Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 85 Bolin Peace Treaty (10Th Update, Please Subscribe!)

"The Empire will not cede territory to the Tsarist Empire. Moreover, the one billion ruble war indemnity is too much. If the Tsarist Empire is willing to release those prisoners of war, the Empire can pay the Tsarist Empire 100 million rubles in compensation. In addition, the Empire can Acknowledge the special interests of the Tsarist Russian Empire in the Balkan Peninsula, and stop meddling in the Balkan Peninsula!" Baron Bell Hydoud said through gritted teeth.

After weighing it for a while, Baron Bell Hydoud still planned to compromise.

After all, as Izivorski said. It is natural for the victorious country to slaughter the defeated country.

Now, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is the loser. If they want to end the war and avoid being attacked by the Tsarist Russian Empire again, they will naturally need to pay a certain price. If you don't even pay a price, it is simply impossible. Even with the support of the German "September 43" people, the same is true.

In terms of territory, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will never give up. In that case, it will make the various states that make up the Austro-Hungarian Empire very dissatisfied, which will affect the unity within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It even led to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

In terms of war reparations, the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not want to pay much, and it was even more impossible to satisfy the lions of the Tsarist Russian Empire. You know, one billion rubles is already equivalent to more than 110 million pounds. In this day and age, that's a lot of money. Even if it is just paying 100 million rubles in battlefield compensation, it is equivalent to more than 10 million pounds, and it is not a small sum.

As for acknowledging the special interests of the Tsarist Russian Empire in the Balkans and guaranteeing that they will no longer intervene in the Balkans, that is nothing more than a stopgap measure.

After the war is over and the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is restored, it is completely possible to make a comeback.

Of course, it's not okay to do it clearly, you can do it quietly.

In this day and age, that would have been the norm.

"100 million rubles? Are you sending beggars? During this war, the Empire sacrificed a lot of soldiers and consumed a lot of supplies. These alone are more than 100 million rubles!" Izvorski flatly refused. .

"If the Austro-Hungarian Empire does not want to give up those territories, it is not impossible to ask the imperial army to withdraw from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire must compensate the Empire in terms of war compensation. So, the total Pay war reparations of 1.5 billion rubles, and the imperial army can withdraw from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And, unconditionally release those captured soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and your crown prince. At the same time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire must recognize the empire in the Balkans Special interests of the country, guarantee not to meddle in the Balkans," said Isivorski.

"One and a half billion rubles? This is nothing but robbery! The Empire will never accept it!" Baron Bell Hydoud's attitude was still firm.

The finances of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are also very tight now, and they simply cannot afford so much money.

"One and a half billion rubles is already the minimum requirement of the empire!" Izvorski also refused to back down.

Seeing that the negotiation will fall into a stalemate again, Bernhard von Bülow has no choice but to announce that the negotiation is temporarily suspended, and the two sides will communicate with each other in the country before continuing the negotiation tomorrow.

After the negotiations ended temporarily, Bernhard von Bülow also had a private meeting with Baron Bell Sidold and Izvorski to test the bottom line of both parties and act as lobbyists, hoping that both parties could make concessions. agree.

"One and a half billion rubles is too much, we can't accept it at all. Pay the Russians 300 million rubles at most." Baron Bell Hydoud said.

"300 million rubles is far from what the Russians want. The gap is too big. They will not agree. Otherwise, it can be increased to 500 million rubles. If the Austro-Hungarian side is willing, I will talk to the Russians and try to get the Russians to let me go." They agree," suggested Bernhard von Bülow.

Baron Hydod thought for a while, then nodded.

He also didn't want the peace talks to drag on like this, and he didn't even want the talks to break down.

Immediately afterwards, Bernhard von Bülow also had a secret meeting with Izvorski, expressing the attitude of the Germanic Empire regarding the conditions proposed by the Tsarist Russian Empire.

There is no doubt that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is an ally of the Germanic Empire, and the Germanic Empire is of course on the side of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And, began to put pressure on the Russian Empire.

Facing the pressure from the Germans, the Tsarist Russian Empire could only compromise to 0. Of course, the Germanic Empire could not push the Tsarist Russian Empire too hard. Otherwise, once the Tsarist Russian Empire turns the table, it will be a huge trouble.

"The empire can give the German Empire a face, and the empire can make concessions on the amount of compensation, and let the Austro-Hungarian Empire pay one billion rubles." Izvorski said.

"One billion rubles is still too much. The Austro-Hungarian Empire simply cannot afford so much money, and it is impossible to accept such conditions. If the Tsarist Russian Empire is willing to reduce the war compensation to 500 million rubles, then there should be no problem ’” Bernhard von Bilow said.

"500 million rubles? No, this is too far from the requirements of the empire. You know, the empire agreed to give up the territories occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire," Izvorski shook his head repeatedly.

Next, the two sides launched several rounds of negotiations, and under the request of the Germanic Empire, they continued to make concessions, and the distance to reach an agreement was getting closer and closer.

When the troops of the Tsarist Russian Empire captured Istanbul, the Austro-Hungarian Empire decided not to continue the entanglement.

They worried that after the Tsarist Russian Empire defeated the Ottoman Empire, it would move its troops northward and put huge pressure on the Austro-Hungarian Empire again. When the time comes, it will be even more difficult for them to end this war.

In the end, the two sides reached an agreement. The Austro-Hungarian Empire paid 720 million rubles 0.3 cloth in compensation to the Russian Empire, and recognized the special interests of the Russian Empire in the Balkan Peninsula, and promised not to interfere in the affairs of the Balkan Peninsula. The troops of the Tsarist Russian Empire withdrew from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and unconditionally released all captured soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, including Crown Prince Ferdinand.

Baron Bell Sidold and Izvorski, representing Austria-Hungary and Tsarist Russia respectively, signed their names on the peace treaty.

This treaty is known as the "Berlin Peace Treaty" in history.

Of course, because the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not admit that a war broke out with the Tsarist Russian Empire at all, thinking that it was nothing more than a conflict between the two countries. Therefore, officially in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, this peace treaty is also known as the "Memorandum of Understanding on the Austro-Russian Conflict"!.

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