Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 180 The Abandoned Poor Man

Tong Yingyue dumped Tang Yu and got together with a French man.

Thus, Lin Xiaoru made a decision that she had never thought about---

She is going to France! Go find Tang Yu!

Lin Xiaoru's mother is a piano teacher, so Lin Xiaoru has played the piano well since she was a child. She went to the French Academy of Arts to study piano.

that's all---

Lin Xiaoru carried the suitcase and didn't think about anything. Just such a little girl flew to France.

Of course, Lin Xiaoru's parents didn't know that, in fact, their daughter went to study abroad for a man.


When Lin Xiaoru arrived in France, after getting off the plane, after several inquiries, she found Tang Yu in a high-end private apartment outside the school.

When she rang the doorbell and the door opened, and saw the man in the room, Lin Xiaoru cried, sobbing.

The man standing inside the door is not the same as the evil ruffian Tang Shao in the Playful World, but a poor beggar who has been abandoned and lost his soul.

He was wearing a pair of floral shorts, no shoes, and stepped on the floor with bare feet.

The broken hair that is always combed handsomely and straight is like lard, and it is no longer hardened together, and the stubble on the chin has not been shaved for a long time.

Those evil eyes that couldn't express their anger with a smile were deeply sunken, and the bags under the eyes could not wait to hang on the mouth.

In the eyes, there are streaks of blood that look terrible.

His face was very pale and ugly, like a terminally ill patient.

His hands were covered with scabs of blood, which extended into the crevices of the nails...


When Lin Xiaoru walked in the door, the smell of wine filled the room, and the continuous fermentation in the closed room made people unable to help but feel their stomachs turning.

However, when Lin Xiaoru saw the situation in the entire apartment, the tears that flowed down her eyes stiffly stopped in her eyes, and she tightly covered her mouth.

Is this still a house? !

It is simply the ruins after the earthquake disaster!

Almost all the furniture was smashed!

The LCD screens of the TVs hanging on the TV wall were all broken, and the hideous cracks continued to expand, hanging crookedly.

There were broken pieces of porcelain vases all over the place, and countless empty wine bottles, beer, white, red...

There was also half a bottle of red wine that was not finished, just poured on the ground, and the red liquid flowed all over the floor, but on the off-white carpet, it was cloudy and messy.

Even the sofa in the living room was overturned and lying on the ground in a collapsed state.

Beside the sofa, there were shredded photos all over the floor, which could be vaguely seen, all of them were photos of him and Tong Yingyue.


At that time, Lin Xiaoru didn't say anything, and Tang Yu, who was drunk, didn't say anything either.

The two stood inside and outside the door and looked at each other for about two minutes. With a loud "bang", Tang Yu finally passed out and fell asleep on the ground.

Next, Lin Xiaoru worked as a snail girl in Tang Yu's apartment for a day.

Dragging the drunk man to the bathroom, with a face full of shyness, he washed Tang Yu's hair and bathed him in floral underpants.

Drag Tang Yu to the bed in the room to rest again, and then cook Tang Yu's hangover soup while starting to clean up the entire apartment after the storm.


It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and Tang Yu woke up in the room.

When he walked out of the room and saw the neat and clean living room, he looked up and saw the back of a petite and busy woman in the kitchen.

Tang Yu thought it was Tong Yingyue who came back, and shouted excitedly,


However, when Lin Xiaoru raised his head and met Tang Yu's excited eyes, the man's running steps stopped suddenly.

The evil and beautiful handsome face suddenly became cold and stern.

Lin Xiaoru looked a little scared.

Thinking about it now, Lin Xiaoru also felt that she was crazy at the time!

He didn't know who he was, so he just rushed into his house, what if he was beaten up and thrown out?

Looking at Tang Yu's pale, ugly and frighteningly cold face, Lin Xiaoru must have lost his mind, and asked,

"are you hungry?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiaoru regretted so much that she wanted to bite her tongue.

And Tang Yu, with dry and white lips, spit out a word coldly,


Then, with a loud "bang", the door slammed and left.

It seemed that the whole house was shaking.


Lin Xiaoru stared blankly at the pot of hangover soup that had been cooked in front of her, cried and laughed again.

To cry is to feel wronged.

Although Lin Xiaoru is not a rich lady like Tong Yingyue, she is also her parents' beloved daughter. For Tang Yu, she traveled all the way to France, but he drove her away without saying a word.

Laugh because I feel fortunate that Tang Yu's situation is not too bad.

Lin Xiaoru is a very serious girl, she will insist on things to the end, but also because of this, she was hurt all the way, but she endured silently all the way.

However, Lin Xiaoru was wrong again.

Tang Yu's situation is much worse than she imagined.

Tang Yu, who slammed the door and left, came back in the middle of the night, drunk again, and brought back a sexy/sensual French girl.

Lin Xiaoru was obviously frightened and ran away...

The next day, Lin Xiaoru had already arrived at the Paris airport with her luggage and was about to board the plane, but she was disappointed to get her ticket refunded.

Even if she can't love him, as a friend, she doesn't want to see such a decadent Tang Yu.

He should be a man who is arrogant and crazy about me, not like this.

So Lin Xiaoru went back to school with the suitcase.


In the following days, Lin Xiaoru only had half a day of class every day, and went to Tang Yu's apartment in the afternoon.

Continue to be an unknown snail girl, clean up the house, help him wash clothes and cook, and leave almost in the evening.

And Tang Yu, while walking away from this stupid woman who didn't know where she came from, gave her the key to her apartment.

Sleep in the apartment during the day, and become a wandering soul at night, indulging in luxurious bars and dance halls, and bringing all kinds of hot/hot and sexy foreign women back to the apartment.

The turning point of everything is on that day.


Lin Xiao left the class, because the tutor had something to look for her, so he didn't go to Tang Yu's apartment until after six o'clock in the afternoon.

Originally thought that Tang Yu would sleep until the moon went up the mountain as usual, but when she opened the door of the apartment, there was another strong smell of alcohol.

When Lin Xiaoru walked in, she saw Tang Yu sitting limply on the ground in the living room, leaning on the sofa, with a pile of empty wine bottles lying on the ground.

During this time, Lin Xiaoru has been watching.

Tang Yu has not changed at all, negative life, self-destruction.

I couldn't hold back the breath I held in my heart, and let it out!

Lin Xiaoru snatched the red wine bottle from Tang Yu's arms!

A bottle of high-concentration vodka was poured into his stomach in one gulp.


(Baby, Tutu goes to the comment area every day, sees the support of my parents, and works harder to update the code words! Guarantee six thousand to ten thousand updates! However, the parents mentioned ten chapters a day, one chapter is two thousand Words, ten chapters is 20,000..., sorry Bunny can't do it~~ woo~~)

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