Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1280: , Overclocking status!

"There is such a strange attack, even if you can't even notice it, you have already been attacked!" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself with horror in his eyes.

Then, he looked in the direction of the data egg.

Because, in such an empty virtual space, there are only those in that direction, possessing such an attack ability.

Not surprisingly, Zhang Xiang saw that in the endless void, it was like two monsters that swallowed everything wandering by.

A beam of colorful light emitted by Zhang Xiang swept all the exposed passages, which was more than 100 meters in diameter.

The other one was pierced by something unknown, and its diameter was close to eighty meters.

Through this trace, Zhang Xiang can be sure that the nameless attack was released from the Digi Egg.

But at this moment, the dazzling light of the digital egg suddenly converged, and the whole became extremely dark, as if it had truly become a black hole that swallowed everything.

When Zhang Xiang's conjecture became reality in the next moment.

Just after the body of the Digi Egg suddenly turned into an extremely dark existence, the torrent of data that had been steadily swallowed seemed to have been pulled by a strong suction, and countless data flows crumbled towards it. Transferred in a data egg.

And what reflected in reality was that all computers controlled by the supercomputer "Prophet" instantly entered an overclocking state, squeezing out all their potential.

Of course, along with the rapid loss of computer electrical components in reality. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, what is even more powerful is to count the continuously soaring temperature, which has soared from one Baidu to two Baidu, and then continues to soar to more than 300 degrees.

If the temperature soared to such an extent in normal times, the computer's automatic protection program would have been activated and shut down the computer.

But don't forget, those computers are now under the control of supercomputers, and the programs in them have been quietly manipulated by an unknown data stream, causing some changes.

Because even if the temperature of the CPU and memory has soared to more than 300 degrees, even the advanced computer can't resist it, the automatic shutdown protection mechanism is not activated.

In the case, there was a burning smell quickly, and the red light visible to the naked eye came.

"No, how could this happen."

"Turn it off, turn it off quickly, don't burn it out!"

"Unplug the power, quickly unplug the power!"


Countless roars, as well as frustrated panics, sounded in the research institutes scattered across dozens of states and major companies on this night.

But in the end, there are very few people who can think of unplugging the power supply and can do it in time to keep the computer.

More computers burned out suddenly when those people thought of this, or wanted to do this.

Some computers even started a raging fire, and the entire motherboard was burned down.

And these small and medium-sized supercomputers, as well as high-level mainframes, have become so miserable, but the four supercomputers have also fallen into an overclocking state.

A large amount of electric current was absorbed by the four supercomputers like drinking water. The electric meter outside the laboratory was rotating at the speed of a second, almost turning into an afterimage.

You know, supercomputers are big consumers of electricity, and the amount of some supercomputers in a day can be equivalent to the amount of a small town in a year.

The faster those supercomputers operate, the more power they consume.

The greater the power consumption, the more current flows through the host, which makes it generate higher heat.

It was when the digital egg turned into a dark state and began to swallow it desperately like a gluttonous food.

The four supercomputers in reality have also entered the overclocking state at the same time. It is like a flood that can instantly paralyze the data torrent of a small town (approximately 500 trillion times per second), just from the four hosts In the midst of pouring into the nest, he went into that virtual world.

But at the same time, the harsh alarm sounded at the same time.

The cooling system specially allocated to supercomputers also turned on a red light.

It can be seen to the naked eye that a large amount of steam is evaporating from the condensate, and some small bubbles are constantly emerging from between the processors that are close to the supercomputer, showing how high the temperature in that place is.

"No, it's not good, the supercomputer has entered a highly depleted overclocking state..."

"It's not good, the condensing system began to appear abnormal, the temperature of the processor began to approach the alert state. The condensate also began to consume a lot, if the condensate is consumed clean. Then, the entire supercomputer will burn out...!"

The controller who was monitoring the temperature system turned his head hurriedly and shouted at the laboratory supervisor who came over.

"How is it possible! Our laboratory uses the most advanced cooling device, and is equipped with backup condensate that can be used for at least one month. How can it be consumed so quickly?!" The blond laboratory director old man, An expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

And looking at the person in charge of the laboratory, the monitoring personnel also ignored other things, and dragged him to the monitor in the room where the condensing device was monitored.

"Look for yourself!" An anxious expression appeared on the face of the monitoring personnel.

I saw that in the room where the condensing device was in the monitor, it was completely covered by a cloud of white mist.

But don't get me wrong, it's not something else, it's not the mist of winter morning, it's real steam.

The room that was originally equipped with a condensing device was now occupied by the high-temperature steam evaporated from the condensate.

"How, how is it possible, the condensate is specially configured. The temperature is less than three hundred degrees, and it is impossible to evaporate, how is it possible..." The blond-eyed laboratory director showed horror in his eyes...

On the screen of the monitoring facility nearby, a red light flashed indicating danger.

Moreover, the condensate storage capacity is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye...

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