Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 40: The Cruel Tsar (3Rd Update, Please Collect It!)

"Your Majesty, you must be careful about this issue! Most of the land in the empire is in the hands of those landlords, and they will never agree to sell the land to the imperial government.

Moreover, even if it is to buy these lands, the imperial finance cannot afford so much money! "

Prime Minister Donovan Schiff frowned tightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty. It will cost a lot of money to buy the land of the entire empire. The empire's finances simply can't afford that much money. Even though the Ministry of Supervision recently investigated corruption and handed over a lot. However, to implement this If it is planned, it is still far behind!" said Finance Minister Ivan Goremekin.

"Your Majesty, it is understandable that you want to change the status quo of the empire's countryside and let those serfs live a better life. However, this has been formed over hundreds of years and cannot be resolved overnight." Minister of Agriculture Demiri Te is also full of worry.

Mikhail knew that these ministers did not support his plan and thought it was too aggressive.

But Mikhail had ideas of his own.

The current Tsarist Russian Empire is like a terminally ill patient. If no decisive measures are taken, it will only get worse and worse, and eventually it will be hard to return.

What's more, time is no longer on the side of the Russian Empire.

The empire on which the sun never sets is looking for troubles for the Tsarist Empire all over the world, not only frantically besieging the Tsarist Empire, but also preventing the Tsarist Empire from expanding outward. At the same time, it is actively cultivating opponents for the Russian Empire.

If this drags on, the situation will be even more unfavorable to the Russian Empire.

"Gentlemen, I am very aware of the current situation. However, we can no longer procrastinate. We will solve this problem in one step.

I've made up my mind, you just follow the plan and implement it!

As for your concerns, they can all be resolved. In terms of funds, in addition to the stolen money turned over by the Ministry of Supervision, the assets and wealth owned by the imperial family can also be temporarily lent to the imperial government. In particular, the land owned by the imperial royal family can be donated to the imperial government free of charge. And the land of those landlords, no matter what method is used, must be sold to the imperial government.

Of course, because there is simply too much land to buy. The imperial government can only buy half of the market price. Moreover, the funds for purchasing these lands will be paid to those landowners in installments. Specifically, whether to divide the payment into five years or ten years, you can discuss a plan! "

Mikhail was very resolute on this issue.

The ministers of the empire also felt Mikhail's determination.

Mikhail was even willing to donate the assets of the royal family for free.

This is absolutely unique among the successive tsars of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

However, they still believe that the land should be purchased at half the market price. At the same time, it is still necessary to pay the funds for the purchase of land in installments, and those landlords will never do it.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to think about it, those landowners will definitely not agree!" Prime Minister Pobie Donos Chaf still frowned.

Mikhail nodded. He knew very well that the people of the Tsarist Russian Empire had a deep-rooted nostalgia for the land, and they would never give up the land easily.

"If they are unwilling to sell the land to the imperial government, then no wonder the empire. The Ministry of the Interior is suppressing the cloth party members on a large scale. Since those landlords are unwilling to support the work of the imperial government, they must have something to do with the cloth party Collusion! Just arrest them for interrogation, and then confiscate their wealth!" Mikhail said nonchalantly.

A group of ministers were suddenly dumbfounded. They didn't seem to have thought that they could still operate like this. This was completely blatantly framed!

These ministers have to admit that although the new tsar is young, he is really ruthless!

This is also rare and strange for these ministers.

You know, in another time and space, Bu Dang is even more ruthless than him.

After the collapse of the Tsarist Russian Empire and the victory of the Buddist Party, the nobles, landlords and bourgeoisie of the Tsarist Russian Empire were almost wiped out by the Buddist Party. Naturally, all their wealth was confiscated by the cloth party. It is precisely with this money that the Burundian Party won the civil war and the intervention war, and was able to industrialize Burundi Russia.

From this point of view, Mikhail is already very kind.

"Your Majesty, if you do this, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of chaos. If it doesn't work out, it will cause chaos in the entire empire." Minister of Agriculture Demirit was a little worried.

"Don't worry, there will be no chaos. The army will ensure the stability of the empire. I will let the Ministry of the Interior and the army act together. Anyone who dares to resist or violate the decision of the empire, the Ministry of the Interior and the army will be responsible for suppression! Short In a short period of time, the empire may be in chaos. However, in the long run, this will be very beneficial to the empire! Therefore, we must spare no effort to promote this plan and ensure its success!" Mikhail Er has a determined face.

The other ministers, knowing that His Majesty the Tsar had made up his mind, had no choice but to stop persuading.

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