Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 148: , The Galaxy Net project!

"If you say that, wouldn't it be possible to destroy this place?" Xiao Yang asked with some surprise. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Of course not. When the energy intensity exceeds a certain range, it will still be destroyed. However, although it is the core here, being destroyed will not have much impact on this metal planet. Because, the whole A planet is the whole part of its life form." Zhang Xiang explained to Xiao Yang.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang frowned suddenly.

"No. How could something like this happen to the earth?" Zhang Xiang showed a surprised expression on his face.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the faces of Xiaoyang and Xiaoguang also showed curiosity.

However, Zhang Xiang did not explain to them.

"Well, the crisis of the new planet Vegeta is over. It's time for you to go back and lead the restoration project. What happened this time is too weird, you should better not get involved." Zhang Xiang said to them. .

Then, before they could react, they put their hands on their shoulders and teleported them back to the planet Vegeta.

"It seems that it is really a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain! However, I just don't know what the purpose of the other party is behind the scenes! I don't know this, but it is really troublesome!" Zhang Xiang fumbled his chin and frowned slightly. Said.

However, he did not think about how long before he made a decision.

"If this is the case, then I will put all these things out of the other party's budget and put it out. In this case, the other party will definitely make a mistake due to the plan, or speed up the process, or leave!" Zhang Xiang made a decision.

After that, he suddenly moved for an instant and left Bi Gaoxing.

And in an unknown place inside Bigao Xing, Broly is also constantly roaring, bursting out of his potential, bursting out a continuously powerful aura.

However, every time a stronger breath comes out, the energy in his body will be absorbed in an instant. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

You know, this is a bigo star that has undergone many transformations and added a human energy absorbing device, not the one in the original work that was exploded by the Monkey King and Vegeta’s Super Saiyan’s power. An exploded waste planet.

After adjustments by Zhang Xiang and many scientists, this planet has become a planet that can evolve itself.

Although, this planet could evolve on its own before then.

But it didn't choose a good direction, and the speed was super slow.

However, after Zhang Xiang's transformation, this planet has become a planet that can approach infinite evolution as long as it has a large amount of energy supply.

Okay, let's turn our attention to Zhang Xiang's body.

After an instant movement, Zhang Xiang reappeared in Dr. Gro's secret base.

However, now this secret base has been razed to the ground.

Only a huge valley was left, there were metal fragments scattered on the ground, and a large number of broken objects.

As for the Sharu that was originally erected in the middle, it has completely disappeared.

A few smoke floated from the scorched ground.

"It disappeared completely, and the traces have been wiped out?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly and said.

Yes, the reason why Zhang Xiang came back to Earth was that his men reported to him that Sharu had suddenly disappeared.

So he hurried back and saw the scene in front of him.

However, this is not the only thing that makes Zhang Xiang frown.

The reason for his frown was that his stagnant loop device that enveloped the world not only couldn't find Sharu, but was already in a semi-paralyzed state.

This is strange!

——The global stagnation loop has already been eroded by lifelessness.

‘I have already discovered the stagnant loop devices that I monitor around the world, so I ran into the places where the damaged stagnant loop devices cannot be found?

It seems that the black hand behind the scenes has already known the stagnant loop I arranged.

Otherwise, the other party will not deliberately destroy a part of my suspended loop to put in those devices that release poisonous gas. I also used death air to erode some of the stagnant loop devices, so I couldn't find out how Sharu escaped, and where he escaped.

Moreover, Broly's sudden appearance on the planet of New Vegeta should be to draw my attention, so that I can't worry about Sharu's side!

But what is so special about Sharu?

Although he has surpassed Broly in terms of combat effectiveness, he is far behind Broly in terms of potential.

If you plan to trouble me and kill me, wouldn't it be better to let Sharu attract my attention, and let Broly's combat power soar to the extreme, then let him find me revenge?

Could it be that even Sharu is just a cover? ! ? ’

Zhang Xiang felt that his brain was about to become a ball.

However, he didn't hesitate anymore.

Because he had already planned it long ago. Since he can't guess the other party's plan, let's completely disrupt the other party's plan!

"Saru, I don't believe how deep you can hide! When I find you, I will squeeze you with one hand!" A fierce light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Immediately, his mental power emerged like a tide, and directly diffused towards the entire planet with his place as the center.

Moreover, even two kilometers above the ground are not let go!

He didn't believe it anymore, he used such a carpet search method and couldn't find the other party.

However, Zhang Xiang was very shocked.

His carpet-style mental power scan turned out to be unable to find the other side.

"How is this possible!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flickered constantly, and various possibilities emerged in his mind.

Only at this time.

The ‘ding’ sound appeared in Zhang Xiang’s mind, bringing Zhang Xiang back to his mind.

That was a message sent back from the distant star of Bigao.

The content of the message is: "The energy storage is already ready, and the'Galactic Net Project' can be launched at any time!"

The so-called'Galactic Network Project' was a plan proposed by Zhang Xiang before he came to Earth.

The specific content is to build a connecting point on each planet in the galaxy to form a monitoring network covering the entire galaxy to monitor the status of the entire galaxy.

However, due to the fact that the time of the plan was calculated based on a hundred years, as well as problems with energy and computing power, this plan was temporarily shelved.

However, most of these were resolved after Zhang Xiang found Bi Gaoxing and conquered Frieza's forces.

The points that were originally planned to be placed on each planet were mostly resolved within three years using Frieza and Zhang Xiang's forces.

The problem of computing power can be taken care of by the Earth’s photon computer and the distant high star at the same time.

As for the problem of energy, most of it was solved when the permanent energy furnace was obtained. After the huge human energy of Broly was obtained, it was even more abundant.

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