Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 77 Destroy The Ottoman Empire With All Your Strength (Second Update, Please Subscribe!)

"Gentlemen, I have to admit that the current empire cannot compare with the Germanic Empire in many aspects. Especially in the military field, the Germanic Empire Army is known as the best in the world. Compared with the army, I am afraid there is still a certain gap.

Of course, I think that after a period of accumulation, the overall strength of the Imperial Army will be no worse than that of the Germans, or even stronger. All of this takes time.

For now, the empire cannot provoke the Germans when it is fighting the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, in the face of warnings or threats from the Germans, the empire must make certain compromises.

It's annoying, of course, but that's the way it is. For the benefit of the empire, there is no way to temporarily compromise!"

Mikhail said to a group of ministers and generals.

Mikhail's attitude made these ministers and generals breathe a sigh of relief.

They were still a little worried that Mikhail was too young, whether he would be young and energetic, which made him unwilling to be threatened by the Germanic Empire. If a full-scale war between the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Germanic Empire breaks out because of this, it will be very unfavorable for the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Fortunately, although His Majesty the Tsar is very young, he is not lacking in reason.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the top officials of the Tsarist Russian Empire replied one after another.

Everyone undoubtedly expressed their support for Mikhail's decision.

"Order the 1st Army and 3rd Army of the Imperial Army to stop the attack on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main force of the 2nd Army and a part of the 5th Army should strengthen their defenses against the Germans. As long as they are not actively attacked by the enemy, they should not attack the Austro-Hungarian Empire." The attack is launched," said Mikhail.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" replied Admiral Brusilov.

In this case, it is undoubtedly possible to avoid a direct war with the Germanic Empire. As long as the Germans are not determined to go to war with the Tsarist Empire, there should be no problem.

I believe that as long as the Germanic people's brains are not caught by the door, they will know that if they go to war with the Tsarist Empire, they will end up with nothing to lose.

"We can't continue to attack the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which undoubtedly makes us lose a chance to seriously damage the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and even defeat the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, I believe that in the near future, we will definitely be able to wait for the opportunity What's more, in the current war between us and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, we have caused them to pay a lot of losses, and we have already gained a great advantage. In the future, we can also defeat them.!" Yes Therefore, Mikhail is very confident.

The other high-ranking members of the empire also nodded.

The powerful combat power that broke out after the reorganization of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army has undoubtedly been demonstrated in this battle. This also made these high-level empires more convinced of Mikhail.

There is another very important reason why Mikhail decided to compromise with the German Empire. That is, the main purpose of the Tsarist Russian Empire launching this war was to seize the Balkan Peninsula and open up an outlet for the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Therefore, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not the main target of the Tsarist Russian Empire. The Ottoman Empire was the main target.

Moreover, once the plan of the Tsarist Russian Empire succeeds, it will inevitably be hostile to the Empire on which the sun never sets, and even the two sides will be at war.

Under such circumstances, there is no need for the Germanic Empire to fight against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and at the same time offend the Germanic Empire. In that case, no matter how strong the Tsarist Russian Empire is, it still cannot bear it!

The best choice now is undoubtedly to deal with the Ottoman Empire with all its strength, and then deal with the threat of the Empire on which the sun never sets.

"The foreign affairs department can contact the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If they are willing to have peace talks, then we can have peace talks with them. If necessary, the imperial army can withdraw from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire." Mikhail said.

Although it seems a pity to withdraw from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire now.

However, these territories were only temporarily under the control of Austria-Hungary.

In the next war, the Tsarist Russian Empire can also easily win over these leaders.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" replied the Foreign Minister Isivorski.

"However, we must take advantage of this opportunity to allow the Austro-Hungarian Empire to recognize the special interests of the Empire in the Balkan Peninsula, as well as to recognize the Empire's annexation of the Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Ottoman Rumelia region." Mikhail said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Isivorski nodded repeatedly.

`"Then, gentlemen, the main target of the empire's attack now has become the Ottoman Empire. If the empire wants to defeat them and seize Rumelia, it must defeat the Ottoman Empire with all its strength. Otherwise, they must I won’t be willing to lose Rumelia.” Mikhail went on to say loosely.

For the Ottoman Empire, the Rumelia region on the Balkan Peninsula is already their entire territory in Europe. This piece of land with a total area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers can be called the last territory of the Ottoman Empire in Europe.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the Ottoman Empire will never give up these territories.

If the Tsarist Empire wants to take these territories from the Ottoman Empire, there is undoubtedly only one way, and that is to completely defeat the Ottoman Empire on the battlefield and make the Ottoman Empire pay a heavy price in the war. Even, losing the ability to continue fighting.

Only in this way can the Ottoman Empire (Qian Li's) give up these territories.

In another time and space, the Ottoman Empire lost these territories after more than a decade. And in this time and space, all of this will undoubtedly be much earlier.

"Give orders to the 1st Army and 4th Army, deploy the main force, and attack the Ottoman Empire with all its strength. Try to defeat the Ottoman Empire in the shortest possible time, making them lose the ability to continue fighting. At that time, they will compromise and retreat. Over the years, the Ottoman Empire has been defeated by us on the battlefield, and then gave up a large area of ​​territory, hasn't it become the norm?" Mikhail said with a smile.

When the Ottoman Empire was in its heyday, it was a huge empire spanning Asia, Europe and Africa. With its own power, it made the entire European continent extremely embarrassed. But it is a pity that until now, this once incomparably glorious empire has finally declined. .

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