Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 63 Calculating The Tsarist Empire (First Update, Please Collect It!)

"Your Excellency, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire are already at war. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is mobilizing the army and sending the main force to the border areas. The Tsarist Russian Empire is facing each other. They have now occupied the entire territory of the Kingdom of Bulgaria. It is simply impossible to get them to withdraw there. A major war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire is inevitable!" said the Minister of War, Marquis Lansdowne, with a smile.

As the enemy and potential opponent of the empire on which the sun never sets, regardless of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Tsarist Russian Empire, which side can win this war. But as long as they go to war and the blood flows like rivers, that's what the empire on which the sun never sets wants to see.

"With the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire alone, it may not be easy to defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire. If not, we will lose this war. Can we think of other ways to enhance the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this case, it will be even more difficult for the Tsarist Russian Empire to win the war!" Sir Michael Beach, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, suggested.

"The Germanic Empire is an ally of the Tsarist Russian Empire. It would be great if the Germanic Empire also participated in the war. In addition, the Caesar Kingdom is also an ally with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Germanic Empire. If they unite to deal with the Tsarist Russian Empire. And If Gaul, as an ally of the Tsarist Russian Empire, also participates in the war, then the whole of Europe will fight. This is the most beneficial for us!" Sir Frederick Richards, Secretary of the Navy A very excited look.

The other high-level officials of the empire on which the sun never sets also have the same expressions.

From the perspective of the interests of the empire on which the sun never sets, if the major powers in Europe can fight and fight to the death, both sides will suffer. Then, the hegemony of the empire on which the sun never sets is stable, and they no longer have to worry about being challenged by other countries.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil shook his head: "It's not that easy. Neither the sun never sets nor the Gauls are fools. They won't get involved in this war easily. As for the Kingdom of Caesar, although they and the Austro-Hungarian Empire They are allies. However, the territorial dispute between the two countries is very serious. In addition, both countries have ambitions for the Balkan Peninsula. They may wish that the Austro-Hungarian Empire would be defeated by the Tsarist Russian Empire. How could they help the Austro-Hungarian Empire? This war, the great The probability is that in the war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire, their allies will not directly intervene, at most they will provide them with some support behind the scenes."

"Your Excellency, if this is the case, it will be really difficult for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to win." Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain said.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil nodded: "Yes! Therefore, we have to find a way to strengthen the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Only in this way can they make the Russian Empire pay a greater price in the war. At the same time, we can also borrow This opportunity weakens the power of the Allies."

The Allied Powers group formed by the Germanic Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Caesar Kingdom made the Empire on which the sun never sets feel tremendous pressure.

Even if the sun never sets the empire is the hegemony of the world. However, they have nothing but a huge advantage in the navy. In other aspects, there is no advantage at all.

If this war can be used to bloodlett the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the goal of weakening the entire Allied Powers group can be achieved. Well, this is also very beneficial to the empire on which the sun never sets.

"Your Excellency, the allies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not directly help them in order to avoid being involved in the war. However, we can win over other countries to help the Austro-Hungarian Empire! Don't forget, after the Tsarist Russian Empire gained a firm foothold on the Balkan Peninsula, It also poses a huge threat to another country. I am afraid that they are also worried that their territory will be invaded by the Russian Empire. It is undoubtedly the best if they can join hands with the Austro-Hungarian Empire to defeat the Russian Empire in one fell swoop and drive them out of the Balkan Peninsula. That's fine!" Lord George Hamilton, Minister of Indian Affairs suggested.

The cabinet ministers of the empire on which the sun never sets had their eyes brightened. They already understood which country Lord George Hamilton was talking about.

"The Ottoman Empire has declined greatly over the years. Can they pose a threat to the Tsarist Russian Empire?" Sir Frederick Richards, the Minister of the Navy, seemed not very optimistic about the Ottoman Empire.

"The strength of the Ottoman Empire is indeed not very good. However, they still have a large territory. At the same time, they also have a population of more than 35 million. In addition, they have a feud with the Tsarist Empire. If you can meet a They will never let go of the opportunity to defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire!" said the Minister of War, Marquis Lansdowne.

"That's right, gentlemen, the Ottoman Empire is the enemy of the Russian Empire. We can take this opportunity to let them join the war against the Russian Empire!" Prime Minister Robert Cecil has already made a decision.

Let the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires join forces. In this case, if the two countries unite to deal with the Tsarist Russian Empire, the gap between them and the Tsarist Russian Empire will be even smaller. If it doesn't work, this war will really get bigger and bigger. And this is undoubtedly what the empire on which the sun never sets wants to see.

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