Chapter 136: The Combined Fleet Attack!!

“According to the information we have obtained, the Russians deployed in the Far East as the 6th Army of the Army, with 10 infantry divisions, a heavy artillery brigade and a cavalry brigade.

These forces were deployed in the northern part of the Goryeo Peninsula, the Liaodong Peninsula, Vladivostok, and northeastern China.

Among them, in the Liaodong Peninsula there are also two marine brigades of the Russians and the main force of their Pacific Fleet.

Therefore, the Eastern Peninsula will be the direction of the Imperial Army’s political attack.

We planned for the First Army to attack north from the south of the Goryeo Peninsula, crush the three infantry divisions deployed by the Russians in the northern part of the Goryeo Peninsula, and then cross the Yalu River and launch an attack on the northeastern part of China.

The Second Army landed on the Liaodong Peninsula and attacked northward, cooperating with the 1st Army to crush the main forces of the Russians deployed in the northeastern part of China.

The Third Army then landed in the southern part of the Liaodong Peninsula to launch an attack on the Lushun Military Port and surrounding areas, and cooperate with the combined fleet to take this important stronghold of the Qian Guoren in the Far East, which has the first fortress in the Far East!

The Fourth Army served as a reserve, and once Russian reinforcements arrived, the Fourth Army would be put into battle.

The subsequent tasks of the 05th Army were also reserves.

However, the Fifth Army did not begin mobilizing until after the outbreak of war. ”

General Oyama Iwa introduced the battle plan of the Toyo Imperial Army to everyone.

If it could, the Eastern Empire naturally hoped to defeat the Russian Empire with as few troops as possible.

In this way, the expenses during the war will be a little less.

At the same time, the loss may be a little less.

However, this time they are facing a world-class power such as the Tsarist Russian Empire, and they cannot be sloppy in the slightest. So, they have to prepare for the worst.

If the war is not going well, they will have to put in more troops.

At that time, we can only do our best to win this battle at all costs, regardless of losses.

For the Eastern Empire, winning this war and winning the war is undoubtedly the most important. In contrast, the others can not care.

Just defeat the Russian Empire.

Then, even if it is worth paying a big loss.

“Yo West! Very well, the army will implement it according to this plan. I firmly believe that the Imperial Army will be able to win! ”

General Katsura nodded repeatedly.

“Hi, Your Excellency the Prime Minister!”

General Oyama Iwa replied.

“What about the Navy? Is the Combined Fleet ready? The navy is very crucial in this battle. The navy must defeat the Russian navy. In this way, we can successfully land in China. At the same time, it is possible to ensure the safety of logistics supply lines, as well as the security of the homeland. Moreover, only then can more Russians and our people really admit defeat. ”

General Katsura said.

In the next war, the war on land was important for the Eastern Empire, and it was about whether they could snatch a lot of benefits from the Russians.

However, a war at sea is a matter of whether the Eastern Empire can win this war.

Therefore, war at sea is actually the key.

Of course, for the Eastern Empire, they have been painstakingly preparing for this war for many years.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to purchase a large number of Tigore Mizumi armor “Yomi” from the Empire and other countries.

It is so that they can gain an advantage in terms of the king navy.

At least for now, the Imperial Navy of the East has gained an advantage in the Far East.

Then, it will naturally be much easier to win this battle next.

“Your Excellency, the entire Imperial Navy is ready for battle.

The combined fleet has all been assembled at the Sasebo military port.

All warships have also been maintained and maintained, and their combat power has remained at its peak.

Although, the Russians have a strong navy. However, their disadvantages are also very obvious. That is, the Pacific Fleet they deployed in the Far East are already old warships, and they simply cannot be opponents of the cutting-edge warships of the Imperial Navy. And the main fleet of the Russians needs to travel thousands of miles from the European states to the Far East.

At that time, the Imperial Navy can wait for work, and the chances of defeating them are also very great! ”

Vice Admiral Yamamoto Gonbei, Minister of the Navy, said.

General Katsura Taro nodded repeatedly, the Eastern Empire had invested heavily in the navy.

In other words, in order to develop the navy all over the years, the entire Eastern Empire has tightened their belts.

If the navy can’t win like this, then they will have to apologize for their sins.

“Very well, if the Navy can win. Then, the empire is invincible in this battle. ”

General Katsura said.

What he meant was also very obvious, every library of the Eastern Empire was very critical.

If the Navy wins, then everything is not a problem.

If the navy loses, then it may be impossible for the Eastern Empire to win the war.

If not, even the security of their homeland cannot be guaranteed.

Several high-ranking officials of the Toyo Imperial Navy nodded repeatedly.

“Dongxiang-kun, the next thing is to see the joint ship to see the team. How is the Combined Fleet prepared to fight this battle? ”

General Katsura asked.

“Your Excellency, the Combined Fleet will attack from Sasebo and directly attack the Pacific Fleet of the Russians stationed at the fortress of Lushun. Before the Russians could react, they were blocked in the port. In this way, 820, the Imperial Army could land on the Goryeo Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula without any threat.

If the Russians dare to go to sea to fight, it will be a dead end.

The combined fleet of the Imperial Navy has enough strength to destroy them all.

Once the army conquered the fortress of Lushun by land.

Then, the fleet of the Russians who remained in the military port became an urn, and we could easily get rid of them by land and sea.

After that, it was time to wait for the main fleet of the Russians to sail from Europe to the Far East. This is the real decisive battle. Although, the main fleet of the Russians is powerful.

However, we believe that after crossing most of the world, their strength has been greatly damaged, and they are definitely not our opponents. ”

General Heihachiro Togo looked confident.

Admiral Katsura Taro had no objection to this plan of the Navy.

The army and navy of the Eastern Empire are already ready.

The pace of war is approaching day by day.

On the night of February 6, 1804, the combined fleet of the Toyo Imperial Navy secretly left the Sasebo military port under the cover of night, preparing to cross the Yellow Sea and launch a surprise attack on the Pacific ships of each army of the Empire.

The war has already begun, and the Toyo people still shamelessly chose to fight undeclared…

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