Chapter 130 The Role of Lackeys!!

“Gentlemen, if the Germans want to challenge the hegemony of the empire, it is simply impossible. Since the Germans wanted to enter into a naval arms race with the Empire. Well, we will do what they want. For every battleship the Germans built, we had to build two, or more. I firmly believe that the Germanic people are simply not comparable to us in terms of financial resources. In the end, it will be ours who wins! ”

Prime Minister Arthur Balfour looked domineering.

The empire where the sun never sets can be described as rich and powerful. Although the local fiscal revenue may not be large, they were able to obtain great wealth from the various colonies.

The Tianzhu Colony alone can provide more than 100 million pounds of additional income for the Sun Never Sets Empire every year.

This money alone is enough to build a large number of battleships.

This is also where the confidence of the Sun Never Sets Empire lies, and they are not afraid of an arms race at all.

It is even desperate to start an arms race and drag down those competitors.

“Yes, Your Excellency, Prime Minister!”

Lord Admiralty Voyou Piece Turk you Lord replied.

With the support of His Excellency the Prime Minister, there will be no problem in the next rapid development of the Royal Navy of the Empire.

The entire Royal Navy will undoubtedly enter the fast lane of development again.

“Your Excellency, don’t forget that on the European continent we have another great enemy. That was the Russian Empire. Over the years, although the Russian Empire has died down, it has not expanded abroad. However, we can be sure that the Russian Empire was accumulating strength. Their national power is growing rapidly. Their military strength has also improved rapidly. This is also a huge threat to the empire. Once the Germanic and Tsarist empires became enemies of the empire.

The empire, then, will undoubtedly lose the continent.

This will deal an extremely heavy blow to the hegemony of the empire! ”

Minister of Colonies also Ah You Fred Ritte you Chunton reminded.

Prime Minister Arthur Belfort couldn’t help but frown.

The Germanic Empire and the Russian Empire were undoubtedly the two most powerful countries on the European continent.

According to the way the Sun Never Sets Empire operated, they did not allow too powerful countries to appear on the European continent. This is also the reason why after the emergence of a powerful country on the European continent, the sun will not set and the people will unite with other countries, rush up, and beat them up and defeat them in one fell swoop. But now, two great powers have emerged on the continent at once.

Plus Gaul and Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Caesar.

The situation on the entire European continent can be described as very complicated.

Although, these powers have formed two opposing political and military blocs. The Empire of the Sun Never Sets also wants them to fight. It is best to fight to the death, fish dead net broken and both defeated.

In this way, the Empire of the Sun Never Sets will be able to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Finally, come out and clean up the mess and pick up the cheap.

However, both the Allied bloc and the Franco-Russian alliance have been formed for a long time.

But the big war could not be fought for a long time.

This makes the sun not set very anxious.

They are desperate to arch the fire and let the European war break out as soon as possible.

At the same time, they also worry that if time drags on like this, these European powers will become even stronger.

Then, the pressure on the Empire of the Sun Never Sets will naturally be even greater.

Such a situation is not what the old Immortal Empire wants to see!

This can’t help but make Prime Minister Arthur Belfort think that the hegemon is not good!

“Gentlemen, I think we have to do something. We cannot allow the situation to continue like this! ”

Arthur Belfort had made up his mind.

“Your Excellency, Prime Minister, what are you going to do?”

Foreign Secretary Fitzmorris asked.

The other cabinet ministers also looked at Prime Minister Arthur Balfour.

“Sir, since the previous cabinet, we have been supporting the Orientals, planning to let the Orientals rise and block the channel of expansion of the Russian Empire to the Far East. Over the years, the strength of the Eastern Empire has improved rapidly. Then we can’t afford to wait any longer. Let the Eastern Empire and the Tsarist Empire go to war as soon as possible.

If the Eastern Empire could defeat the Russian Empire, then the Russian Empire would suffer a heavy blow. This would not only cut off the path of expansion of the Russian Empire. At the same time, it was able to let other powerful countries in Oshazhou see the weakness of the Russian Empire.

Perhaps, the Germans, as well as Austria-Hungary, which had a feud with the Russian Empire itself, will rush forward and use force against the Empire…

And the state of Gaul is an ally of the Russian Empire, they naturally do not want to watch the Russian Empire be defeated, they will definitely send troops to help the Russian Empire.

At that time, the various powers of Osha State will go to war one after another.

The whole of Europe will fight, and the situation expected by the empire will naturally be formed! ”

Prime Minister Arthur Balfour laid out his plans and plans.

“Your Excellency, although this plan is full of uncertainty. However, weakening the power of the Russian Empire was always not harmful to the Empire. We have supported the Toyo people for so long, and it is indeed time for the Toyo people to come in handy! ”

Foreign Secretary Fitzmorris said.

“It’s a good idea to let the Toyo and the Russians fight. We invested so much money in the Orientals, didn’t we let them fight with the Russians? Only, can the Easterners defeat the Russians? ”

Chancellor of the Exchequer Austin Chamberlain was skeptical.

After all, the two sides are too different in size.

The Russian Empire was a first-class power in Europe, and even in the world, it was definitely one of the strongest countries.

Although the Eastern Empire defeated the Qing Empire, it has begun to rise.

However, compared with the Russian Empire, there is undoubtedly a huge gap.

Even over the years, the Sun Never Sets 1.5 Empire has been vigorously supporting the Eastern Empire.

However, the huge difference between the two sides is not something that can be made up for in a short period of time.

This made Austin Chamberlain, and even other ministers, not optimistic about the Orientals.

“Gentlemen, we may all have lost the strength of the Orientals. According to the information we have so far, the Toyo army has established a standing army of more than 500,000 men. Moreover, they have established a sound mobilization system. If necessary, they can quickly mobilize another half a million people into battle. In addition, the Oriental people’s will to fight is very tenacious, it can be said that they disregard life and are not afraid of death on the battlefield. The combat effectiveness of their army is still very impressive. Perhaps, it can bring us a surprise. ”

Secretary of State Arnold Foster said…

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