Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 39 Agricultural Reform (Second Update, Please Collect It!)

Serfdom in the Tsarist Russian Empire was already deeply entrenched. For hundreds of years, the life of serfs was very difficult.

Mikhail also knew that it would be very troublesome to solve this problem.

Therefore, he is going to cut the mess quickly, learn from the rabbit in another time and space, and directly distribute the land of the whole country to the farmers. Also, the land cannot be transferred privately.

In this case, the vast number of farmers will have their own land, and their lives will naturally be guaranteed.

And Mikhail will naturally get the support of the majority of farmers. Even if someone wanted to overthrow his rule, these peasants would never agree.

Of course, in order to ensure the stability of the Tsarist Russian Empire, Mikhail would not directly confiscate the landlord’s land, but the imperial government paid for it and distributed it to the peasants.

In this case, the strength of resistance will be even smaller.

Of course, to buy all the land in the country, it will undoubtedly require a lot of money. Even if all the assets of the royal family are lost, it may not be enough. Therefore, Mikhail plans to buy at half the market price. And, pay in installments. Pay 10% per year and pay it off within ten years. That way, the stress will be much less.

After farmers get the land, they only need to pay a small amount of grain as tax, which is enough. The rest of the food can be arranged by yourself.

Mikhail believes that the implementation of this plan will greatly improve the lives of farmers.

Although, this will put a heavy burden on the finances of the Russian Empire. Even the imperial family will spend a lot of money.

But as long as it can be successful, everything is worth it.

Mikhail didn't want the Tsarist Russian Empire to collapse step by step. In that case, no matter how much wealth is left behind, what is the use?

In addition, Mikhail urgently needed to change the traffic situation in the Russian Empire.

Except for a few main railway lines, the traffic in the Russian Empire can be described as very bad.

Although the Trans-Siberian Railway has been under construction for five years, it is still being repaired from the east and west ends to the middle.

However, because this railway is too long. The terrain in the passing area is complex, and the permafrost is everywhere, so it is very difficult to build.

If the scheduled construction period is followed, it will take more than ten years to complete the whole line. If other ancillary works are added, it will take longer.

In another time and space, didn’t the Orientals see that the Trans-Siberian Railway was about to be completed, so they rushed to war against the Russian Empire before the railway was opened to traffic?

This time, Mikhail naturally hopes to speed up the construction of the railway and complete the railway as soon as possible.

Moreover, because the railway capacity is limited, if possible, it is best to build a double-track railway. In this case, it will not only strengthen the control of the Russian Empire over the Far East. At the same time, during the war, more troops and supplies can be transported to the Far East.

It is simply delusional for the Orientals to defeat the Tsarist Empire and then step on the head of the Tsarist Empire to rise as a great power.

Of course, more than improving transportation was needed to thwart the ambitions of the Orientals. More importantly, it is to further enhance military power.

In addition to transportation, industry naturally needs to be developed in the Tsarist Russian Empire.

The current Tsarist Russian Empire is not industrially developed. Even the military industry is not that strong. Not only in terms of performance, but also has a gap with other great powers. In terms of size, the gap is even greater.

The Tsarist Russian Empire has a huge territory, rich resources, and a large population.

This is undoubtedly very suitable for the development of industry.

Especially once the large-scale infrastructure construction starts, it will further stimulate the development of industry.

In this case, a virtuous circle can undoubtedly be formed.

Mikhail's plan has been brewing for many years. Now, finally, the implementation can begin.

At the end of July 1796, Mikhail summoned Prime Minister Pobedonoschaev, Minister of the Interior Stolypin, Minister of Finance Ivan Goremykin, Minister of Agriculture Demirit, and Chief of the General Staff Brutus. Admiral Shilov and others officially announced his agricultural reform plan to everyone.

"Gentlemen, I believe everyone is very clear that the vast majority of the empire's population are serfs. They are not only bound to the land. And, life is very bad.

I decided to distribute all the land owned by the imperial government and the imperial family to the serfs of the empire free of charge, so that they could change from serfs to farmers. In addition, all the land of the landlords is also purchased by the imperial government, and then distributed to the serfs, turning them into landed farmers!

What's your opinion on this? "

Mikhail looked at a group of ministers.

At this moment, a group of cabinet ministers had their jaws dropped in shock.

Although they had known for a long time that the young tsar had great ambitions and aspirations, they did not expect that Mikhail's first move after becoming the tsar was to promote agricultural reforms.

The shortcomings of agriculture are very clear to the high-level officials of the Tsarist Russian Empire. Even the tsars of all dynasties wanted to solve it. But in the end, it failed.

Now, Mikhail is going to take this problem to the knife, can this really be successful?

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