Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 62 I'm Afraid That The World Will Not Be Chaotic (Fifth Watch, Please Collect It!)

Russian Empire, Moscow, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Tsarist Russian Empire was angrily expressing the anger of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Russian Empire's invasion of Bulgaria to the Russian Foreign Minister Izvorski.

"Your Excellency, the Tsarist Russian Empire invaded the Kingdom of Bulgaria and seriously damaged the peace of the Balkan Peninsula and even the entire European region. His Majesty King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria has asked the Austro-Hungarian Empire to help him regain his country. Ferdinand I, from The Habsburg royal family, we must not just stand by and watch his country be taken. We demand that the Russian Empire immediately withdraw its troops from the Kingdom of Bulgaria and compensate the Kingdom of Bulgaria for the loss. Otherwise, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will take all means to help Kingdom of Bulgaria!" the Austro-Hungarian ambassador roared angrily.

Isivorski watched the other party's performance coldly, and waited until the other party had finished speaking before speaking.

"So, Your Excellency, what are you going to do? Start a war?"

The ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was taken aback for a moment, as if he did not expect the attitude of the Tsarist Russian Empire to be so firm.

After all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is also one of the great powers in the world!

Even if the Tsarist Russian Empire may be stronger. However, once they go to war with a powerful country like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they may not win. And, regardless of whether you win or lose, you will definitely pay a huge price.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire also hoped to frighten the Russian Empire by expressing their firm attitude.

But now it seems that this does not seem to work at all!

"Your Excellency, if necessary, the empire will also resort to war!" the ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire replied boldly.

"Very good, then, you can go back. Tell your emperor. The Kingdom of Bulgaria slaughtered a large number of Slavic compatriots. Ferdinand I is no longer worthy to be the king of the Kingdom of Bulgaria. The empire is determined to save those suffering compatriots .From now on, the Kingdom of Bulgaria will cease to exist, and it will become the territory of the empire." Isivorski replied immediately.

He has already been authorized by Mikhail, so he can naturally respond to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the strongest way.

"This..." The ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire seemed to have never imagined that such a result would come out in the end.

However, as the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose.

Even at this time, he can't be cowardly! Otherwise, it will damage the national character of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Your Excellency, you will definitely regret it!" After the Austro-Hungarian ambassador put down the harsh words, he left without looking back.

And then, Izvorski also reported this situation to Mikhail for the first time.

"It seems that war is inevitable. Let our army get ready. In addition, mobilize ten infantry divisions. If the frontline battle is urgent, immediately reinforce it!" Mikhail ordered.

Once the Tsarist Russian Empire takes over the Kingdom of Bulgaria and even the Rumelia region, it will inevitably have to station heavy troops.

Mobilize ten infantry divisions now, and it will be better when the time comes.

At that time, it may be possible to form the 7th Army to garrison the Balkan Peninsula.

After the ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire reported the attitude of the Tsarist Russian Empire to the country, it aroused strong dissatisfaction among the top leaders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Crown Prince Ferdinand even clamored to start war against the Tsarist Empire, using force to teach the Tsarist Empire a lesson and drive the Tsarist Empire from the Balkan Peninsula. And, seize the Ukrainian Plain of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria also made up his mind and was ready to go to war.

Having been cornered, the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire had no other choice.

A large number of troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire gathered towards the border. At the same time, they are still communicating with the Kingdom of Romania, intending to cross their borders and march towards the Kingdom of Bulgaria.

The Tsarist Russian Empire responded tit for tat.

The 3rd Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire and the 1st Army, which has arrived in the Kingdom of Bulgaria, have entered a state of emergency.

At the same time, troops of the 2nd Army were also dispatched to the defense zone of the 3rd Army.

The troops of the 5th Army are also heading west, preparing to participate in the next battle.

For a time, the situation in the whole of Europe was extremely tense, and there was a stance that a big war was about to break out.

The empire on which the sun never sets, the city of fog, and the prime minister's office.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil's face was full of smiles.

During this period of time, he was in a very good mood.

Originally, the empire on which the sun never sets has been thinking of ways, how to stop the Russian Empire, how to curb the development of the Russian Empire.

Unexpectedly, the Tsarist Russian Empire took the initiative to expand to the Balkan Peninsula. Didn't this take the initiative to jump into their trap?

The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire are both European powers. Once the two countries go to war, there will inevitably be rivers of blood and heavy casualties. And this, for the empire on which the sun never sets, is undoubtedly of great benefit.

"Gentlemen, the war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire is imminent. We must find a way to let this war break out as soon as possible. And, let this war last as long as possible, and the more casualties the better!" Robert Se Prime Minister Searle directly expressed his wishes.

Of course, from the perspective of the empire on which the sun never sets, it is natural to fear that the world will not be chaotic.

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