Speaker Ricky is dead. If they act rashly again, the people in the room in front of them will probably be mercilessly killed by the Fire King.


What the entire international federal government is facing is not just the threat of terrorists, but an even bloodier political catastrophe!

Therefore, the only way now is to do as these congressmen said---

let them go!


The coldness on Karen's cheeks deepened, and his jaw nodded slightly.

Looking at the two people opposite, Ji Tianming pursed his thin and cold lips slightly.

Karen turned his head, met Ji Tianming's scornful black eyes, and said something to the invisible Maicon on the collar with a gloomy expression, and then---

With a sound of "chi", behind him, the heavy and tightly locked dark brown door opened again heavily.

Dylan and Jason looked back at the same time.

Dylan whistled leisurely and said,

"Isn't it going to be all right?"

As he spoke, he put a more frivolous hand on Jason's shoulder.

With a slender figure, Ji Tianming stood up indifferently from his chair.

That moment---

Everyone felt the deadly oppression of the cold air released from the man, and it surged towards him, as if it was about to swallow everyone's fresh souls!

The old guys who were already trembling all over, seemed to be choking their throats tightly, with terrified and twisted expressions.


Ji Tianming's cold and stern eyes shifted from Karen's body, and met the woman's cold and hostile eyes, his thin lips curled slightly, and he said,

"Then, see you next time."

Then, he turned around indifferently.

"Da--da--da--", the pair of black noble leather shoes under Ji Tianming's feet stepped on the floor, making a cold and piercing sound.

Everyone looked at the back of the man leaving in horror, just when the man was about to step out of the door of the conference hall---

Karen's brown eyes glanced coldly at the ceiling above his head, flashing a trace of grimness.

With a sound of "chi bang", the dark brown door was slowly closing.

A frightened group of people strangled their throats and made a sound of phlegm coughing and vomiting. The terrible man finally left...

The door slowly closed, leaving only the last gap.

Facing him, the man's black devil-like back...


When Bai Xue saw Karen's buckled pistol, it was too late to stop it!

The specially made bullet cut through the bloody and frozen air, and shot straight and coldly towards the black shadow in the slit that was constantly covering up!

Outside the door, Ji Tianming smiled with his face turned away, coldly arrogant, mocking, and looked down upon all beings.

Sure enough, the captain of the international anti-terrorist team, this is the first time he confronted him head-on, how could he let his enemy go so easily...

When the bullet passed through the crack of the door, Bai Xue's cold eyes shrank fiercely! The chest also suddenly stopped for a second!

Vaguely saw, a black shadow flashed past like a ghost!

Outside the door, Dylan and Jason looked at each other sullenly, daring to play tricks with the boss!


At the same moment---

"Bang bang bang---"

Inside the dark brown gate, frenzied gunshots rang out suddenly and coldly!

How can it be!

Karen raised his head suddenly, watching the bullets pouring in like a rainforest, and the arrogant gunshots stimulated violently, how is it possible!

Just now, he clearly issued an order through the invisible Maicon to activate the last ultimate defense system in this conference room---X laser nano-reflective shield!

In other words, the entire underground meeting room, from the ceiling to the floor, has long been covered with an invisible shield! This is the latest combat weapon developed by their anti-terrorist team! Can withstand the most powerful bullet bombardment, even, reflect back to the enemy!

However, the crazy killings going on in the conference room, the ear-piercing gunshots...

How can it be!

In front of them, the old guys who had just taken a breath fell into a pool of blood one after another.

He stared at Karen with reluctance, as if questioning him, why did he shoot...

Outside the door, Jason cursed furiously,

"Fuck against me! I will send you all to hell!"



In the conference room, a woman's cold and urgent cry sounded!

When Karen regained consciousness in shock, Bai Xue had already thrown herself on him!

Karen felt the white snow on his body, and his body trembled slightly!

Warm blood flowed from the woman's abdomen and fell into Karen's palm.


Karen nervously called Bai Xue's name, her brown eyes stared straight at the woman's instantly pale face, and her handsome face was tingled with pain.

If it wasn't for Bai Xue, that shot would have been shot into his heart long ago!

"I'm fine."

Bai Xue clenched her teeth tightly, and a cold voice came out from between her teeth.

The cold and frenzied bullets killed all the congressmen in the meeting room.

Karen's brown eyes turned cold, and he rolled on the floor towards the meeting table with the white snow on his body, avoiding the bullets that were concentrated on them.


This planned massacre turned into a counter-siege...

Karen's grim complexion became even more hostile!

Baixue gritted her teeth, tore off her sleeve, and tied it hard to her injured abdomen, then broke away from Karen's protective body, rolled quickly on the ground, and hid together with Karen.


They would never have guessed that there are a total of six top sniper agents of Darkfire hidden above the ceiling of the underground meeting room of the Capitol!

With a sound of "bang", Karen dodged swiftly, but he had no time to pay attention to the bullets shot from behind. With a muffled grunt, Karen was shot in the right chest and left leg.

Obviously stagnant, half-kneeling and fell to the ground.


The rain of guns that came was even more violent.

Bai Xue lowered her brows coldly, the burning pain in her abdomen jerked her already slightly stagnant nerves, watching Karen under the rain of guns, her slender figure quickly slid across the floor, and raised her foot towards the half-kneeling man Kicked over, Karen was brought out of gunfire range.


The nimble figure of the woman has obviously slowed down!

The sound of gunfire, one after another, became even more frenzied...



There was a loud bang!

Not gunshots!

The expressions of Karen and Bai Xue changed in shock!

They're back again? !

The man dressed in black coldly scanned the entire bloody meeting room.

When Ji Tianming saw the hidden woman on the side of the table, the snow-white and cold uniform was stained with a large area of ​​bright red blood, like blood-red roses blooming on the snowy ground of Tianshan Mountain, burning eyes and stinging...

In an instant, the man's cold and pure black smoky eyes shrank suddenly, and the pupils were closed tightly!

The most primitive cold air from the dark world in the bottom of the eyes is raging wildly!

He raised his head sharply and scanned the sniper on the ceiling.

Seeing the killing eyes of the Fire King, the snipers all loosened the wrenches tightly held together.

But, it's too late!



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