Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 78 The Sick Man Of West Asia (The Third More, Please Subscribe!)

The former Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful countries in the world in its most glorious period. The Mediterranean Sea almost became their inland sea, and at the same time occupied a very large piece of Europe. The whole of Europe trembled under the iron heel of the Ottomans, and they also monopolized the communication and trade between the East and the West.

It is precisely because of this reason that European countries were forced to find new trade channels, which led to the great voyage.

But it is a pity that the current Ottoman Empire has completely declined, and it has lost a large area of ​​territory over the years. The current Ottoman Empire is no longer glorious, and it is called the sick man of West Asia.

Among them, the Tsarist Russian Empire can be said to have contributed a lot.

Over the past two hundred years, the Tsarist Russian Empire fought ten wars with the Ottoman Empire. Adding the ongoing war, it is already the eleventh war.

In the war, the Ottoman Empire can be said to lose more and win less.

Every time you fail, you will lose a lot of territory. So much so that there is not much left in the territory of the Ottoman Empire.

Of course, even so, as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

The current overall strength of the Ottoman Empire can still be ranked among the top in the world.

This time, if the Tsarist Russian Empire wants to seize the Rumelia region, it must completely defeat the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, the Ottoman Empire will be desperate.

When the 1st Army and 3rd Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire severely damaged the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire also realized that the situation was urgent. They also seemed to have never imagined that the old enemy of the Tsarist Russian Empire would become so powerful. However, this is definitely not good news for the Ottoman Empire!

After all, the two sides are old enemies who have been entangled in grievances for more than two hundred years. The stronger the Russian Empire, the greater the threat to the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, their hope of revenge is naturally becoming more and more slim.

More importantly, once the Austro-Hungarian Empire is defeated, they will have to face the powerful Tsarist Russian Empire alone, and the possibility of being defeated will be very high.

Once defeated by the Tsarist Russian Empire again, you don't need to think about it, you will definitely pay a huge price.

Therefore, Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, immediately ordered the mobilization of more troops to reinforce the front line, and in any case must resist the attack of the Tsarist Empire.

Abdul Hamid II is also self-aware. He is very clear that judging from the current situation, it is impossible to defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire. As long as it can resist the attack of the Russian Empire and defend the interests of the Ottoman Empire, that would be the best.

But it is a pity that they will soon be attacked by the Tsarist Russian Empire Army in an all-round way. It is simply impossible to resist the attack of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army.

After receiving the domestic order, General Gurko, the commander of the 1st Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire, immediately acted.

Admiral Gurko left three infantry divisions and two mountain infantry brigades in the Southern Carpathians to defend against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The remaining 7 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry brigades and a heavy artillery brigade went south in an all-round way, preparing to invest in the attack on the Ottoman Empire.

Plus the ten infantry divisions deployed on the southern front before.

This time, the 1st Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire assembled a full 17 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry brigades and 1 heavy artillery brigade. All add up to more than 360,000 people.

Although, after the 1st Army of the Ottoman Empire Army was strengthened by reinforcements, its total strength has reached nearly 500,000 people. The 1st Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire was still at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

However, the Ottoman Empire Army is far from being comparable to the Russian Empire Army in terms of weapons and equipment, firepower, or the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

Under such circumstances, how could the Ottoman Army be able to withstand the attack of the Tsarist Russian Army?

At the same time, the main force of the 4th Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire also won victory in the (aced) Caucasus region and began to march towards the Asia Minor peninsula.

On September 9, 1798, the main force of the First Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire launched a fierce attack on the Ottoman Empire on the Balkan Peninsula.

Seventeen infantry divisions, divided into three groups, attacked the Ottoman Army's defenses fiercely. At the same time, the five cavalry brigades were also ready to attack at any time, turning around the side of the 1st Army of the Ottoman Empire, outflanking their rear, and ensuring that as many Ottomans as possible could be wiped out in this battle.

Once they successfully defeated the 1st Army of the Ottoman Empire Army, they even wiped them all out. Then, the Ottoman Empire will suffer a fatal blow. Next, they will no longer be able to withstand the attack of the Russian Empire Army.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the frontline battlefield, the artillery of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army is firing fiercely.

A series of 155mm heavy howitzers, 105mm light howitzers and 75mm field guns are pouring shells into the Ottoman Army's defense line.

A large number of soldiers of the Ottoman Army, holding their rifles, huddled in the dilapidated trenches, praying to Allah that the shells would not fall on their heads.

The equipment of the Ottoman army was simple, and there were not many artillery. In the previous war, almost lost. So much so that they are now facing the fierce shelling of the Russian army, they can't fight back at all, and they can only endure silently.

Shells exploded continuously on the positions of the Ottoman Army, leaving craters one by one.

Many soldiers of the Ottoman Empire were blown to pieces by shells, and their limbs and arms were scattered everywhere. The entire battlefield looks like hell.

The firepower preparation of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army lasted for as long as an hour.

The defensive position of the Ottoman Empire Army, which was not very strong, was almost riddled with holes at this moment.

Subsequently, a large number of infantrymen of the Tsarist Russian Army, supported by their own fierce artillery fire, launched an attack on the defense line of the Ottoman Empire Army.

"Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

Mortars and Maxim heavy machine guns were also firing at full strength, raining bullets on the Ottoman defense line, suppressing the Ottoman counterattack, and providing fire support for the attacking infantry.

The infantry lined up in skirmish lines, constantly assaulting the Ottoman Army's line of defense. The Mosin Nagant rifles in the hands of the soldiers were also firing continuously.

Light mortars and light machine guns accompany the infantry to provide more direct fire support. .

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