threat to the hegemony of the Sun Never Sets Empire.

The current empire where the sun never sets, although it is still in the sky. However, challengers have emerged one after another. This puts the top level of the Sun Never Setting Empire under tremendous pressure.

If during their tenure, the hegemony of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets is ended.

Then, they will be sinners of the empire where the sun never sets!

Prime Minister Arthur Balfour is also having a headache over the criticism.

“Gentlemen, the situation is getting more and more tense now. Or rather, the Empire is now under increasing pressure. Across the ocean, that contrarian is developing rapidly. Their industrial strength has ranked first in the world. On the European continent, the Germanic Empire is also developing very rapidly, and they have also surpassed us in terms of industrial output, ranking first in Europe and second in the world. In terms of industry, we can only rank second in Europe and third in the world. Had it not been for our vast colonies to sell our goods, our industry would have been devastated. ”

Arthur Belfort said.

“Yes, Your Excellency, Prime Minister. However, although the national strength of the lighthouse country is constantly increasing. However, there is still a big gap between them and the world’s first-class level in the field of advanced technology. Especially in the military sphere, they are just getting started. Even if the lighthouse kingdom posed a threat to us, it would be a long time later, but the Germanic Empire was different, and there was only a narrow North Sea between them and the Empire. The Germanic Empire was not only industrially powerful. At the same time, technology is also very developed. More importantly, they have great ambitions. They already have the world’s number one army. But their emperor seems to want to have the world’s number one army. ”

Foreign Secretary Fitzmorris reminded.

“Your Excellency, according to the exact information we have received, the Germanic Brandenburg-class battleships have begun to be modified to further enhance the combat power of this class of battleships. At the same time, the Germans had five more Caesarfetri III-class battleships already in service. Although, the caliber of the main gun of this battleship dropped to 240 mm. Moreover, the number of main guns was sharply reduced to four. However, these four 240-mm guns, all rapid-fire guns, are already the largest rapid-fire guns of this era that can be made. In addition to this, five Vichelsbach-class battleships of the Germanic people, except for ship No. 2, four others have already been commissioned. Moreover, on the slipway of the Germanic shipyard, five more Brunswick-class battleships were under construction. It is expected that it will enter service next year and the year after. Even five Germanic-class battleships have also been placed on the slipway and construction has already begun.

As you can imagine, once these Germanic warships were completed.

Well, they will serve up to 24 battleships.

This is undoubtedly a great help for the Royal Navy! ”

The attitude of Lord Walter Kerr, the Minister of the Admiralty, was particularly fierce.

You know, the mainland of the Sun Never Sets Empire and the Germanic Empire are too close.

The Germans built warships and developed the navy with such fanfare, and you don’t need to think about it, you know, they are completely aimed at the empire where the sun never sets!

Once the shipbuilding plan of the Germanic Empire is completed, then they will become the second most powerful navy in the world after the Royal Navy of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets.

This is definitely a fatal threat to the Empire of the Sun Never Sets…

Of course, the strength of the Royal Navy of the Empire is undoubtedly stronger.

For now, the battleships in service with the Royal Navy of the Empire of the Rising Sun, even if you do not count those old ironclads, there are already 4, including eight King’s class battleships, two Barfleur-class battleships, the battleship Prestige, nine majesty-class battleships, six old man star battleships, three fearsome class: battleships, five fogdu-class battleships, six Duncan-class battleships and, on the slipway of the shipyard of the Royal Navy of the Empire that never sets, There are also two Fast-class Zhan Zhan Mai Lie and Ou Ya Chao Edward Shi Shi Zhan Mai Lie are being proposed.

Among the Royal Navy’s shipbuilding plans, there are also two Lord Nelson-class battleships, which are about to start construction.

Once these twelve battleships are completed and put into service, the number of Golieships per army can reach fifty-two.

This number is more than double the 24 ships of the Germanic Imperial Navy.

But even so, the Royal Navy of the Empire still seems to be insecure, and they still hope to have more and more powerful warships to suppress other enemies and maintain their hegemony.

Prime Minister Arthur Belfort nodded repeatedly, the Royal Navy is the cornerstone of the Empire that never sets, and it is the most favorable weapon to maintain the world hegemony of the Empire that never sets.

Maintaining the strength of the Royal Navy will be very necessary, not only for the hegemony of the Empire that never sets, but also for the life and death of the Empire.

“Isn’t the Navy planning to build a more advanced warship? When can construction start? ”

Prime Minister Arthur Balfour asked.

“Your Excellency, Prime Minister, we are making preliminary preparations. However, I promise that once this battleship is completed and put into service, it will definitely be an epoch-making battleship! ”

Lord Walter Kerr smiled.

They seem to have forgotten that battleships with unified all-heavy guns, which the Tsarist Empire had already built and had already served for three…

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