Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 181 The Man Who Turned into a Demon

Lin Xiaoru snatched the red wine bottle from Tang Yu's arms!

A bottle of high-concentration vodka was poured into his stomach in one gulp.

cough cough...

To be honest, Lin Xiaoru doesn't know how to drink at all.

At that time, she would drink the whole bottle of wine, because she heard people say that drinking strengthens courage, courage...

Otherwise, Lin Xiaoru would never dare to point at Tang Yu's nose and scold,

"Tang Yu, look at yourself now!

Apart from drinking and clubbing, I just play with women every day!

Isn't it lovelorn? ! It's not dead!

I have been in love with you for four years, I don’t know how many times I have lost love,


After that, Lin Xiaoru didn't know what he said.

My head became dizzy, and I only remembered the last sentence she said,

"With your virtue, it's no wonder Tong Yingyue doesn't want you anymore!

I don't want you either! "


The drunken man who had been slumped on the ground suddenly swayed and stood up!


In the dim light--

Tang Yu's face suddenly became scary, like a devil that suddenly went mad!

The evil and beautiful handsome face became frenzied and ferocious, and his blood-red eyes stabbed at Lin Xiaoru fiercely.

Looking at it, Lin Xiaoru was terrified all over her body!

Tang Yu is like crazy!

Pinching Lin Xiaoru's shoulder tightly, Lin Xiaoru could almost hear the sound of his fingers piercing through the clothes and carving into the flesh, the shoulder bones seemed to be shattered!


Tang Yu ruthlessly pushed Lin Xiaoru against the wall, roaring crazily,

"Who do you T/M/D think you are!

Do you really think of yourself as an old woman? !

I can live as I like! I don't like it, you T/M/D get out!

Such a cheap follower from city A to France, isn't it just because she wants to be Lao Tzu's woman? !


Today I fucked/fucked you, fulfilling your wish! "

Roaring, the man's violent kisses hit Lin Xiaoru mercilessly, biting Lin Xiaoru's lips fiercely without mercy!


The sharp teeth broke the corners of her lips, and the scarlet blood cast a layer of sadness in the dim light...

Tang Yu, who had completely lost his mind, frantically tore the thin clothes on Lin Xiaoru's body.

The sound of "tearing" became more piercing and ferocious in the cold air...

Lin Xiaoru never thought that things would turn out like this!

The dizzy head suddenly woke up!

She trembled all over, but the endless sadness and despair almost swallowed her up!

This man is really crazy!

She gave up, completely gave up!


Lin Xiaoru's helpless sobs leaked from between the lips tightly sealed by the man's cold lips.

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes sadly.

Drop by drop, but it will never warm the man's cold heart...


Tang Yu's rough palms ruthlessly trampled on the body against his chest, leaving distinct fingerprints!

Started stretching towards the lower body of the woman...

Looking at Tang Yu, who was no longer the one she knew, with scarlet and ruthless eyes, just when the man was about to roughly tear off the woman's skirt---

Lin Xiaoru was so frightened that she bit the man's lip hard!

When those bloody eyes became redder, Lin Xiaoru exerted all the strength in her body, slapped hard, and slapped the man's ferocious cheek fiercely!

There was a crisp sound of "pop"! ! !

The dead air was shattered...


Lin Xiaoru was shaking like a sieve, screaming and crying, crying to the man who was stupefied by this slap,

"Tang Yu, I hate you!"

Then, Lin Xiaoru huddled tightly in her messy and torn clothes, and rushed out of the apartment in a mess of tears.

In the dim light ---

The dark figure of the man, shrouded in loneliness, is eroded by the surging ridicule and irony.

Lips stained with blood, suddenly, smiled bleakly...

Suddenly, the stiff man made a "bang"---

The tightly clenched fist smashed against the cold wall mercilessly!

The blood stained the snow-white...

The scabbed back of his hand was dripping with blood again.

But it doesn't seem to feel any pain.

The blood just dripped down between the fingers like a broken bead curtain, merging with the woman's tears...


Lin Xiaoru, who rushed out of the apartment, ran against the night wind in Paris.

Cry like a tearful man.

Looking at the torn shirt on his body, the straps of the corset have fallen off, and the pain in the shoulder is so unbearable.

Yes, what Tang Yu said is right, she herself is a criminal/bad, a criminal/bad...

Only then can I fall in love with him, the man who has no heart.

In the lonely night, Lin Xiaoru couldn't run anymore, and crouched down with her arms around her chest, crying sadly.

at this time---

There was a burst of clamoring evil/obscene laughter.

When Lin Xiaoru regained her composure, she was surrounded by foreign men.

There were black men, white men, men in their twenties all looking straight at her, smiling obscenely.

Lin Xiaoru panicked all of a sudden.

Recently, a group of unscrupulous youths appeared outside the school, and several girls in the school have already been humiliated.

Lin Xiaoru couldn't understand the language they spoke.

However, that pair of evil/obscene/obscene/obscene eyes and the dim green light made Lin Xiaoru's scalp tingle...


Lin Xiaoru stood up and wanted to run.

However, a black man grabbed her by the arm like a chicken, and clamped her shoulders!

Lin Xiaoru finally screamed out loud in fear!

It was only then that she realized that she had run aimlessly just now, and unexpectedly ran to the back of this apartment, a sparsely populated park.

Lin Xiaoru hugged her naked body tightly, struggling but couldn't move at all!

Another white man ruthlessly grabbed Lin Xiaoru's kicking thigh and kept moving up, covering the woman's noisy mouth with one hand!


In the dark of night---

In a desolate park, a group of men who were laughing lasciviously, dragged a Chinese woman in their arms, and jumped into the lush weeds.

The sound of weeds and weeds "rusting" drowned out the sobbing of the woman crying for help...


The smell of blood spread in the dark air.

Suddenly, Tang Yu, who was standing in a daze, trembled violently, his blood-red eyes had gradually faded, and his pupils constricted for a while!

There was another loud bang of "bang"!

The slammed door made a crackling sound...

The man under the shadow of the lamp had already rushed out of the apartment.


In the hidden grass, the men's dark green eyes are like salivating wolves, while teasing each other lewdly, while playfully tearing the woman's incomplete clothes...

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