Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 64 Anti-Russian Alliance (Second Update, Please Collect It!)

As the hegemon of the world, the empire on which the sun never sets naturally does not want other countries to become stronger and threaten their hegemony.

Coupled with the geographical location of the empire on which the sun never sets, and they have the most powerful navy in the world. Therefore, no matter how hard the whole of Europe and even the whole world fights, it is none of their business to turn them into mountains of corpses and rivers of blood.

What's more, they still want to do this.

In this case, no one can threaten their dominance.

Letting the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire unite to deal with the Tsarist Empire is undoubtedly the best way that no one can think of to deal with the Tsarist Empire.

It can be foreseen that once the two countries join forces to start a war with the Tsarist Russian Empire. Then, the flames of war will not only break out in the Balkans. If it is not done well, the war will also break out in the Central European Plain and the Caucasus.

It would be great if the other allies of Austria-Hungary, other allies of Tsarist Russia also ended up being dragged into the war.

The empire can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight when the sun never sets. Wait until both sides are exhausted and injured, and then come forward to clean up the mess.

Their dominance will also become more stable.

Soon, Prime Minister Robert Cecil summoned the ambassadors of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, expressed concern to them about the situation in the Balkan Peninsula, and directly expressed his opposition and dissatisfaction with the Russian Empire’s invasion of the Balkan Peninsula. As well as support for Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil also serves as Foreign Secretary. Therefore, he is also responsible for the diplomatic work of the empire on which the sun never sets.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil claimed that the empire on which the sun never sets was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Russian Empire. However, due to their well-known relationship, they will not personally go to war with the Tsarist Empire. However, they were willing to provide other support to Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, it was officially suggested that the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire should unite against the Russian Empire.

Although the top leaders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire have reached an agreement, they are ready to go to war with the Tsarist Russian Empire.

However, the powerful strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire also worried the top leaders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, worrying that they would lose the war.

This is especially true of the Ottoman Empire. They had a blood feud with the Tsarist Empire. Now, the expansion of the Tsarist Russian Empire to the Balkan Peninsula has directly posed a huge threat to them, and it can be said that it has touched their reverse scales.

But it is a pity that the strength of the Ottoman Empire declined too quickly, while the Russian Empire became stronger and stronger. They wanted to kill the thieves, but they were powerless!

Now, the people who never set the sun proposed that the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire join forces to deal with the Tsarist Russian Empire, which is undoubtedly good news for them.

Although the Tsarist Russian Empire was powerful, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire were not made of mud.

If the two countries can join hands, even the Tsarist Russian Empire cannot easily defeat them.

This made the ambassadors of the two countries report to the country, and the high-level officials of the two countries attached great importance to this news.

Emperor Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, were very moved by this proposal.

Although, at the peak of the Ottoman Empire in the past, it once swept across most of Europe. The Austrian Empire, the predecessor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was the vanguard of resisting the iron hoof of the Ottoman Empire.

The two countries have also fought fiercely for hundreds of years, with countless casualties.

But now, for the common enemy and common interests, the two old enemies in the past also have the hope of joining forces.

This also fully proves that there are no permanent enemies in the world, only permanent interests.

The foreign minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Baron Bell Sidold, secretly went to Yi Sitanbul to communicate with the Ottoman Empire and discussed the joint deal between the two sides against the Russian Empire.

The Ottoman Empire naturally hoped to defeat the Tsarist Empire and thwart the ambitions of the Tsarist Empire to expand abroad.

In the past two hundred years, ten wars have broken out between the Ottoman Empire and the Tsarist Empire. However, the Tsarist Russian Empire is getting stronger and stronger, and its territory is getting bigger and bigger. However, the Ottoman Empire became weaker and weaker, and its territory became smaller and smaller.

If the ambitions of the Tsarist Empire are not thwarted, they worry that the Tsarist Empire will continue to expand outward. At that time, wouldn't they become the targets of the Tsarist Russian Empire's external expansion?

In dealing with the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire can be said to hit it off.

After a brief negotiation, the two sides reached a consensus on this issue.

The Ottoman Empire guaranteed that after the fight between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire, their armies would march from Rumelia and Asia Minor Peninsula to Bulgaria and the Caucasus respectively to contain part of the Tsarist Russian Empire's army.

And the Austro-Hungarian Empire also promised that in this battle, they will do their best to attack the Tsarist Russian Empire and strive to defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire.

As for the Balkan Peninsula, after the end of the war, it will return to its previous state. However, the Kingdom of Bulgaria would be restored as a protectorate of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

After the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire reached an agreement, they have accelerated their pace of war preparations.

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