Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1279: , Energy gun!

And immediately after getting the gun, Zhang Xiang felt a sense of flesh and blood. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because it was a weapon constructed with his own data, how could there be no connection?

Therefore, after getting it, Zhang Xiang can immediately use it.

The model referenced by Zhang Xiang's weapon is nothing but the R2000 toy soldier he is currently studying.

Of course, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing energy, he also made many changes for this.

The final shape will become that look.

"So good, let's start!" Zhang Xiang in reality took a deep breath and increased his computational output.

At the same time, after Zhang Xiang strengthened his computing power, that extra huge computing power was incorporated into the long spear, and a large amount of data began to be transformed from the void, converging toward the long spear. go with.

A little bit of colorful light began to condense in it, making the energy in it more and more powerful.

At the same time, the virtual computer carried by the energy spear itself began to calculate data.

"Correct the positive angle 03, increase the energy output rate by 60, take the scattered data links in the void into consideration, start to correct the formula, the formula is successfully corrected, and start to adjust the energy output. It is expected that the energy peak will be reached in three seconds..." The mechanical voice sounded in Zhang Xiang's ear.

That is the result of calculation after Zhang Xiang's differentiated computing power was poured into the virtual computer.

This made Zhang Xiang slightly surprised.

Because, he never felt that things built in a virtual space could actually be used. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, when thinking of the virtual world he is currently in, it is better to have his virtual body that is forcibly condensed.

Such things may happen, so is it not a matter of course to be able to use virtual computers in a virtual world?

Not to mention, in reality, someone has already proposed it.

If the carrier of calculation is virtual and has sufficient computing power, is it possible to have the same capabilities as real computers, and related experiments have been conducted for this.

Although this proved to be an argument in that world.

But what about in a different world?

You know, the laws of different worlds are different!

Thinking of this, the light in Zhang Xiang's eyes brightened.

‘If that’s the case, can I create more things in this virtual world? As long as it is something you can imagine, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little excited.

If such a thing can really be achieved, then many experiments can be carried out in the virtual world.

However, Zhang Xiang only moved his heart for a while, and then gathered his spirit into the energy gun in his hand.

At this moment, the mechanical voice counted down to the end: the word "0".

Afterwards, Zhang Xiang, who was in the virtual world, felt a slight shocking force, waved on his shoulders.

Then, the suction power of the data stream that was originally absorbed in a large amount also began to gradually become smaller.

However, a colorful light suddenly burst out from the muzzle that was tens of meters long.

That dazzling colorful light formed a beam of colorful light that was close to one hundred meters long and surrounded by a large number of fast-scrolling data chains. At a speed close to the speed of light, it instantly bombarded the huge data. Above the egg.

During this process, no matter it was the data torrent that was blocked in this colorful beam of light, or the library wall that had not completely dissipated, floating in the air, there was no sound. It has been completely erased from this world by that colorful light.

Yes, completely erased.

It's like the positive and negative matter cancel each other out, everything in an instant, the extremely dense data energy is destroyed into dissipated energy and shattered.

Then, if it was an unstoppable beam of colorful energy, it could be regarded as bombarding the data egg.

At this time, Zhang Xiang can be regarded as a comparison.

The beam of colorful energy that was hundreds of meters wide, when it hit the colorful data egg, it didn't even reach one-tenth of the area of ​​the egg, but it hit a part of it. That's it.

However, that has already achieved Zhang Xiang's goal.

Because, under the bombardment of the colorful beam of light, a huge hole was suddenly opened on the data egg that shone with dazzling light, and it directly penetrated through it.

Through those specially adjusted eyes, Zhang Xiang could see the figure contained in the data egg, and the left half of his body was directly erased.

Then, the colorful beam of light continued to penetrate the other side of the data egg and disappeared into the void.

"Did you succeed?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he looked at the scene in front of him.

But at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang felt the existential threat, but it didn't decrease in any way, but increased even more.

And, in the next instant it increased to the highest point.

Zhang Xiang could only follow the instinctive reaction, and quickly dodged to one side, and then he felt that his right half of his body seemed to be wiped away by something.

‘Then, it seems to be something invisible...’ Zhang Xiang meditated in his heart.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at his right body.

Then, a scene that shocked him so much appeared.

The right half of his body has disappeared without a trace without knowing when.

Even he didn't even react.

A huge gap appeared between his right chest and right hand, and everything in between disappeared cleanly.

At this time, the torrent of hundreds of billions and trillions of data at the gap began to wander in the gap, trying to repair the gap that suddenly appeared.

"This, how is this possible!" There was horror in Zhang Xiang's eyes!

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