Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 154: , The trap in the trap!

However, looking at that happening in the planet, almost the whole planet is about to disintegrate and explode.

Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

"It seems that the resistance of the core part is stronger than I thought!" Zhang Xiang completely ignored the stunned Sharu, and because of his energy bombs, there were already countless volcanoes. Triggered, the earth began to break apart, and the entire planet's sections were already broken into countless pieces, and countless mountains and valleys appeared in such a moment as a dead planet.

However, Silent Planet could not express the neglected anger in his heart, but Sharu did feel that his anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Dare to underestimate me, let me die!" Sharu, who was extremely angry, turned into a flash of lightning, and came to Zhang Xiang's face instantly.

"Blast punch!" Sharu took a deep breath, and his body suddenly swelled.

At the same time, his strength and speed skyrocketed several times in an instant, and his right fist directly bombarded Zhang Xiang's head with a purple-green flash.

However, Zhang Xiang only frowned slightly.

He leaned directly to the side, already avoiding the punch that Sharu would have to hit.

"What?!" A hint of shock flashed in Sharu's eyes.

However, soon, he adjusted his emotions, and his body suddenly turned around in midair.

"Moguanguang kills the cannon!"

A penetrating light cannon shot directly in the direction where Zhang Xiang dodged.

And this time, Zhang Xiang didn't know if he couldn't hide, he didn't want to hide.

He raised his right hand, **** exploded with a sharp breath, and directly slammed into the magic light killing cannon, causing a skyrocketing explosion.

Only in that moment.

Sharu suddenly gritted his teeth and forcibly exploded his ultimate strength, causing his original soaring aura to increase by a large amount.

With this strength, he actually forcibly separated two other clones.

"Hell Rocket!"

A Sharu flew to the left, and two dark balls, which were gathered by high-strength energy, directly bombarded both sides of Zhang Xiang.

As for the other Sharu, it flew into the sky.

"Death bomb!"

A pitch-black energy ball appeared on his right finger, directly absorbing most of the power in his body, and soaring into a death bomb with the size of several kilometers, directly towards Zhang Xiang below. Blasted away.

But at this moment, a voice rang.

"Really annoying!"

And along with this sound, there were three very bright golden slashes that were thousands of meters long.

A slash from Zhang Xiang's left side directly swallowed the two dark balls, and cut off the Sharu avatar on the left, causing his body to slowly disappear into the air.

The other one penetrated directly toward the sky, directly piercing the death bomb that could easily destroy the planet, and the bright golden yellow sharp aura directly sent the avatar of Sharu in the sky to the splitting element level. The presence.

And the last one was naturally cut down from the front of Zhang Xiang directly toward the front.

An infinitely sharp aura came out from this golden slash, directly tore the Sharu in front of him into two halves from the middle, and the dead planet behind him was also smashed in that instant. Cut in half.

The full sword aura even slashed the pitch-black cage behind Sharu into a long crack.

Coupled with the other two slashes from left to right, and directly penetrated to the sky, the entire pitch-black cage was directly chopped into pieces and suddenly collapsed.

"How, how could it be...this, so fast..." Before Sharu's words were finished, his body suddenly split into two halves and fell downward.

And behind him, the dead planet that was cut in half by Zhang Xiang was also slowly split into two halves.

Exposing its central area, the dark round egg with a diameter of several kilometers and enveloping the entire resentment wave energy amplification device is using this device to grow a more powerful body.

In addition, in the sound of "click", this round egg with a diameter of several kilometers split directly into two halves from the middle.

And that one of the most important resentment wave energy amplification device also broke into countless fragments in an instant.

An unwilling roar was passed from this giant egg.

That was the final roar of the unformed resentful monster.

However, at this moment.

An extremely peaceful and huge consciousness, but in such a moment, it came to this planet that was split into two halves.

To be precise, he landed on the black mist of resentment that was cut in half by Zhang Xiang.

At the same time, the boundless black mist of resentment began to roll, quickly gathered together, and directly gathered in a certain direction.

Looking around, it was Sharu's body that was cut in half by Zhang Xiang.

The boundless black mist emerged into his body, quickly mending his body, and the aura in his body began to show a triple jump.

However, watching this scene, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile instead.

"Is it finally put on?! Let's break out, Jian Qi!" Zhang Xiang shook hands in that direction suddenly.

In the next instant, when Zhang Xiang cut off Sharu's body, the sword energy he deliberately hid in the opponent's body suddenly exploded.

Under the eruption of the boundless golden yellow, even the place where the boundless black mist surged was rendered golden yellow.

Zhang Xiang had long expected that if the opponent's body of the resentful monster was destroyed by him, he would definitely find a suitable body nearby.

And in this place, the most suitable object is undoubtedly Sharu's remains.

Therefore, at the moment when Zhang Xiang cut off Sharu's body, he was already able to hide his sword aura in the opponent's body, waiting for the explosion.

Otherwise, with Sharu's terrifying self-healing ability, how could he be killed by Zhang Xiang with a single sword!

The reason is that the sword qi hidden in his body is constantly preventing his regeneration.

"You, very good." A calm thought passed from the black mist that was constantly rolling and shining with golden sword aura.

It seemed that Nasharu's body was suddenly destroyed, as expected by the other party.

"What to pretend! What's even better! Give me another burst!" Zhang Xiang closed his hand in the direction of the black mist, and then controlled the golden sword aura and suddenly changed one direction. Turns out to want to pierce the black mist.

"It's useless!" The calm consciousness delivered the news again.

However, on Zhang Xiang's sneer face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Do you think my back is this one? Wrong, this one is just something that draws your attention. Give me a burst, vitality bomb!" Zhang Xiang directly shouted out his moves.

At the same time, the golden-yellow energy bullet that was shot into Sharu's body by Zhang Xiang a long time ago suddenly cracked and opened, revealing an infinitely active kind of light...

No one reminded me that the two chapters were in the wrong place. . .

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