Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 86 The Ottoman Empire Admits Counseling (11Th Update, Please Subscribe!)

The signing of the "Berlin Peace Treaty" means that the war between the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has come to an end.

After the treaty took effect, the Austro-Hungarian Empire immediately paid 720 million rubles in war compensation to the Russian Empire. Of course, the finances of the Austro-Hungarian Empire simply could not afford so much money. These war reparations were only collected by the Austro-Hungarian government by borrowing from major banks in the country. The reason why they paid the war compensation so simply was to avoid long nights and dreams.

The Tsarist Russian Army swept across the Balkan Peninsula, occupied the entire Rumelia, almost defeated the Ottoman Empire, and made the Austro-Hungarian Empire feel great pressure and even fear. I am afraid that the Tsarist Russian Empire will turn around and continue to use force against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In that case, they will be even more irresistible.

The Tsarist Russian Army also withdrew from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the same time, the Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war held in the prisoner-of-war camps were also unconditionally released by the Tsarist Russian Empire. Among them, Archduke Ferdinand, Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was naturally included.

Of course, for Archduke Ferdinand, the defeat and capture in this 2002 battle was a complete shame and humiliation.

From now on, the Tsarist Russian Empire has been regarded as a life and death enemy by Archduke Ferdinand. His next goal in life is probably to defeat the Tsarist Empire and take revenge.

Tsarist Russian Empire, Moscow, Kremlin.

Imperial Foreign Minister Izvorsky brought back the original "Berlin Peace Treaty" and handed it to Tsar Mikhail.

Mikhail flipped through the treaty and read the various clauses in the treaty, a smile couldn't help showing on his face.

He has a feeling of changing history, which makes him very excited.

It seems that from now on, the Tsarist Russian Empire is on the road to rise. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire sadly became their stepping stone.

For the Tsarist Russian Empire, being able to reach such a peace treaty under the pressure of the Germanic Empire is already considered very good. Their income is already considered very large.

"Your Excellency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, very good, you did a great job this time!" Mikhail closed the original copy of the treaty.

"Your Majesty, this is all because the strength of the empire has been greatly improved. Therefore, it was able to obtain huge benefits at the negotiating table. Of course, if it were not for the pressure from the Germans, the empire would be able to obtain more." Yi Zi Volsky looked regretful.

Mikhail nodded: "No matter what, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is an ally of the Germans, and they will naturally support the Austro-Hungarian Empire with all their strength. With the current strength of the empire, although they will not be afraid of the Germans. But, after all It's not the time to go into full-scale confrontation with the Germans. Wait for a while. After the strength of the empire is improved again, the empire will eventually fight the Germans in the future. Only the winner can become the overlord of the European continent and dominate the entire Continental Europe!"

Isivorski nodded repeatedly.

It is well known that the Tsarist Russian Empire intends to dominate the European continent. And the Germanic Empire, as a newly rising country. In terms of industry, it has already crushed the Russian Empire. In military terms, it also has huge advantages. The Germanic people also want to become the overlord of the whole of Europe and even the whole world.

This makes there will be a decisive battle between the two sides sooner or later.

It's just that the ambitions shown by the Germans are too great, which will make the current world hegemon, the Empire on which the sun never sets, very disturbed. This is also the reason why in another time and space, the Empire on which the sun never sets and the Tsarist Russian Empire put aside their prejudices temporarily and joined forces to deal with the Germanic Empire.

Of course, in this time and space, Mikhail still hopes that the people who never set the sun can join in and deal with the Germans together. In this way, the Tsarist Russian Empire can defeat the Germans at the lowest cost and become the overlord of Europe.

After all, even if the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Empire on which the sun never sets join forces, it will only be temporary. Once the war is over, the two sides will become rivals again. Even, in order to compete for hegemony, large-scale conflicts and even wars will inevitably break out next.

"This time, we were able to obtain 720 million rubles in war reparations from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is already very good. This money will be used as military expenditures to pay for the consumption of the empire in this war, and the following The formation of a new army group. If there is any leftover, it will be used in the construction of the imperial army and navy!" Mikhail has already decided on the use of this war reparation.

The Tsarist Russian Empire used hundreds of thousands of people to start the war, and the daily consumption of various materials is an astronomical figure. If no war indemnity is obtained and all the finances of the Tsarist Russian Empire pay for it, this will inevitably make the financial situation of the Tsarist Russian Empire worse.

After all, in order to promote agricultural reform, infrastructure construction, and industrialization, the Tsarist Russian Empire's finances are already heavily in debt. Even, even the assets of the royal family have been lent to the finance.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The senior officials of the Tsarist Russian Empire had no opinion on this.

"Gentlemen, the war between the Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has come to an end. Then, the Empire will go all out to deal with the Ottoman Empire. The Empire's military operations in the Balkan Peninsula have come to an end and are about to be completed. The next step is to Let the Ottomans admit defeat [cede the entire 107th area of ​​Rumelia to the empire!" Mikhail continued.

"Your Majesty, the 1st Army of the Imperial Army can act as if it is going to cross the Bosporus Strait. At the same time, the 4th Army is also stepping up its offensive, which will definitely make the Ottoman Empire very nervous. Especially the Austro-Hungarian Empire has already If they withdraw from the war, it is even more impossible for them to continue." Chief of General Staff General Brusilov suggested.

Mikhail nodded and accepted the suggestion.

The main force of the 1st Army Group of the Tsarist Russian Empire approached the Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles, and the Black Sea Fleet of the Tsarist Russian Imperial Navy also appeared in the Bosphorus Strait.

It can be said that the Tsarist Russian Empire completely put on a posture of going to cross the strait and continue to attack the Ottoman Empire. This frightened the top Ottoman Empire, including Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

Even as proud as Abdul Hamid II, he knew that if the war continued, the Ottoman Empire would definitely collapse. As a result, the Ottomans also confessed [the Southern Tsarist Russian Empire began to sue for peace.

Of course, in order to preserve their interests as much as possible, the Ottomans also asked for help from the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, asking the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets to mediate the war. .

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