What’s the situation, how did they stay together?

Ye Fangfei chose Lu Zhou for a date?!

This thought flashed in Li Jiayan’s heart.

They were intoxicated with music, and Lu Zhou looked at Ye Fangfei with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he played the piano seriously, elegant and handsome.

Ye Fangfei sang in a low voice under the sound of his piano.

Handsome men and beautiful women, this picture is too harmonious.

The mouth of his heart seemed to be pricked by something, and with a strange feeling, Li Jiayan approached quietly and slowly.

Lu Zhou noticed her appearance, turned his eyes to look at her, there was no strange expression, but the smile at the corner of his mouth was more obvious, as a greeting.

When a song ended, he put down his violin.

Li Jiayan smiled and applauded on the side, “It’s so good, you two are so interesting.”

Ye Fangfei originally sat with her back to her, not knowing that someone was coming, but suddenly she was frightened when she heard the voice, looked back, and then said hello with a smile.

“The three who know music are back, just enough to make a band.” She joked.

“Are you so energetic?” Li Jiayan rubbed her neck, her face showed a sense of exhaustion, and said: “I have to go back to the room to lie down, I’m a little tired.”

She declined, not wanting to participate in what Ye Fangfei said about “band activities.”

Or to be precise, it should be that at the moment she is inexplicably a little gambling, she doesn’t understand why, and she herself can’t understand why this happened.

It was probably troubled by Lu Zhou’s new song “First Love” last night, she had already put it down, but a song made her pull back a lot of past memories, and she inexplicably felt more affinity for Lu Zhou in her heart.

When they were in love, he had never played the violin for her, but he had just played the violin for another woman so affectionately.

Well, to be honest, it feels really weird.

Li Jiayan went back to her room.

Ye Fangfei was also a little tired, chatted with Lu Zhou about music for a while, and then went back to the room to lie down and rest.

The order in which the other guests came back was Xu Junze, Wen Yiming, Chu Yao, Qi Jiajia and Zhang Chen.

Chu Yao walked in in a cheongsam, which attracted everyone’s attention.

“Yaoyao, you can do this today!” Wen Yiming’s eyes lit up, and he did not hesitate to praise.

Xu Junze secretly looked at Chu Yao, and his heart was particularly unpleasant.

It can be seen that she attaches great importance to this date today.

Where did she take the other party for an appointment? Wouldn’t it be to go where they’ve been? Seeing that her mood seems to be quite high, today’s dating experience is good, right? What did you do?

This show is really abrasive.

Zhang Chen, who was the last to return, was full of exhaustion, and seemed to be telling everyone with his mental outlook that he had made two appointments today and was exhausted.

Lu Zhou was the only candidate who didn’t date today, but he seemed relaxed.

At this stage, he can now relax his mentality and don’t care if anyone is paying attention to him, nor who his ex is watching.

He seems to be an outsider, but he suddenly realizes that being too far away from the show game may be detrimental to his exposure at that time. Love show, come here and don’t

want to get back together, and don’t take the initiative to approach other girls, maybe his footage will be edited out a lot by then.

It seems that it is still necessary to appropriately enhance the sense of participation, since it is here, try to find a way to earn more traffic.

At half past ten in the evening, all the guests were asked to gather in the living room. Each other has different thoughts, some people are looking at the face of the ex, some are reviewing the details of today’s date, some are cluering the

emotions of the opponent, some are guessing who the ex has dating, some people empty themselves…

A few minutes later, everyone received a text message from the program team:

[The former anonymous chat room has been opened.]

Tonight, each person can ask the ex of a guest of the opposite sex the three questions you care about most.

The person being questioned cannot refuse to answer.

You have half an hour to think, please send the name of the guest of the opposite sex you want to choose to this number within the specified time limit.

If you don’t have the opposite sex you want to know more about, you can give up this opportunity to ask questions.

Half an hour later, invite all guests to the rooftop chat room.

After the new task of the program was issued, everyone present showed their own surprised looks.

Tonight, it’s no longer a bedtime text game?

Ask your ex three questions anonymously? Still can’t say no?

This is kind of exciting. Time ticked

, and half an hour soon arrived.

Everyone went up to the top floor together.

To tell the truth, I have been coming to this show for so long, the roof door has been locked, and no one has ever gone up.

I didn’t expect that the above was actually this use.

On the rooftop, all the guests were placed in separate spaces with a table and chairs, equipped with a computer, and the computer interface was the login interface of a social communication software.

After entering, close the door and wait for a while, and the program team issued separate account passwords to the guests.

Room 1:

Ye Fangfei sat in front of the computer and found that after logging in to her account, there were a total of two contacts in her friend list, nicknamed: Ask Your Object – No. 1 and Ask Your Object – No. 2.

She raised her eyebrows with interest, oh, it seems that Zhang Chen is quite popular?

That’s a good thing.

She smiled, her fingers playing with her hair, her eyes staring at the screen, lazily waiting for the two girls on the other side who didn’t know who was about to question her.

It didn’t take long for the avatar of “Ask Your Subject-No. 1” to light up, apparently online.


The other party sent a soft and cute emoji over.

Ye Fangfei thought it was a little funny, and also ordered a similar emoji and sent it back. No. 1: [

Then I’m welcome, if the question is offensive, I hope you will forgive me]

Ye Fangfei: [Ask it]

No. 1: [Why did you break up with him?]

Ye Fangfei stared at this question and fell into a moment of silence.

Hey, I thought I would ask something new, and the result was similar to the interview with the program team?

Ah, boring.

Ye Fangfei began to type expressionlessly: [His this one, not for me] No. 1: [

This way]

No. 1: [Can you tell me what aspects are not suitable?]

Ye Fangfei: [Specific?] The main thing is that we can’t talk together, the three views don’t quite fit]

No. 1: [Do you think he wants to get back together with Ling?]

This last question is a bit cleverly asked.

Ye Fangfei raised his eyebrows, telling the truth: [He thinks, I don’t want to] No. 1: [Understood] No. 1: [

I’m done asking, thank you for your cooperation~]

Ye Fangfei: [You’re welcome]

Then No. 1’s avatar turned gray and white, and she went offline.

Before long, “Ask Your Subject-2” went live.

No. 2: [Hello]

Ye Fangfei: […]

Ye Fangfei: [They’ve been living together for a few days, so they don’t have to be so rusty] No. 2: [


No. 2: [Are you ready?]

Ye Fangfei: [Come on]

No. 2: [A little curious, how long have you been talking to him?] Ye Fangfei: [Three days] No. 2: [

shocked .gif]

No. 2: [Three days?!

Ye Fangfei: [Yes] No

. 2 seemed shocked by this information, and it took a long time before sending the next question.

No. 2: [I heard that you broke up because you thought he was bored, and after so many days together on the show, do you think he has become interesting?]

Ye Fangfei raised her eyebrows, it seems that this was a chat with Zhang Chen about her in advance?

It’s kind of interesting, the questioning style of No. 2 and No. 1 is a little different.

Ye Fangfei answered truthfully: [No]

No. 2: [Do you think he cares if his girlfriend and him are in charge?]


Ye Fangfei’s good-looking eyebrows couldn’t help but move again, this question is really interesting.

The other party seems to have some thoughts about his family situation?

She was smart and used the words “you think.”

Ye Fangfei pondered for a moment and replied: [I think he cares, but to be honest, I don’t know much about him] No. 2: [Okay] No. 2: [

Thank you for your sincere answer] Ye Fangfei

: [It should]

In this way, Ye Fangfei completed tonight’s anonymous secret conversation task.

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