Chapter 137: The Russians Ran Away!!

The night of February 6, 1804.

One by one, the battleship left the Sasebo military port and sailed into the vast sea.

These warships can be called the entire strength of the combined fleet of the Eastern Imperial Navy.

Two Fuji-class battleships, four Shikishima-class battleships, two Asama-class armored cruisers, the Yakumo armored cruiser, the Azuma armored cruiser, two Izumo-class armored cruisers and two Kasuga class: armored cruisers, formed the core combat strength of the combined fleet.

On the periphery, there are 17 protective cruisers and 23 search destroyers.

It can be said that this time the Oriental Imperial Navy has poured out.

If they lose this battle, or lose a lot.

Then, the investment of the Eastern Empire over the years will be lost.

This is undoubtedly unacceptable to the Oriental Empire.

Therefore, the combined fleet of the Eastern Imperial Navy almost met the next war with the determination to become a benevolent if it was unsuccessful.

On the battleship Mikasa, the flagship of the Combined Fleet, Vice Admiral Heihachiro Togo, commander of the Combined Fleet, was in a high mood.

Ten years ago, the first commander of the Combined Fleet, General Yutaka Ito, led the Combined Fleet to defeat the Qing Imperial Navy and lay the way for the rise of the Oriental Empire.

And this time, he will lead the combined fleet to defeat the Russian Imperial Navy in one fell swoop, making the Eastern Empire successfully among the world powers.

And he will become one of the most powerful navies in the world, and if he can do all this, then his future will be bright.

Not to mention the admiral, even if it is a marshal, it is also at your fingertips.

Therefore, whether it is for himself or for the Eastern Empire.

The Combined Fleet must win this battle.

“Your Excellency, the formations are ready. It is expected that early the day after tomorrow we will arrive at the Luai Military Port. The Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, Dasho Shimamura, reported. ”

Lieutenant General Heihachiro Togo nodded: “Let everyone have a good rest.” Once the war starts, we will have no time to rest. Unless the Russians are defeated. Or, die in the middle of war. ”

“Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Shimamura Dasho replied.

The six battleships of the combined fleet of the Toyo Imperial Navy were divided into two battleship formations, namely two Fuji-class battleships plus the battleship Shikishima, to form the first detachment of battleships.

The remaining three Shikishima-class battleships formed the second detachment of battleships.

Among them, the third sign is a ship of the United Fleet.

Eight armored cruisers, which also formed two armored cruiser detachments, namely two Asama-class armored cruisers, plus the armored cruiser Yakumo and the armored cruiser Azuma to form the first detachment of armored cruisers.

Two Izumo-class armored cruisers and two Kasuga class armored cruisers formed the second detachment of armored cruisers.

17 sisters-in-law protected cruisers, and formed three detachments of protective cruisers.

Among them, those cruisers built after the Sino-Japanese War formed the first detachment of protective cruisers.

Protective cruisers built before the Sino-Japanese War formed the second and third detachments of protective cruisers.

24 destroyers, likewise forming three destroyer detachments. Six mine-class destroyers and two Xiao-class destroyers formed the first destroyer detachment.

6 Search Dongyun-class destroyers and two Baiyun-class destroyers to form the second destroyer detachment.

Seven Chunyu-class destroyers formed the third detachment of Fengcha.

The huge combined fleet slaughtered the Lushun military port in a mighty manner.

Wanted to block the Pacific Fleet of the Imperial Russian Navy in a military port.

If the Pacific Fleet of the Tsarist Imperial Navy dares to go to sea to fight, then it would be better, they will destroy these warships of the Pacific Fleet of the Tsarist Imperial Navy in one fell swoop.

Of course, the Combined Fleet did not want to shake the shore firepower of the Lushun Fortress.

In this Lushun fortress of time and space, the shore defense firepower has been further strengthened.

Even if the strength and strength of the combined fleet are strong, it is undoubtedly very uneconomical to resist shore firepower.

If the battleship is damaged, or even sunk, it will be very detrimental to the king’s next sticker stroke.

After all, in the eyes of the top of the combined fleet, their worst enemy was the main fleet of the Tsarist Imperial Navy from Europe.

Until the main fleet of the Russian Imperial Navy was defeated, the combined fleet could not have much to lose.

Otherwise, he = this will add a lot of variables to the next battle.

They also counted on the army to launch an attack on the fortress of Lushun from land and conquer the fortress of Lushun in one fell swoop.

In this way, they would be able to easily destroy the Pacific Fleet of the Tsarist Imperial Navy and take the Lushun Fortress under the condition of sea and land attacks.

On the side of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Imperial Navy, Vice Admiral Alekseev has always attached great importance to the movement of the combined fleet.

Early in the morning of February 7, when Russian intelligence officers discovered that the Combined Fleet had left the Sasebo military port, they immediately reported the news by wireless telegraph.

When Lieutenant General Alekseev learned of this, he was shocked.

“Damn the Toyos, they must have come at us. Do they want to do the same war against us as they did against the Qing Empire? Order the 1st and 2nd detachments of the fleet to immediately enter combat readiness. Among them, the 1st detachment acted according to plan! ”

Lieutenant General Alekseev ordered.

“Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!”

An admiral of the Pacific Fleet answered.

Immediately, every Pacific Fleet of the Sha I Empire took action.

The entire Lushun fortress has entered the highest combat readiness.

All the coastal defense batteries have entered the stage of imminent combat.

A warship has also begun to boil water and is ready to take action.

Vice Admiral Alekseev summoned the Chief of Staff of the Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Vovedsky.

“Your Excellency Chief of Staff, according to the order of His Majesty the Tsar, I will sit in the fortress of Lushun. Therefore, the task of leading the 1st detachment south to the Cam Ranh Bay naval base is handed over to you. You immediately lead the fleet south, keeping radio silence the whole time, so that it cannot be detected by the Orientals. ”

Lieutenant General Alekseev had a serious expression.

He knew very well that with the strength of the Pacific Fleet, once it was blocked by the combined fleet of the Easterners, it would definitely be a dead end.

Before the arrival of the main fleet from the European states, they simply did not have the strength to deal with the combined fleet.

“Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. This side of the fortress will be handed over to you! ”

Major General Vovedsky, without extra words, saluted Lieutenant General Alekseev and turned to leave.

Soon, the 1st detachment of the Pacific Fleet left the fortress of Lushun and quickly went south…

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