Room 2.

Xu Junze sat in front of the computer, the lighting in the room was a little dim, I don’t know if it was intentional by the program team, using this lighting to create a sense of atmosphere that was convenient for prying into secrets.

The lights on the computer are dazzling. After logging in to the

chat account provided to him by the program group, he found that there was only one contact in the friend list, the note was named “Who you want to ask a question”, the avatar was dark, and it was not online.

The name of the opposite sex he sent to the program group tonight is – Qi Jiajia.

Everyone settled in the cottage and got along together for so many days, and they all had their own basic judgments about who and who had been a couple.

Therefore, the “object you want to ask questions” lying in the friend list, Xu Junze probably knows who it is.

There is only one person on the friends list, which means that there are no other male guests to ask him tonight.

Thinking of this, his eyebrows moved slightly, what does this mean? So far, his ex-girlfriend hasn’t really walked into the hearts of other men?

The corners of his lips showed an irrepressible upward arc.

But this image was captured in the camera, and the photographer behind the scenes thought that he was holding back the question he was about to ask.

The voice of a friend coming online sounds, and the avatar of “Who you want to ask a question” lights up.

Xu Junze clicked on the chat box and waited for the program group to issue instructions to ask questions.

And at this moment, in room 4.

Wen Yiming had just logged into his account and found two contacts lying in his friends list, “Who you want to ask questions” and “Who to ask you”.

He frowned lightly, feeling a hint of surprise.

Someone is going to ask him a question?

Good guy, it seems that today’s date, Qi Jiajia made a good impression? There was a

strange feeling of discomfort in his heart, this feeling that made him know that the woman who once belonged to him was remembered by other men, which was really unpleasant. Although there is nothing to do with breaking up,

and Wen Yiming has never liked to eat back grass, but to be honest, they didn’t break up for a long time… At this moment, in the face of this occasion, it is difficult to feel unhappy at all.

Just as Wen Yiming was stunned, new news came in.

The other person: [What was the reason for your breakup?]

Seeing this question, Wen Yiming frowned again.

Come up and get straight to the point? Who’s on the other side?

Who did Qi Jiajia meet with today?

Reasons for breaking up… Wen Yiming licked his gums secretly, thinking about how to organize his words.

The real reason is actually that Qi Jiajia often suspects that he has other women outside, checks his mobile phone every third and fifth, and once caught something for her that should not be seen, and directly exploded on the spot.

That time, it was a female student in the advanced class he led, and the conditions were good in all aspects, and after attending several fitness classes, she had a good impression of him, and often sent messages to provoke him after class. Due to the customer relationship, he did not

explicitly refuse the other party, but he did not accept, Qi Jiajia found out and couldn’t stand it, saying that he was raising fish and scolding him for the dead sea king.

Then the two quarreled endlessly over the matter.

Wen Yiming felt that she was too insecure, making such a mess every day, tired to death, simply parted, and comfortable with each other.

Qi Jiajia said that he is the attribute of the sea king, see which beautiful girl has glowing eyes, raises fish every day, sooner or later one day splits his legs, it is his dog who can’t change to eat, she will be insecure, it’s all his fault.

After arguing and arguing, the two fell out.

Thinking back on this, Wen Yiming couldn’t help but sigh softly.

He can’t always say this to the outside world, otherwise when the show is broadcast, the Internet trolls will teach him to be a person.

Wen Yiming pursed his lips and thought about it, and replied on the keyboard: [The reason for the breakup, I actually mentioned it in the previous recording, is that she is a girl who needs a high sense of security, and I can’t meet the security she wants]

The other party: [Who mentioned the breakup first?]

Wen Yiming: [I can’t say who mentioned it, it means what they mean together]

The other party: [I heard that you broke up for half a year, do you still miss her now?]

Wen Yiming paused for a few seconds before replying: [No.] The other party

: [Okay, thank you, I’m done asking]

After speaking, the other party went offline.

Wen Yiming was inexplicably a little in a trance, but for him, he didn’t actually output much new information.

He also needed to ask someone about Ye Fangfei’s predecessor.

So I stopped dwelling about my ex and began to think about what I wanted to ask later.


Room 3.

Li Jiayan sat in front of the computer thoughtfully, she had just finished asking the person she wanted to ask, it can be said that she has completed tonight’s task, and is waiting for the program group to notify her to leave.

Yes, no other girls were going to ask her questions.

When she returned to the cabin tonight, she bumped into a scene where Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei got along harmoniously, and she thought that she should be asked once tonight.

It didn’t.

But this phenomenon is not surprising.

Human nature is complex, and sometimes it is really impossible to guess what a person is thinking. For example, when she was

dating Zhang Chen today, when the two flew kites together, to be honest, she herself had a moment when her heart was racing, and if her intuition was not wrong, she could also sense that the other party also had a good impression of herself at that time.

But just after she finished asking Zhang Chen’s ex, she got new information.

He wants to get back together with his ex.

This information made her heart complicated. The

man who thinks about his ex… Well……


Room 5.

Chu Yao supported her chin with one hand, and the other hand touched the keys on the keyboard back and forth to play.

She had already finished asking questions, and the information she obtained made her feel bad at the moment, which invisibly caused a blow.

Today’s date with Zhang Chen, how to say, is basically in the ambiguous stage, right?

He hugged her as a princess!

But from the information provided by his predecessor, Zhang Chen is a man who cares about the right door.

Her family is not good, and her achievements today are completely spelled out by her own efforts.

Under the show, she once asked an insider in the circle to inquire about Zhang Chen’s situation, and finally learned about his family background strength.

To tell the truth, her family situation is not enough to see in front of his family.

Is it difficult for the head Internet celebrity to be a rich second generation?

Not difficult.

But if you want to get married as the goal of getting married to the rich second generation of Zhang Chen’s level, it is not the same thing to achieve a class jump.

Chu Yao stared at the computer screen. There

was also a contact lying on the friends list with the note “Ask you who” so someone was interested in her ex today.

Her heart seemed to be being gnawed by ants, but she tried to ignore the feeling.

Since you choose not to look back, there is no need to care anymore.

Look ahead.

Chu Yao told herself.

A new message alert sounds, and the other party is online. The other party: [Hi]

Chu Yao: [Hi]

The other party: [Then I will start asking unceremoniously?]

Chu Yao: [Well, ask]

The other party: [How long have you been talking to him?] ]

Chu Yao: [I don’t know each other for a long time, if I officially fall in love, it’s about two years] The other party: [


The other party: [How long has it been since the breakup?]

Chu Yao: [One year]

The other party: [Why don’t you want to get back together with him?] Can you elaborate?

The last question made Chu Yao frown lightly.

What do you mean? The other party already knows that she doesn’t want to get back together with Xu Junze? What did he tell her himself? A sense of speechlessness rose in her heart, and Chu Yao

adjusted her emotions for a while before typing the words: [

I don’t want to mix career and love together, easy to produce contradictions]

After this string of words came out, Chu Yao hesitated for a while, and finally deleted it, and typed a paragraph again and sent it over:

[There is a conflict in their career views, which is not suitable]

In this regard, she no longer added.

The other party seemed to have been waiting for her to send another message, and after waiting for a while, he sent a “thank you” over.

Tonight’s task was finally completed, Chu Yao let out a long sigh.

At the same time, in Room 7, Qi Jiajia looked at the chat records displayed on the computer screen, a little puzzled.

What about a detailed chat? The result is 11 words perfunctory.


After talking for two years and breaking up for a year, the man still wants to get back together, and the woman doesn’t plan to get back together.

Qi Jiajia secretly felt that their breakup should be more than just a conflict of “career views”.

There is no one else in the chat list, and Qi Jiajia can already go offline and wait for the program withdrawal instructions.

Hehe, she was inexplicably a little happy.

Wen Yiming prodded this and that in the show every day, and now there is not a girl who wants to know him better, haha! She wanted to laugh out loud!

Room 6. Zhang Chen sat in front of the computer, staring at “Ask Your Object – No. 1″ and ”

Ask Your Object – No. 2″ on the contact list of the chat software, and was in a very unhappy mood.

When he was about to send the name of the female guest he wanted to know tonight, Zhang Chen very skinily sent Ye Fangfei’s name to the program group.

The program team gave him an ellipsis back.

In the end, he chose no one.

He has a bottom line in his heart, and before cooking mature rice with Ye Fangfei raw rice, some red lines must not be touched.

He can’t show in this link that he wants to know more about other women! Isn’t that stepping on a thunder?

The character he wants to set up now is: Look, even though they are all obsessed with me, I have lived in a thousand flowers, and I only love Ling.

But what Zhang Chen never expected was that there were two men in this cabin who were so bold in coveting his ex-girlfriend!

In the chat list, the avatar of No. 1 lit up first, I don’t know who is on the other side, Zhang Chen is waiting for the other party to ask a question with a cold face.

No. 1: [What are Fang Fei’s daily hobbies?]

This question made Zhang Chen think for a while.

Daily hobbies? He also wants to know!

Zhang Chen thought about it and replied: [Singing and dancing]

This answer probably surprised the other party, and then gave him an ellipsis.

No. 1: [You said this is similar to not saying it, say more] Zhang Chen

: [Others are not clear]

The other party seems to have fallen silent again, probably feeling that Zhang Chen is perfunctory to him.

But he didn’t, he was telling the truth.

Soon, the next question came in.

No. 1: [What kind of boy do you think she likes]

Zhang Chen: [I think she likes me like this, do you believe it?] If I really knew what she liked, we wouldn’t break up]

No. 1 sent a dumbfounded expression.

Number 1: [Then can I discard the previous question and ask a new one?]

Zhang Chen: [Can’t]

No. 1: […]

Zhang Chen: [You have one last question]

No. 1: [Do you think you are as compatible as her?]

This question directly made Zhang Chen blackface.

What, who the hell is on the other side?!

Zhang Chen angrily knocked down the reply: [It must be as worthy as you]

The other party received this reply, stunned, and quickly explained:

[I… There is no other meaning, if it offends you, sorry]

Zhang Chen was too lazy to reply to this silly fork thing.

Contact number 1 is offline, and number 2 is next.

Zhang Chen has been frantically guessing who the other party will be.

The question asked by No. 1 made him quite upset, and I hope that No. 2 will not be such a nasty again.


Room 8.

Lu Zhou was logging into his account, and when he went on, he found that there was only one contact. No one is going to ask

him, but he is going to ask someone.

This person is Zhang Chen.

That’s right, he sent the words “Ye Fangfei” to the program group tonight.

Originally, he planned to send a “none”, but then he thought about it, he couldn’t not actively participate every time, for the sake of the camera, he still had to do some gimmicks.

In the end, he decided to tease roommate Zhang Chen.

Of course, in principle, among the four female guests, he is also Ye Fangfei who has the most favorable impression.

However, his mind is not focused on the feelings of men and women now, and naturally he does not take this good feeling seriously.

What’s the best question?

Lu Zhou tilted his head and thought for a while.

Well…… Zhang Chen, who wants to get back together, and Ye Fangfei, who loves to ignore it. After brushing

it off, Lu Zhou suddenly counted the questions he was going to ask.

[After so many days in the cabin, how many bedtime texts has she sent you?]

Lu Zhou sent this sentence to the other party.

Not long after, Zhang Chen on the opposite side replied: [1]

Lu Zhou stared at this reply, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but float a smile.

[What do you think was the most attractive thing about her when you were together?]

He sent another question that he had thought of in advance.

The other party: [Qian]

When Lu Zhou saw this word, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Originally, he planned to ask these two questions and not ask them, after all, there was nothing special he wanted to ask.

But suddenly seeing Zhang Chen’s reply, he asked on a whim, and asked more: [

Is she short of money]

This question may have made the other party fall into thought, and it took a while to send the answer:

[There is no lack…]

Lu Zhou was even more amused, and thought: Then you can get back together and have ghosts.

He typed the end: [I’m done asking, bye-bye]

After sending the message, he clicked offline, inexplicably felt that this link was a little fun, the stimulation of anonymous gossip, the program group understood.

At this time, Zhang Chen, who had just finished asking questions in room 6, had a fire in his heart.

Who is this “Ask Your Subject-2”?!

One question after another looks nothing special, but it is invisible!

Three questions alert the dreamer, in addition to his good family and a lot of money, does he have any special shining points in Ye Fangfei’s eyes?

I’m afraid not.

Maybe in her eyes, she even felt that he was gnawing on his father’s old book, but he couldn’t do anything famous.

So, what “you are too boring” is an excuse? She was actually just looking down on his strength?

Gan, he seems to have found the problem!

Just, how to solve it?


At the end of the anonymous chat room session, all the guests exited their rooms and returned downstairs to free time.

Mutual acquaintance, I don’t know who talked to whom and what information the ex revealed.

But obviously, after everyone came out of the chat room, they all seemed to become a little heavy-minded.

And at this time… What the eight guests in the cabin didn’t know was that tonight, in addition to their heavy minds, the program director team had even heavier minds.

Because today, for some reason, the two major investors suddenly cared about the progress of the program and came over to ask to watch the separate recording clips of Ye Fangfei and Zhang Chen.

After reading it, the faces of the two major investors were not beautiful.

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