Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 155: , Vitality bomb!

The infinite light burst out suddenly, which belonged to the power of the massive vitality contained in the vitality bullet.

From a distance, it looks like dawn.

Countless rays of light are revealed from the black fog of infinite darkness, dissolving the infinite darkness.

That is the vitality bullet that symbolizes the positive power, dissolving the black mist of resentment in the dark side.

At this moment, the other party's calm consciousness finally revealed a trace of emotion.

"Awesome!" the other party said in plain words.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a look of disdain.

"Don't pretend to be forced! You should deal with the explosion of the vitality bullet first!" Zhang Xiangxu directly pinched the vitality bullet in the direction of it to let it explode with the final strength.

The infinite bright blue and white light suddenly became violent, trying to completely submerge the darkness.

However, at this moment, the other party finally began to show his ability.

An aura full of sharp darkness burst out suddenly, and the black mist that controlled the resentment suddenly turned into countless dark sword auras, and it turned out to be the power of the vitality bullet that began to counter and suppress.

The strength of the vitality bullet full of light was gradually wiped out into nothingness amidst the flying and dancing of countless dark sword energy.

It was just a few seconds, and the vitality bomb that could have wiped out the black mist of resentment had already disappeared completely.

In the same place, only the pitch-black mist is still rolling.

Although, the volume of this black fog has changed from covering the sky to only a few hundred meters in diameter.

However, the quality has increased a lot.

"This force is very good, it is specifically used to restrain me. However, your heart is not pure enough to control this force well, and I found the flaw." The other party seemed to be talking. The incomparable things are ordinary, said slowly.

"Moreover, as long as there is a cell left in the carrier, I can make it become a suitable carrier again." At the moment when his voice fell.

In the black mist rolling, some of the remaining cells of Sharu's body unexpectedly began to roll quickly, and under the perfusion of dark resentment power, they directly grew into Sharu's appearance.

This was a blood rebirth in a sense.

Although, this is in the original work, Sharu also did it.

However, it was based on the fact that the core cells of his brain were still alive and had not even been completely eliminated before they could be repaired.

But now that what happened before Zhang Xiang's eyes, the other party could easily be reborn after passing through an ordinary cell.

This is not a level of existence at all.

Because this is something that involves the soul.

I am afraid that if the other party wants it, even if the body is completely destroyed, it can be reborn in the body of other creatures.

At the same time, the infinite black mist instilled into his body, allowing his breath to stop firmly at the top of Super Saiyan II.

"Although the power of the carrier has been consumed a lot. However, it is enough to eliminate you. And this star field is temporarily blocked by the power that I descended on, accept your fate of death." Sharu, no, it should not be right now It was said that it was Sharu, but the unknown being raised his hand, and a long sword formed by the dark mist of resentment already appeared in the opponent's hand.

As if to swallow everything in the general dark aura, he rushed towards Zhang Xiang.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang discovered that this star field was already on the edge of death, and the surrounding area was enveloped by an inexplicable darkness, and the light from the outside world was completely isolated.

However, in the face of such a crisis, and the dark sword of resentment that was only a few hundred meters away from him, Zhang Xiang laughed.

"Haha... so far, haven't you noticed yet? Who is it that is sniping whom? Who is in a disadvantaged situation?" Zhang Xiang laughed, but his breath began to skyrocket rapidly, steady. The ground passed now Sharu's side.

It seems to have surpassed the level of Super Saiyan II and reached the level of Super Saiyan III.

However, his appearance has not changed in any way.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words,'Sharu' finally showed a slightly surprised expression.

"It turns out that you suppressed so much power? It's a good idea, but the plan is linked to each other. However, do you think that the surface combat power is everything? When you reach a certain point, the surface combat power is no longer important. Yes. Even if your battle surpassed me dozens of times, you won’t be my opponent.”'Saru' raised his right hand, and the dark sword of resentment pointed towards Zhang Xiang. With a distant wave.

Obviously not much power burst out, but an indescribable darkness has already enveloped the direction the sword is pointing.

In this direction, a planet that was originally near this broken dead planet was cut off from the middle silently, and the indescribable darkness melted everything.

However, at this moment, the golden light suddenly bloomed.

The soundlessness erased all the deep darkness and was blocked by a layer of golden light.

Zhang Xiang was enveloped in a layer of golden light that was different from that of Super Saiyan, and his right fist swung out fiercely, followed by void slashes filled with deep darkness and containing countless sharp resentment auras. Come together.

"What?!" Surprise flashed in the eyes of'Saru' for the first time.

"Do you think that the realm of gods, I haven't arrived in these three years?! Let's take a look at my real Big Beng Mie Fist!" Zhang Xiang's right hand suddenly shrank back, and then looked there. At the moment when the missing pitch black resentment slash had not had time to move on, his right fist slammed out again.


This time, his right fist was wrapped in golden light and really bombarded the space.

It was no longer the same as before. The cracks were just the scene where the air was suppressed by the high-intensity force and then shattered.

I saw that his right fist really penetrated the space and plunged directly into the void.

A spatial shock that was invisible to the naked eye suddenly burst out from in front of him, and rushed towards the surroundings.

And the sharp slash of the pitch-black resentment that was invisible in front of him was directly broken into nothingness.

And this powerful force that pierced through space caused an unimaginable change in this star field that was about to die.

The planet that originally surrounded the dying star suddenly broke free from the interference of the star's gravitational force and converged directly in the direction of Zhang Xiang and others.

That is the phenomenon caused by the space being penetrated and the surrounding space flowing back and repairing in this direction.

Moreover, a planet that originally orbited the nearest planet actually hit the dying star.

This time, it's incredible!

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