Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 149: , Enveloped the Milky Way!

After all, the whole plan is only the moment when the connection is initiated, and it needs the energy that can break through the entire galaxy. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

As for maintenance, it doesn't need much energy.

"It seems that this one was prepared in advance, and it was the right choice." Zhang Xiang let out a light breath, adjusting himself from a nervous state to a calm posture.

"Then, start it! The Milky Way Web!" Zhang Xiang gave orders to Bi Gaoxing's mastermind.

But at the next moment, I don't know how many light-years away it is above the high star.

Unknown lines began to appear on the surface of the bi high star, covering the entire bi high star inside.

In that endless void, it's like the entire planet has become a big light bulb.

Then, at the moment when the light was extremely bright.


A dazzling light burst out suddenly, turning into a huge light net covering the entire void, expanding towards the top, bottom, left, and right, as if to envelope the entire world in this light net.

After that, it seemed to have surpassed the speed of light.

A little bit of light began to shine brightly from above a large number of stars in the Milky Way, lasing into the sky and connected with that huge light network.

In that instant, relying on the two-way connection between the two sides.

That line of light has already enveloped the earth, which is not known many light years away.

And a dazzling light also burst into the sky from a special building on the earth, passing through the reflections of four special satellites placed in low-Earth orbit towards the lines extending from a passing optical network. Connected.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang closed his eyes slightly.

He connected his spiritual power to that ray of light, and through this light net, he diffused his will toward the entire galaxy, sweeping the direction of the light net.

In his field of vision, like a bird's eye view, most of the planets in the Milky Way are under his surveillance range.

However, Zhang Xiang felt a little pity.

That was because of lack of preparation. This huge light that should have enveloped the entire Milky Way galaxy and brought it all into his control, but there are many edges that cannot be touched.

However, Zhang Xiang felt most concerned about three places.

One is a star field out of infinite darkness, where it seems that there is infinite sword energy and darkness sweeping and swallowing, blocking one of the rays of light passing through.

In the other place, Zhang Xiang has already been the hidden star field where the old and new humans were migrated since he noticed something wrong a few years ago.

In his perception, this place where he originally sent someone to monitor, turned out to be a big change when he didn't know it.

It was supposed to be in a hidden state, a hidden star field that could not be monitored by the naked eye or instruments, but at this time an illusory figure was exposed.

It's just that the entire void is in a state of gravitational instability, sometimes the gravity becomes zero, sometimes the gravity becomes tens of millions of times, and everything that has fallen into that place is torn into pieces.

His device originally placed inside the hidden star field was also unexpectedly affected by the unstable gravity at the moment of successful connection, and it exploded directly.

As for whether it was accidental or not, Zhang Xiang knew it all.

As for the third place, it was a planet shrouded in mysterious power, and light passed on this planet as if it would never reach it.

Of course, in addition to these three most dazzling places, there are actually many blind spots that have not been taken care of.

However, this is also sufficient.

Because, the entire planet in the Milky Way where living creatures basically live is already shrouded in this big net.

After reaching the edge of the Milky Way, this web of light, which does not distinguish between up, down, left, and right, had to stop advancing, and began to circuitously connect the planets in the border area, forming the real envelope of the entire Milky Way. The big net forms an energy loop, so that the energy stored by the higher stars no longer disappears in geometric multiples.

Instead, it began to tend to be stable, even in a state of non-consuming.

And in this process, Zhang Xiang's consciousness is also accompanied by the place where the optical network reaches, scanning all the data into his brain.

Seeing that in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy, countless planets and matter collide and explode, constantly forming new planets and matter;

Watching black holes and black holes collide with each other to form a larger black hole, or directly trigger an infinite big bang, directly sweeping everything in;

Watching the numerous hot torrents in the center of the Milky Way collide with each other, bursting out infinite rays of light;

Of course, apart from these, Zhang Xiang also monitored the edge of the Milky Way. Numerous meteorites were floating around the entire Milky Way. Many meteorites were thrown out, and many meteorites were pulled in.

Of course, at the edge of the galaxy, there is more of an endless void.

There is nothing, everything is dark, making people feel a feeling of palpitations.

All of this made Zhang Xiang, who overlooked this Milky Way for the first time, felt like obsessed with it.

However, Zhang Xiang did not forget the business.

"It turns out that it is not on the earth, but on another planet?" Zhang Xiang suddenly realized.

Because he caught the breath of Sharu on a special planet in a galaxy far away from the solar system in the late stage of self-destruction of stars.

Moreover, not only the breath of Sharu, but even the breath of Monkey King and others are on it.

More importantly, he felt the death air of the omnipresent resentment on that planet.

"Is the enemy's nest? No wonder I didn't feel the figure of Monkey King and others before!" Zhang Xiang's gaze suddenly condensed, as if he had seen the scene in that star field after tens of thousands of light years.

After that, Zhang Xiang suddenly moved for an instant, moving towards the planet where the enemy was.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang already appeared above this planet.

This is a planet with a lot of spaceships and planet fragments falling down. The whole planet is filled with a breath of death, without any light shining in.

On this planet, there were six or seven figures flashing, in a state of fierce battle.

After a closer look, Zhang Xiang discovered that Monkey King, Vegeta, Monkey King, Tenanques, and Piccolo had all arrived.

It's just that Piccolo's strength surprised Zhang Xiang.

"Is it already fused with the gods?" Zhang Xiang was a little surprised to feel that Piccolo was close to the fighting power of Super Saiyan II. He couldn't help being a little surprised.

However, even if they have four Super Saiyans and one Super Namek on the offensive, they are still at a disadvantage.

Not only because their opponent is Sharu, but also because the resentment monsters are stronger than any of them, but also because there are endless weird monsters on this planet in the dark mist. Coming out of the huge crack of this dead planet, he launched a suicide attack on Monkey King and others.

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