Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 101: , The arrival of Frieza!

And soon, with the soldiers divided into four groups, the dragon **** on the planet Namek began to be collected one by one. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

It was just a few hours. Under the search of the Dragon Ball Radar, the five Dragon Balls had already fallen into the hands of Wukong and others.

However, it is at this time.

I don't know when Vegeta had already sneaked into Namek, and attacked Klin and the others, and grabbed the two dragon **** that they had so hard to get into their hands.

He even captured Gohan and Buma as hostages, and wanted to take them as hostages to get Dragon Ball back from the hands of Wukong and Xiaoyang.

Klin was severely injured and fell into a large lake.

Fortunately, he was helped by a Namek who passed by, otherwise he would drown.

Afterwards, Vegeta succeeded in getting another Dragon Ball from Goku's hands with Gohan and Buma.

However, when Vegeta wanted to replay the old tricks from Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang in exchange for Dragon Ball, the situation was at a deadlock.

Although Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang were on this path, they had a lot of affection with Gohan and others.

However, don't forget, they are Saiyans, who are keen to fight and rarely talk about family affection.

Saiyans are usually hard to be threatened.

Unless, it is possible that someone who is important to you is taken away.

Obviously, Gohan and Buma have not yet reached the point where they can identify as the most important person.

Therefore, the situation is at a deadlock.

But Wukong was caught in the middle, caught in a dilemma.

He wanted to shoot at Vegeta and save Gohan and Buma, but he couldn't guarantee that his shot would surely save them both.

As for being threatened by Vegeta, he shot against Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang.

Not to mention that it is impossible to play, even if it is played, it is a solution to both losses.

At which point, isn't it just letting Vegeta do whatever he wants?

He hasn't been naive yet, thinking that Vegeta will not kill them, who have been hit hard.

In this case, not only did it fail to save Gohan and the others, but he would also let himself in.

However, even though Wukong knew this, in the end he made a choice when Vegeta's qigong cannon penetrated Gohan's shoulder.

"Stop, I'll be in alliance with you!"

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and agreed to alliance with Vegeta.

It was when Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang no longer showed their cool looks, and when the elves came and looked at each other, they were ready to take action.

At this moment, a spaceship flew past the sky.

An evil air instantly enveloped the planet, causing everyone present to sink into a chill.

In this situation, Vegeta didn't know what she had sensed. She gritted her teeth and threw Gohan and the cloth code down, and flew away with the dragon ball alone.

But Wukong quickly rushed over and picked up Gohan and Boma.

Then, after he apologized to Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, he also rushed to the distance.

"Sister, what should I do?" Xiao Yang, who had recovered a cold expression on his face, asked Xiao Guang, who was acting as the sister today.

However, listening to Xiao Yang's words, Xiao Guang did not give him a good face.

"How do I know?" Xiao Guang felt the evil air, and couldn't help but give Xiao Yang a white look.

"Otherwise, we will follow Father's instructions. We will avoid Frieza and wait for him to arrive?" Xiao Yang continued to ask Xiaoguang with a cold face.

However, this sentence of his was in exchange for Xiao Guang's another roll of eyes.

"If you really think so, would you still ask me? If you really want to follow the instructions of your father, you should pull me now and persuade me not to be impulsive and not to do any weird things. Come, take me away. Don't think that you are really cold when you pretend to be cold. I am your sister, and I know that you are just pretending to be cold and fooling others. Half of the things we made on the spacecraft were your idea. Last time you didn’t sneak into the spacecraft’s engine room to study a condensation experiment. The engine almost overheated and exploded, making us all Drifting in space. After the incident, you succeeded in getting rid of this incident with this cold look. Do you think I didn't know..." Xiao Guang gave Xiao Yang a blank look again.

And these words of Xiao Guang made Xiao Guang coughing unceasingly.

"Ahem...Image, don't talk about it, my image is almost gone." Xiaoyang lightly coughed twice, preventing Xiaoguang from breaking the news further.

"I broke the news here, and no one heard it. What are you afraid of? And, don't want me to continue to break the news, don't talk about some of these things. Just tell your thoughts. But, no You said, I think your careful thinking should be similar to mine, right?" Xiaoguang's mouth showed a hint of warfare, and said as he looked at Frieza's spacecraft that was gradually approaching this planet.

At this moment, the image of the quirky spirit was completely eliminated from her body, and all she had was the kind of warfare that belonged to the Saiyan who was also eager to try.

"Of course, try to get rid of Frieza! Although Father said that our strength is still at a distance from Frieza. However, I still want to try." Xiaoyang also took the coldness on his face. When he got up, the same familiar fighting spirit emerged from his face.

"Yeah, I don't believe that with the strength of the two of us, he can't be defeated. Moreover, as far as the combat power we feel now, even if it hides most of the power. It is not a big deal. As long as you kill it, even if it violates Father's order, I believe Father will not mind! Even, he might praise us!" Xiaoguang said with an excited expression on his face.

"Then, let's go, sister!" Along with the fall of Xiao Yang's voice, an incomparably strong anger erupted from his body.

"Let's go!" Xiao Guang also greeted him, bursting out a strong qi from his body, and rushed toward Frieza along with Xiao Yang.

Suddenly, two rays of light flashed across the sky and flew in the direction of the Frieza spacecraft.

Feeling this, whether it was Vegeta who had just buried the Dragon Ball, or Wukong, who had just escaped half the distance with Gohan and Boma, before reaching the point where Klin fell into the water, his expression couldn't help but change.

"The fluctuations of these two auras still have a direction. Do they want to challenge the master of that evil aura?" Wukong's face suddenly changed, and he said in disbelief.

As for Vegeta, her face changed even more.

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