Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 128 The Sniper Rifle in the Darkness

"Bang", once again, the gunshots sounded!

The speaker, who was giving a speech in a dignified manner just a second ago, followed his little friend to meet the King of Hades.

"Boom", the dull sound of the heavy object falling straight to the ground, pierced people's eardrums that had been pierced by the gunfire again "chug" pain!


Karen, who had been standing in front of Ricky, turned his head and saw the man lying on the ground.

Right in the middle of the brows, unbiased, the bullet perfectly pierced the head directly, and shot into the majestic tiled wall behind him.

One hit, kill!

Ruthless, insane!


With the death of the speaker, it was announced that this "peace negotiation mission" had completely failed...

However, this time, none of these old guys dared to move.

In the air, the nauseating strong bloody smell turned even more frenziedly, sharply and fiercely stimulating people's disgusting minds.

To warn them that they were terrified and desperate, the speaker died, and the dark fire actually shot and killed the most senior member of the International Anti-Terrorism Federal Government!

In the bloody air, what invaded was the even more chilling and murderous black air released from the man's body...


With cold eyes, Bai Xue stared straight at the man opposite, the hand that had already held the gun, and the slender fingers were clenched even more tightly, turning white.

Just now, she has been staring at this man.


She didn't even see clearly when the man took out the gun!

Moreover, in front of her and Karen, two members of the international anti-terrorist special team, directly shot and killed the Supreme Speaker of the Federal Government!

This man is too scary...


"唰" sound---

The pistol tightly held in Bai Xue's hand, like a sword drawn out of its scabbard, stared coldly at the man opposite---

Ji Tianming was putting away the pistol that had just been fired, and there was no trace of warmth on his cold cheeks.

The brows that were frantically drawn back were raised slightly, eyes darker than the night, met the muzzle of the woman's gun that was pointing at him, turned and moved slightly, and landed on that cold snow-like cheek.

At the same time, the cold lips parted slightly, and the killing voice slowly said,

"Now, do you want to make up for it?"


Looking at the man's black eyes, the darkness that could never be seen through, Bai Xue's heart shook once again!

Compared with the first glance with this man after entering the door, the strong sense of familiarity is even more turbulent!

Who is he...

Bai Xue's slender eyebrows frowned coldly, deepened, unconsciously, her reddish lips tightened a little.

Looking at it, Ji Tianming's indifferent thin lips hooked slightly.


"Ah---I fight with you!"

Suddenly, a congressman who had been sitting on a chair, trembling, suddenly shouted like crazy, and took out a pistol that had been hidden in his arms for a long time.

Everyone looked at the mad companion in horror.

However, that man was unmoved in the slightest, even with the coldest contempt, he kept looking at Bai Xue opposite him.

"Bang - bang - bang" ---

Three ear-piercing gunshots sounded almost simultaneously!

Coming from different directions in the conference hall!

On the conference table, the blood of the congressman who was going crazy just now flowed from his heart, staining the clothes on his chest red.

What's even more sad is that the gun in the hospital's arms has not been taken out yet~~

However, there are still two shots...

When people turned their heads stiffly, they realized that the people sitting on both sides of the congressman were also shot in the heart, and they were killed with one blow, dead!

Their hands were also in the same motion of taking guns from their arms.

It turns out that these three councilors had discussed it long ago...


Bai Xue and Karen raised their heads at the same time, and looked coldly at the ceiling of the entire conference hall!

The three shots just now came from three different directions on the ceiling!

That is to say, here... the dark fire sniper was actually ambushed here!

How can this be!

Bai Xue and Karen Qiqi took a breath of air, and their clear eyes shrank!

For this negotiation, the international federal government issued a death order and dispatched all members of the entire anti-terrorism team.

As early as a week ago, there was a total blockade and special defense of the entire Capitol!

All people entering and leaving have passed the inspection of the highest equipment of the anti-terrorist team, and they are only allowed to pass through the pass!

And now, the entire Capitol, from top to bottom, is surrounded by anti-terrorist teams, just to encircle and suppress the dark fire king of fire!

How is it possible, how could there be a dark fire sniper... a sniper...!

But, those three shots just now...!

That is to say, there are at least three or more snipers here, holding sniper rifles, aiming at all of them from the very beginning!


Thinking of this, Bai Xue immediately looked at the opposite man again.

Ji Tianming raised his cold eyebrows recklessly.


Behind him, Dylan plucked his ears with a faint smile, and with a look of boredom, put it on Jason who was covered in rage, while shaking his head coolly, he said,

"I'm really overwhelmed..."

Everyone heard it.

They are really overwhelmed...

In the dead and suffocating air, finally, a voice trembling to the point of despair, almost crying.

I saw a congressman clutching his chest in pain, looking like he was having a heart attack, and crying while foaming at the mouth,

"No, I don't want compensation, no, let me go, let me go..."

Then, the humble voice that begged and trembled screamed one after another,

"No, I don't want either..."

"We don't want any more, please, let us go..."




Dylan and Jason Qiqi laughed coldly, sure enough, the boss is still the strongest~

Dylan smiled and said something evil on purpose,

"Oh, it's so boring..."

Comrade Xiao Bang laughed so much~~~

Ji Tianming looked down at the group of wailing old fellows trying to survive like ants, raised his eyebrows again, and said,

"This is your place."

Everyone was startled, and then yelled at Bai Xue and La Lun like crazy,

"Quick, Karen, open the door, let them go, let them go...!"

"Karen, get rid of your people, let them go, quick!"


Undoubtedly, they got nothing in this negotiation.

Moreover, if this man is allowed to stay here again, all of their noble lives will be lost!

A chill appeared on Karen's handsome face, and he looked straight at the man opposite him.

Let him go?

If you let Fire King go today, I'm afraid that if you want to catch him again in the future, it will be the most difficult thing in the world...

When all the congressmen's crazy shouts were ignored, Bai Xue's cold gaze also turned to Karen, and her thin eyebrows frowned even more.

Obviously, today's action is impossible to complete.

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