Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 102: ,This unscientific!

"The two Saiyans... want to go to death? No, their anger is gradually improving. Look. Yarn and Chinese Net, do they think they can beat Frieza!?" Vegeta felt the other two The direction in which the personality moved, could not help but change his face.

Vegeta doesn't have the slightest affection for Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, and she wants to kill them.

After all, he still vividly remembered things on earth.

In full view, he was knocked down by a Saiyan child, and the title of "Prince Saiyan" was taken by him without authorization. This was a shame and shame in his life.

However, feeling the rising air of Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, which was about to be comparable to the current Frieza, Vegeta hesitated.

Does he continue to run away, hide, find the opportunity to **** the seven dragon balls, make a wish to gain the strength to defeat Frieza and eternal life, or to return secretly now to see if he can find the opportunity to give Frieza to Kill.

In the case of the previous one, under Frieza's interference, he felt that the success rate was minimal.

In the latter case, as far as the current situation is concerned, the success rate has soared from minimal to a certain success rate.

But undoubtedly, if he fails, he will definitely end up with death.

These two choices made him feel difficult to choose for a while.

However, he finally chose the latter option.

The extermination and destruction of the planet Vegeta, as well as the hatred that has been lurking under Frieza for some years, once he has the hope of defeating Frieza, it has begun to continue to emerge, making him wish to rush to fight Frieza now. Lisha was torn into pieces.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, he hid his anger and rushed towards the place where Frieza was about to land, relying on his flesh to circuitously.

And at this moment, the light of two bright Qigong cannons flashed in the sky, which penetrated tens of thousands of meters in an instant, and directly penetrated the flagship of Frieza. Up. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Suddenly, a violent explosion exploded in the air.

However, it is undoubtedly impossible to rely on the explosion of this spaceship to kill Frieza.

Immediately before the explosion, several figures in succession had already rushed out of the exploding fireworks, floating in the air.

And the guy surrounded by the crowd was Frieza no doubt.

And beside him, only Shang Bo and others remained.

The guy with a combat power of less than 10,000 was already blown to pieces in the sudden explosion.

"Who is it?!" Chambeau, who was floating beside Frieza, looked around with an ugly expression.

As for Frieza floating in the middle, the fierce light in his eyes is becoming more and more prosperous, just like the essence.

"Find it for me!" Frieza said furiously.

On his right hand, the wine glass he was holding and gently shaking in his hand was squeezed by him abruptly, and the wine-red slurry splashed out to the surroundings, as bright as blood.

However, he hadn't waited until his voice fell.

Two figures in a row already appeared in front of them.

"No need to look for it, we are here!" The two rays of light stayed in front of Frieza and the others, revealing the two figures of Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang.

And seeing that unscrupulously appeared in front of him, it looked like Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang were just two children.

The tyranny in Frieza's eyes was even worse, and his right hand couldn't help clenching even more.

Then, he let go of his right hand, letting the glass powder that was crushed by his great force into a powder, the wine-red wine mixed with wine floated towards the place, just like the powder of human bones.

"Okay, very good! Are they two Saiyan cubs?! At the beginning, you didn't stand and wipe out the roots. It seems that it is a good decision now! Finally, someone made me angry again!" Frieza A cold smile appeared on his face, and his tyrannical eyes glanced over the two tails behind Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang, and the tyrannical eyes were even more intense.

A stronger evil aura erupted from his body.

And looking at the furious gesture of King Frieza who had never seen it before, Shang Bo and others couldn't help but feel a shock in secret.

"Master Frieza, let me help you kill these two Saiyan cubs!" Shang Bo, the most powerful in the field, asked Frieza to fight.

However, listening to Chambord's words, Frieza stretched out his right hand.

"No, this time, I'm going to play in person. Solving the remnants of the Saiyan, but it's a very exciting thing!" Frisana's cold look like a poisonous snake appeared in Xiao Yang and Xiao Guang Glanced at his body.

However, hearing this, Xiao Yang, who usually looks very cold, but in fact is a very violent boy, can't help it.

"Fuck you shit! There are so many words, if you want to fight, fight for me to die!" Xiao Yang actually rushed out directly, instantly shortening the distance between the two by hundreds of meters. Arrived in front of Frieza.

And seeing Xiao Yang rushing over, Shang Bo and others couldn't help showing shocked expressions on their faces.

Because that one is too fast.

In addition, they remembered Frieza's order just now, but the body that was going to act just moved and couldn't help but stagnate.

As for Frieza sitting in the ball suspension, he didn't pay attention to Xiao Yang's impact at all.

"Do you want to attack me at such a speed?" Looking at the little Yang who was close to him, Frieza's face showed a bloodthirsty smile and stretched out his right hand. Blocked in front of Xiao Yang's fist.

He seemed to have seen Xiao Yang's fist blocked by him, and then he slapped Xiao Yang's head with a slap.

It's just that at this moment, he saw that the corners of Xiao Yang's mouth were also curled up.

'wrong! Frieza suddenly felt wrong.

At the same time, Xiao Yang's figure suddenly disappeared, and at the speed that Shang Bo and others could not catch the figure, he came to Frieza's back.

"Hmph, get me down!" Xiaoyang's body swiftly spun, but he slammed the whip leg from top to bottom, and directly bombarded Frieza's head.

The powerful breath collided with each other in an instant.

Even faintly, there were still threads of thunder and lightning bursting out.

But unfortunately, the qi that Frieza temporarily mobilized was too late to resist Xiao Yang's sudden blow.


Frieza's figure directly penetrated the ball suspension, and then burst into a pile of scattered fragments, while Frieza's figure directly turned into a white afterimage, and bombarded the number below. In the big lake a hundred meters away, it runs directly below the bottom of the lake.

A huge gap appeared above the lake.

It was like a hole in the middle of the jelly.

The waves caused by the powerful force waved in all directions, impacted out of the big lake, and submerged hundreds of meters away.

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