In the uninhabited villa, it is a good time for Lu Zhou to entertain himself.

The new song has been unveiled, and it is time to play the role of this show.

After the large floor-to-ceiling window door of the balcony on the second floor is closed, it is a proper one-sided mirror, and you can see the outside scenery inside, but from the outside, it is a bright mirror, and you can’t see the situation inside the house.

The mirror surface is large, the field is wide, and it is really a waste of resources to use the practice room inappropriately.

Anyway, no one, idle is idle, it is better to rehearse the stage he previously designed for the song “First Love”.

Lu Zhou came to the balcony with his laptop and turned on all the lights outside.

Today, he came back and touched a violin at Pan Chengyi’s by the way.

Yes, that’s right, he had long had a hunch that when he returned to the villa, there would be no one, because everyone else was going on a date.

Someone even made two offers today!

The outside world is so exciting, and there are beautiful people around, it is impossible to come back so early on a date, right?

According to preliminary estimates, they would not be able to leave at nine.

Coupled with the fact that the program team asked everyone to come back separately, it took longer.

So Lu Zhou was very relieved to monopolize the camera in the villa, don’t worry about disturbing the people, such a good venue is much stronger than the broken rental house he rented, it is better to come to rehearsal.

The computer rests aside, turns on the accompaniment of the song “First Love”, and enters the single loop.

The violin was clamped to the shoulder and the intro melody was pulled up.

After the prelude, the song came out and the dance began.


There was a dance move, and Lu Zhou paused and did it all over again.

“The beat is slowing down.”

Start all over again.

“Excessive movements forgot…”

“Come again!”

“The card point is not very good, come again…”

“Slipped, come again…”

Over and over again.

Until he was sweating profusely, Lu Zhou finally showed the interpretation design of a song on the stage completely and coherently and without error.

“Yes! Perfect!

After success, he accepted the Ending pose, smiled with satisfaction and clenched his fist and waved it out of thin air.

In an environment without outsiders, his self-promising nature is fully revealed.

It was so hot that sweat slipped wildly from his cheeks, and he “exhaled”, lifted the hem of his T-shirt, and looked down to wipe his face.

In just a moment, he put his clothes down again, but the 360-degree HD camera managed to capture the outline of his eight-pack abs.

Of course, this scene also fell into the eyes of another person.

Lu Zhou held the computer to pause the music, took something and prepared to go back to the house to take a cool shower.

The door of the floor-to-ceiling window reopened, Lu Zhou hummed a small song and just stepped into half a step, and the moment he raised his eyes, he suddenly found that there was one more person in his field of vision.

Ye Fangfei, dressed in a hip-hop suit, had her hands in her pockets and a lollipop in her mouth, staring at him intently.

Lu Zhou: “…”

He froze.

Huh? Didn’t you go on a date? How did you come back so early… It’s unreasonable!

How long had she been watching this…

Lu Zhou suddenly remembered his rude behavior of just lifting his clothes and wiping his sweat, and he couldn’t help but flash a trace of embarrassment in his heart.

That’s it, anyway, it’s not here to engage in the object, what kind of image does it care about in the eyes of women?


Even if you think about it, it’s still a little embarrassing.

After all…… This is the first time the two have seen each other since Lu Zhou rubbed her traffic last night…

“You…” Ye Fangfei raised his hand to take away the lollipop in his mouth, and his beautiful thin eyebrows raised lightly, “It’s a little interesting.”

Lu Zhou was slightly stunned for a moment, thinking that she was praising him, or was she ironing about something?

For a while, I couldn’t understand the true meaning of her words.

But he was sure that she should have seen everything that should be seen and what should not be seen.

Lu Zhou stepped in, a smile curled at the corner of his lips, and asked, “What do you mean?”

Ye Fangfei: “Literally.

The two looked at each other in silence, and suddenly they both smiled.

“What about tongue twisters?” Lu Zhou said with a smile.

Ye Fangfei picked up the lollipop in her hand and looked towards the balcony and said, “I just watched your rehearsal, and suddenly I have a new inspiration for what I want to play on my new stage.

“In this case, can I be lucky enough to be nominated by you on stage again?” The corners of Lu Zhou’s lips were in an upward arc, and he joked.

“Huh?” Ye Fangfei didn’t react to what he was referring to at the moment, showing a puzzled look, and the next moment she suddenly realized what he meant.

He was referring to the fact that she had taken him with her yesterday.

Ye Fangfei smiled, “Your ambition is not small.”

“Just kidding.” Lu Zhou stood up, raised his lips and smiled, and said sincerely: “In this life, I am fortunate to let Senior Ye send me such a big wave of traffic gifts in Doule, I am already grateful to Dade, where do I dare to think of anything else.”

Not mentioning a single sentence about releasing a new song, but the words are all hinting at last night’s song-releasing behavior.

Ye Fangfei heard the gratitude and apology in his words.

In fact, Lu Zhou didn’t say hello to use traffic to post songs, and she didn’t mind.

“Senior Ye…” Ye Fangfei stuffed the lollipop back into his mouth and said vaguely: “I don’t like this title, call me old.”

When Lu Zhou heard this, a bright smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Don’t say, although the two don’t get along much, I have to say that Lu Zhou likes Ye Fangfei’s free-spiritedness.

“Did you just rehearse the first stage show of your new song?” Ye Fangfei asked.

“Forget it, I don’t know where the first stage is, so I practice and play on my own whim.”

“Who designed it for you?” Ye Fangfei was curious.

“Myself…” ”

…,” Ye Fangfei raised her eyebrows, “You really do everything yourself?”

The corners of Lu Zhou’s mouth trembled, poor, no way.

“Is there something bad? Pointing? He asked.

“It’s very good, there is a small detail that can be optimized, personally I feel that when dancing, the expression can be a little greener, first love…” Ye Fangfei said meaningfully.

“Makes sense.”

Lu Zhou nodded and really listened.

Just finished dancing, covered in sweat, standing in front of Ye Fangfei and chatting for so long, Lu Zhou felt somewhat uncomfortable.

“Talk back, I’ll go clean up first.”

Lu Zhou was holding the computer and musical instrument and was about to go back to the bedroom, but Ye Fangfei stopped him, pointed to the violin in his hand and asked, “Can you borrow me to play with this?”

“Of course.” Lu Zhou handed the violin over.

Ye Fangfei took the piano with a serious face, and his eyes were all on it.

Lu Zhou still had some expectations, but he was dirty, so he stopped staying and turned around and went back to his room. When I was taking a shower, I

suddenly heard a strange and strange piano sound outside, like I was playing some great compassion spell, and at first glance it didn’t sound like …

This…… Is it the sound of his violin pulling out?

Lu Zhou couldn’t help but laugh so much that his stomach hurt, and he almost slipped on the soles of his feet without standing firmly, and almost didn’t fall on all fours.

Ye Fangfei touched the piano just now, look, Lu Zhou thought she was a big guy, and it turned out to be a proper novice!

No wonder she said with a curious face, “Borrow me to play”, it turns out that it is really playing…

Lu Zhou took a shower and changed into clean clothes and returned to the living room.

Ye Fangfei was still pulling her “Xian Le” in a similar way, Lu Zhou approached and said with a smile: “The master made a move!”

Ye Fangfei held back a smile, stopped playing the piano, looked up at him, blinked the beautiful and charming peach blossom eyes, and asked: “Is this really the piano you just played?” Did you drop the package? I

somehow thought it was a little cute.

He took the violin in her hand with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, “What do you want to hear?”

Ye Fangfei lay on the back of the sofa, rolled her dark eyes, and a few seconds later, she said, “Lose You Now? Will you?

Lu Zhou didn’t respond, directly put the violin on his left shoulder, and in the next second, the smooth sound of the piano echoed melodiously in the villa.

Ye Fangfei hooked her lips and smiled.

“I wish I could remenber every second we had…”

She sang along lowly.

When Li Jiayan came back, he happened to see this scene.

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